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81. Der Galaxiesurfer Das Feld Zuwachs zeigt den durchschnittlichen Punktezuwachs pro Tag! Alle Spielerin deren Namen serenus- vorkommt. System, Name, Punkte, Zuwachs, Daten vom. http://www.suddenstrike-edit.4players.de:1088/cgi-bin/gw.pl?spieler&Serenus |
82. Matematikçiler serenus. serenus, baska yazarlarin yazmis oldugu eserleri yorumlamasiyla ünlenmisolmakla beraber kendisine ait matematik çalismalari da vardir. http://www.sanalmatematik.com/d/m93.html | |
83. 3d_Pt_2d to be worshipped of the ignorant sort of men, as appeareth by the Epistle that Gregory,the first of that name Bishop of Rome, did write to serenus, Bishop of http://www.divide.net/tbc/sdg/SAW/Homilies_Griffiths/Book_2/02_3dpt2.htm | |
84. Northvegr - History Of The Lombards Chapter XXXIII. In these days then, when the patriarch Peter was dead,serenus undertook the government of the church of Aquileia. http://www.northvegr.org/lore/langobard/040.html | |
85. Männliche Hauptnamen Mit S Translate this page serenus. Herkunftssprache Lateinisch. Bedeutung/Herkunft der Glückliche.Wörter serenus=heiter, glücklich. Weibliche Form Serena. http://www.kunigunde.ch/HMS.htm | |
86. Quintus Serenus Liber Medicinalis Translate this page Quintus serenus Liber Medicinalis. Titre Quintus serenus Liber Medicinalis.Rubriques Auteurs Chantraine C. The Causses of Shaffer Le Limier http://www.my-rubriques-spectacle.com/Quintus-Serenus-Liber-Medicina-2130404030. | |
87. Jan Kapr - Czech Contemporary Composer (19141988), Prague, Czech Republic. Biography and selected works from the Czech Music Information Project.Category Arts Music Composition Composers Contemporary K...... 01100; Concertino for clarinet and chamber ensemble (vcl, pf, percussions),(1975), Schirmer, r serenus 01500; Concerto for accordion http://www.musica.cz/comp/kapr.htm | |
88. DPhA S Translate this page 52, SERENIANUS, 53, serenus, 54, serenus (AELIUS RE 137?), APOMNEMONEUMATA. 55,serenus (ANNAEUS -), DEDIC. DE SENEQUE. 56, serenus D'ANTINOE (?), MATHEM. http://upr_76.vjf.cnrs.fr/Instruments_travail/Dict_philosophes/DPhA_S.html | |
89. Ancestry Message Boards - Message [ Amend ] serenus E. AMEND. Author Janet Amend, Date 30 Oct 2001 1219 AM GMT. Lookingfor serenus E. Amend born about 1868. Probably in Crawford County, Kansas. http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec/message/an/surnames.amend/38 | |
90. Dr. Faustus Translate this page Mai 1943 beginnt serenus Zeitblom mit der Niederschrift der Biographie seines Jugendfreundesund Musikers Adrian Leverkühn, der zwei Jahre zuvor gestorben ist http://www.zum.de/Faecher/D/BW/gym/faust/drfaustus.htm | |
91. THE TRALLEIS ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROJECT names which occur in nominative and genitive forms both in Greek and Latin, includenames such as Doron, Hermes, Phoibos, Matreos, Aineas, Epaphras and serenus http://www.byegm.gov.tr/yayinlarimiz/NEWSPOT/2000/Sep-Oct/N21.htm | |
92. SERENADE serenata, Lat. serenus, bright; the Italian term being applied, partly by confusionwith serus, late, and partly through the use of Serenacf. Gr. http://5.1911encyclopedia.org/S/SE/SERENADE.htm | |
93. Kostenlose Handylogos, Ruftöne, Klingeltöne Für Dein Nokia, Sagem Handy Translate this page Startseite Handylogos Klingeltöne Bildmitteilungen Coole Sprüche Mitglieder.12352, 12353, 12354, 12355, 12356. 12357, 12358, 12359, 12360, 12361. Suche. http://www.aid.co.at/ilove.php?name=Serenus&nummer=6165 |
94. Historische Romane - L serenus, histoire d'un martyr. Paris Lemerre, 1886 In serenus,histoire d'un martyr. serenus London Selwyn Blount, 1920 Engl. Übers. http://home.t-online.de/home/Stefan.Cramme/hr_l.html | |
95. LESELUST: Thomas Mann - Doktor Faustus http://www.die-leselust.de/buch/mann001.htm | |
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