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81. Project Hope V. M/V IBN SINA (2d Cir. 2001) v.. M/V ibn sina, her engines, boilers, etc., and. NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES,LTD.,. See Project Hope v. M/V ibn sina, 96 F. Supp. 2d 285, 298 (SDNY 2000). http://www.admiraltylawguide.com/circt/2ndprojecthope.html | |
82. IBN SINA (AVICENNA) ibn sina (AVICENNA) (9801037) In God alone, essence, what He is, andexistence, that he is, coincide. Born in a village in Turkistan http://www.creatorix.com.au/philosophy/t06/t06b04.html | |
83. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) Click Here to Read More See also Natural Medicine. Avicenna or IbnSina was the most influential of all Islamic philosopherscientists. http://www.the-heart.net/avicenna.htm | |
84. The Ibn Sina Institute Of Tibb THE ibn sina INSTITUTE OF TIBB The ibn sina Institute of Tibb was founded by theBhikha Family Trust in 1997. OBJECTIVES OF THE ibn sina INSTITUTE OF TIBB. http://www.tibb.co.za/ibnsina.htm | |
85. Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Sina Abu Ali alHussain ibn Abd Allah ibn sina. Avicenna. ibn sina began hislife in Bukhara, a city on the banks of the river Zarafshan, in 980. http://www.smcm.edu/users/tbalton/intellect.htm | |
86. Biography Page1 ibn sina (Avicenna). 9801037 CE. The life of ibn sina is known to usthrough a narration dictated to his pupil, Jujani. The Persian http://www.smcm.edu/users/gsmarshall/Mytapestry/Biography_Page.htm | |
87. Migrants Contre Le Sida: Projet Chorba Ibn'Sina: Remerciements Et Respect Aux Cu Translate this page Projet Chorba ibn'sina remerciements et respect aux cuisinières.PARIS, 3 décembre 2002 (Migrants contre le sida). Remerciements http://ww4.aegis.org/maha/articles/2002/12/021203d.html | |
88. AllAfrica.com -- Maroc: CHU Ibn Sina: Le Conseil D'administration Fait Les Compt Translate this page CHU ibn sina le conseil d'administration fait les comptes de l'exercice, EmailThis Page Print This Page Visit The Publisher's Site. Libération (Casablanca). http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/200212180489.html | |
89. AllAfrica.com -- Maroc: Dialyse Au CHU Ibn Sina: Privés D'aides, Les Bénéfici Translate this page Dialyse au CHU ibn sina Privés d'aides, les bénéficiaires comptentprotester, Email This Page Print This Page Visit The Publisher's Site. http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/200211140414.html | |
90. Avicenna (Arabic, Ibn Sina) Avicenna (Arabic, ibn sina). Avicenna (Arabic, ibn sina), 9801037,was a Persian philosopher who spent his life as a physician and http://chemistry.mtu.edu/PAGES/HISTORY/Avicenna.html |
91. Avicenne-Ibn Sina Translate this page Les penseurs de l'Islam. Avicenne Abû'Alî al-Hosayn ibn Sinâ Écrivain et hommepolitique Théoricien de lImaginaire 980 1037 Illel Kieser ibn 'l Baz. http://www.faculte-anthropologie.fr/Histoire/Ik_Islam_01.html | |
92. Ibn Sina: Avicenna ibn sina (Avicenna). (9801037 AD). Abu Ali al-Hussain ibn Abdallahibn sina was born in 980 AD in Balkh, Afghanistan. The young http://ismaili.net/~heritage/mirrors/afghan/avicenna.htm | |
93. Ibn Sina kucicu ako elite da Vaa Email adresa bude skrivena Powered byinfoMEDIA. Copyright © 2001 ibnsina, powered by infoMEDIA doo, http://infomedia.ba/ibnsina/kviz/ |
94. LIFE Online: Top People 71 ibnsina 980-1037 Islam's most renowned philosopher-scientist, ibn-sina outgrewhis teachers as a teenager and educated himself in law, medicine and http://pathfinder.com/Life/millennium/people/71.html | |
95. Tomb Of Ibn Sina Tomb of ibn sina, http://archnet.org/library/sites/one-site.tcl?site_id=2287 |
96. Avicenna - Malaspina College Find out about the life, work, and contemporaries of this important contributor to the practice of medicine. With a link to further resources. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/sinat.htm | |
97. Www.ibnsinaacademy.com/ http://www.ibnsinaacademy.com/ |
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