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61. 1744 robert, glover. Ross, Thomas, sailor. Ross, Widow. Ross, William, painter. Roy,Alexander, shoemaker. Sandison, Donald, wright. Shand, Alexander, merchant. simson, http://www.cali.co.uk/users/freeway/courthouse/geneal2.html | |
62. Minu Nimi Robert: USA Teadlased Ehitasid Esimese Küborgi Minu nimi robert USA teadlased ehitasid esimese küborgi Villu Arak 18. aprill, 2001 1706. Priit simson - 19. veebruar, 2001 1712. http://www.vabaeuroopa.org/artiklid/2001/04/teadus.20010418110747.asp | |
63. FoRK Archive Re Java Source Released Previous message simson L. Garfinkel Re simson SAYS Copyright andwrongs ; Maybe in reply to robert Harley Java source released ; http://www.xent.com/FoRK-archive/feb99/0169.html |
64. FoRK Archive RE NeXTSTEP Re SIMSON SAYS Copyright And Wrongs RE NeXTSTEP Re simson SAYS Copyright and wrongs. Tim Byars (tbyars@earthlink.net)Fri, 26 Feb 1999 075202 0800 Next message robert Harley Sun's Java 2 http://www.xent.com/FoRK-archive/feb99/0180.html |
65. Timothy RYDER - Hannah SMITH wtoram.co.uk robert SCOTT. Partnership with Christine BUTTERFIELD. Descendantsof robert SCOTT. Go To email helen@wtoram.co.uk Thomas simson. http://www.wtoram.co.uk/famtree/people/p000001a.htm | |
66. ELIZABETH SIMPSON (HAIGH) BRADSHAW Ancestral Chart Children of Richard Bradshaw and Elizabeth simson are iii.robert Hall Bradshaw,born September 20, 1844 in Bolton, Lancs, England; died May 20, 1928 in Shelley http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7083/page2.html | |
67. Genealogy Data Connerty, Janice Mary \par Gender Female Parents Father Connerty, robert William\par Mother Rowsell, Marguerite Jean \par Children simson, Benjamin Karl http://www.familyworkings.com/gedcoms/connerty/dat6.htm | |
68. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With S William \par () Shaw, Francis Marian \par (-) Shepard, Francis robert \par (-) Shierman MaryJo \par (-) Short, Teresa Sue \par (-) simson, Benjamin Karl \par http://www.familyworkings.com/gedcoms/connerty/idxs.htm | |
69. Robert N Macdonald - ResearchIndex Document Query Siam Activity Group (Correct) Chair of Mathematics (named after the geometer robertsimson who is commemorated by the simson Line of Orthogonal Polynomials and http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs?q=Robert N. MacDonald |
70. Simpson, William - Sippel, Henry Col. Sims, William M. 9th Field Btty. Sims, William S. 2nd Inf Co.K simson, JB 25thCav. Co.E simson, robert Cav. Borders Regt. Co.G simson, WM 25th Cav. http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/RandysTexas/list483.html | |
71. 1840 Census Wayne Township, Armstrong County PA John Kirkpatrick. John Morrow. Thomas Stoops. robert Stoops. James simson. robertsimson. James simson. John Adams. Richard Grim. David Stewart. Andrew Stewart. http://www.pa-roots.com/~armstrong/townships/wayne/1840census.htm |
72. Xah: Special Plane Curves: Deltoid Cote's spiral) inversion. simson Lines. Deltoid is the envelope ofsimson lines of any triangle. (robert simson, 16871768). Step by http://www.xahlee.org/SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/Deltoid_dir/deltoid.html | |
73. Epistle To William Simson Of robert Burns. Main Index Glossary All Titles All First Lines Titlesby Genre Titles by Year Concordance Home . Epistle To William simson. http://kyhana.echoechoplus.com/burns/works/rb0/rb062.htm | |
74. Packet: Simson Garfinkel - Technology The idea for LocalDirector actually came from robert Andrews at Netscape. Talk backto simson Garfinkel in his column's Threads. Illustration by Dave Plunkert. http://hotwired.lycos.com/packet/garfinkel/97/07/index2a.html | |
75. GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY - ROBERT FERGUSSON PAPERS: COLLECTION DESCRIPTION Soon, simson, Baird Company merged into James Brown Company, and Hamilton in the Maryland Historical Magazine. The letters in the robert Fergusson Papers http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/cl263.htm | |
76. Theodore Spicer-Simson Collection, University Of Miami Libraries Grove. Here Spicersimson made a medallion of robert Frost who wasassociated with the University of Miami at the time. He remained http://www.library.miami.edu/archives/papers/spicers.html | |
77. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1687 AD, Newton, I. Equatorial bulge (shape of the Earth) Isaac Newton. simson,robert Born 10/14/1687, 1687 AD, 1688 AD, Thevart, A. Plate glass Abraham Thevart. http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=6 |
78. CU-Boulder College Of Music - Vocal And Choral Faculty Miss simson received her degrees from Western Michigan University and the Universityof Illinois. robert Spillman, Chair of the Keyboard Department, received http://www.colorado.edu/music/voice/faculty.html | |
79. Scottish Brewing Archive - SBA Collections - Records Of Robert Deuchar Ltd, Brew John Arnison simson operated the Sandyford Brewery, Sandyford, Newcastleupon-Tyne,Tyne Wear, England , prior to 1887 when it was acquired by robert Deuchar http://www.archives.gla.ac.uk/sba/sbacolls/rd.html | |
80. Www.robertwalter.de - Die Private Homepage Von Robert Walter Translate this page Beschreibung Die offizielle Homepage des simson Vertragshändlers inAltlüdersdorf. © 2002 robert Walter, Designed by morgen-harn.com. http://www.robertwalter.de/projects.php | |
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