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Sierpinski Waclaw: more books (43) |
61. Number Theory $99.95. sierpinski, waclaw. 250 Problems in Elementary Number Theory. sierpinski,waclaw and Schinzel, Andrzej. Elementary Theory of Numbers, 2nd Eng. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/NumberTheory.html | |
62. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On March 17, 1999 S Seidel, Philipp Ludwig von (18211896) Short biography and references.sierpinski, waclaw (1882-1969) Short biography and references. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new990317.html | |
63. History Of Astronomy: Persons (S) Math.). sierpinski, waclaw (18821969) Short biography and references(MacTutor Hist. Math.). Sigüenza y Gongora, Carlos de (1645 http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_s.html | |
64. Sierpinskitree Info Window WHAT IS IT? The fractal that this model produces was discoveredby the great Polish mathematician waclaw sierpinski in 1916. http://ccl.northwestern.edu/cm/models/sierpinskitree/info.html |
65. Sierpinski Translate this page como Triângulo de sierpinski. Foi descoberto em 1917 pelo matemáticopolaco waclaw sierpinski. Tem várias propriedades curiosas http://www.mat.uc.pt/~jaimecs/matelem/sierp.html | |
66. The Cushman Network - Fractals other pioneers in this area, such as Georg Cantor (1872), Giuseppe Peano (1890),David Hilbert (1891), Helge von Koch (1904), waclaw sierpinski(1916), Gaston http://the.cushman.net/projects/fractals/ | |
67. Digital Doodles - The Sierpinski Gasket random process that produces order without any type of selection. The sierpinskiGasket was developed by the Polish mathematician waclaw sierpinski (18821969 http://www.nmsr.org/digdudle.htm | |
68. Eagle Bookshop - View Bookshelf sierpinski, P. 250 PROBLEMS IN ELEMENTARY NUMBER THEORY, 1970, £14.00,sierpinski, waclaw, ELEMENTARY THEORY OF NUMBERS, 1987, £25.00, http://www.eaglebookshop.co.uk/Maths/Algebra/The Number Theory and Systems Books | |
69. The U Of MT -- Mansfield Library LangFing French Pt. 50 Paris RID agr10-383 ITEM fre02130 512.81 sierpinski, waclaw,1882- S572h Hypothese du continu. New York 1956 RID 56 http://www.lib.umt.edu/guide/lang/fren50h.htm | |
70. Who Created The Sierpinski Triangle? Who created the sierpinski Triangle? waclaw sierpinski, a math professorfrom Poland, first created the sierpinski Triangle. Ian http://www.lex5.k12.sc.us/lmes/math/sierpinski/tsld004.htm | |
71. Driehoek En Vierkant Van Sierpinski Deze merkwaardige driehoek is 40 jaar jonger dan de Cantor verzameling. Hij werddoor de Poolse wiskundige waclaw sierpinski (18821969) in 1916 ontdekt. | |
72. Vortrag Translate this page Literatur sierpinski, waclaw. Sur une courbe dont tout point est unpoint de ramification. Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des séances http://www.canisianum.de/bisher/projekte/fraktale/VortragMuenster/Vortrag.html | |
73. Math Trek : A Remarkable Dearth Of Primes, Science News Online, Jan. 11, 2003 In 1960, Polish mathematician waclaw sierpinski (18821969) proved that there areinfinitely many odd integers k such that k times 2 n + 1 is never prime for http://www.sciencenews.org/20030111/mathtrek.asp | |
74. Biographies - Siala To Sjoberg 8; Sweden 690; 692. sierpinski, waclaw (18821969) Polish mathematician,author, educator - Poland 2543. SIERRA, Atanasio (1792-1862 http://www.philately.com/philately/biosisj.htm | |
75. The Dimension Of The Sierpinski Gasket Turn of the century mathematician waclaw sierpinski's name was givento several fractal objects, the most famous being his Gasket. http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/~hph/fractal/fractal2/sierp.html | |
76. Sierpinski Gasket sierpinski Gasket Turn of the century mathematician waclaw sierpinski's namewas given to several fractal objects, the most famous being his Gasket. http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/~hph/fractal/fractal1/sierp.html | |
77. E21-10a25-10 374 p. sierpinski, waclaw / General Topology . New-York DoverPublications, Inc, 2000 .- 290 p. BALAKRISHNAN, R., RANGANATHAN http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr/BIB/E21-10a25-10.html | |
78. Sierpinski Teppich / Fraktale / Panoptikum / Peter Schenk Translate this page Top / Navigation Sierpinksi waclaw sierpinski, 1882-1969, war Professorin Lemberg (ukrainisch Lviv, polnisch Lwów) und Warschau. http://peter.schenk.com/panopt/fraktale/sierp.htm | |
79. Sierpinski Fractals waclaw sierpinski (18821969) was a Polish mathematician. His workpredated Mandelbrot's discovery of fractals. He is probably best http://www.math.youngzones.org/Fractal webpages/sierpinski_fractals.html | |
80. COSMIC BASEBALL ASSOCIATION- CBASE2002 [CBASE2_ST] Siddal, Elizabeth, 5, 2105, 31, .303. Sidney, Philip, 2, 642, 17, .266. sierpinski,waclaw, 1, 0, .000. Simmons, Arthur, 1, 260, 9, .254. Simnel, Lambert, 5,1648, 37, .266. http://www.cosmicbaseball.net/cbase2_st.html | |
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