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21. Medecine Et Sante Au Maghreb, Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc Who's who. » ibn sina. » Arrazi. » ibn Al Jazzar http://www.maghrebmed.com.tn/ | |
22. Joseph Kenny OP: IBN-SÎNÂ ON THE HUMAN SOUL In NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS ON NATUR An excerpt by this philosopher, supplemented with an introductory study, notes, and original Arabic text. Furnished by Joseph Kenny. http://www.op.org/nigeriaop/kenny/Phil/SinaSoul.htm | |
23. Avicenna Abu Ali alHusain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Avicenna.html | |
24. Avicenna Biographical study, placing particular emphasis on Avicenna's historical context and his mathematical Category Society Philosophy Philosophers Avicenna......Abu Ali alHusain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna). ibn sina's fatherwas the governor of a village in one of Nuh ibn Mansur's estates. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Avicenna.html | |
25. References For Avicenna MB Baratov, The great thinker Abu Ali ibn sina (Russian) (Tashkent, 1980). A Ghorbaniand J Hamadanizadeh, A brief biography of Abu 'Ali sina (ibn sina), Bull. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Avicenna.html | |
26. Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Website ibn sina. Works ON ibn sina In Arabic ibn sina and dental care (linkin Arabic). This site has a lot on the Medical theories of ibn sina. http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/sina/default.htm | |
27. Medieval Sourcebook: Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (973-1037): On Medicine, C. 1020 CE ibn sina (Avicenna) (9731037) On Medicine, c. Avicenna (973-1037) was a sort of universal genius, known first as a physician. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1020Avicenna-Medicine.html | |
28. Ibn Sina - Sarajevo, Bosna I Hercegovina Institut ibn sina Bosna i Hercegovina zemlja je s razlicitimnarodima i religijama. Institut ibn sina osnovan je 1996. http://www.ibn-sina.net/onama.asp | |
29. Ibn Sina The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.maghrebmed.com.tn/ibnsina/medecine/ibnsina.htm | |
30. Philosophers : Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Concise biography, focusing on the main points of Avicenna's career.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers Avicenna......ibn sina (Avicenna). Iranian Muslim Philosopher. 9801037. Abu Ali al-Hussainibn Abdallah ibn sina was born in 980 AD at Afshaneh near Bukhara. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/muslim/sina.html | |
31. Philosophers : Ibn Sina Jabir ibn Haiyan (Geber). Iranian Muslim Philosopher. Jabir ibn Haiyan, the alchemistGeber of the Middie Ages, is generally known as the father of chemistry. http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/phil/philo/phils/muslim/haiyan.html | |
32. - Great Books - Avicenna (ibn sina) (9801037), Arabian physician and years ago. Pleasebrowse our Amazon list of titles about Avicenna (ibn sina). For http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_146.asp | |
33. Ýbn-i Sina Hastanesi A.Ü. Tip Fakültesi Sitesinde. Ana Sayfa , 19 Mart 2003, Çarsamba, English Version . Genel Bilgiler. http://www.medicine.ankara.edu.tr/ibnisina/ | |
34. Ýbn-i Sina Hastanesi ibni sina Hastanesi Hakkinda. Türkiye'nin en modern hastanelerindenbirisi oldugunu gururla söyledigimiz Ankara Üniversitesi http://www.medicine.ankara.edu.tr/ibnisina/modules/show.php?page=bilgiler |
35. Ibn Sina Abu Ali alHusain ibn Abdallah - ibn sina (Avicenna). ibn sina's fatherwas the governor of a village in one of Nuh ibn Mansur's estates. http://www.zia.rahin.iwarp.com/ibnsina.htm | |
36. Abu'Ali Al-Husayn Ibn Sina Translate this page Abu'Ali al-Husayn ibn sina Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen Online-Philosophenlexikon.philosophenlexikon.de, Abù'Alì al-Husayn ibn sina (980 - 1037). http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/ibnsina.htm | |
37. Ibn Sina Remarks And Admonitions A meaningful presentation on the great Muslim philosopher Abu 'AlialHusayn ibn sina (980 1037 AD). ibn sina was not only a http://www.astrolabepictures.com/astrolabe/vsiss2.html | |
38. Avicenna - Iran's Great Mathematician And Philosopher, Ibn Sina Avicenna Iran's Great mathematician and Philosopher, ibn sina wroteon on medicine as well as geometry, astronomy, arithmetic and music. http://www.farsinet.com/hamadan/avicenna.html | |
39. Ibn Sina Abu Ali Al Hussain ibn Abdullah ibn sina (Avicenna) (981 1037 CE). No deliberationon the science of medicine can be complete without a reference to ibn sina. http://www.afghanan.net/biographies/ibnsina.htm | |
40. An Evaluation Of Ibn Sina's ..... An Evaluation of ibn sina's Argument for God's Existence in the Metaphysicsof the Isharat By Tobias Mayer. ibn `Ata'i Llah alIskandari http://www.mullasadra.org/conferences/_islam2501.htm | |
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