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Smale Stephen: more books (30) |
41. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Index Sh-so 916 Slot ( ) and projection function, 907 Slow dynamics in 2D cellular automaton,336 Slow ship (in Game of Life), 964 smale, stephen (USA, 1930 ) and chaos http://www.wolframscience.com/nks/index/sh-so.html?SearchIndex=Shift registers |
42. Junior British League Jones 20 Simon Poyner v Philip Dorrington 0-2 Nicholas smale v Chris Rogerson 0-2Christopher Brown v Philip Dorrington 0-2 Nicholas smale v stephen Jones 0-2 http://www.etta.co.uk/britlg/bl0001/Junior/jb00ma5.htm | |
43. Junior British League Michael Harvey v James Charlton 31 Tom Burdett v Christopher Brown 0-3 stephenGummer v Nicholas smale 0-3 Michael Harvey v Christopher Brown 2-3 stephen http://www.etta.co.uk/BritLg/bl0102/Junior/jb01ma8.htm | |
44. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of SMA Smajdor, Andrzej, Jagiellonian University, 1969. smale, stephen, Universityof Michigan, 1957. smale, Nathan, University of California, Berkeley, 1987. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=SMA |
45. EconPapers: Topology End Economics : The Contribution Of Stephen Smale. Topology end Economics the Contribution of stephen smale. in Columbia Departmentof Economics from Columbia - Department of Economics G. Chichilnisky. http://econpapers.hhs.se/paper/fthcoluec/558.htm | |
46. "Stephen" Business & Economics Books & Magazines: Compare Prices, Check Store Ra 7, Collected Papers of stephen smale, The. Author Felipe Cucker, R Wong, stephensmale Released 2000, Format Rating Found at Lowest Price . 8, http://bizrate.com/buy/products__cat_id--8013,keyword--Stephen,rf--wgg.html | |
47. Ra 10. smale, stephen; BATTERSON, Steve stephen smale (The mathematician who brokethe dimension barrier); 306 p. Providence, Rhode Island, 2000; American http://www.unil.ch/ima/Bibliotheque/frame/page/catalogue/acqui_neuves_4.2001.ray | |
48. ICMS News 10 2000/2001 Rojas, J Maurice, City University of Hong Kong Shackell, John, University of Kentat Canterbury smale, stephen, City University of Hong Kong Stevens, Perdita http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/icms/publications/2001news/model.html | |
49. MathNews Volume III, No.1 word subscribe in the subject line. Our big news for next week isa visit by stephen smale. He will be here on Tuesday, October http://math.rice.edu/MathNews/VolIIINo1.html | |
50. Mathematician Index MittagLeffler, Gösta Newton, Isaac Nicomedes Paciola, Luca Pascal, Blaise PlatoPoincaré, Henri Pythagoras Ruffini, Paolo smale, stephen Stevin, Simon http://members.fortunecity.com/kokhuitan/mathematicianindex.html | |
51. Physical Sciences - July smale, stephen. Collected papers of stephen smale, edited by F. Cucker (3 vol.set). Singapore World Scientific, 2000. (QA 3 .S62525 2000). Humble, Steve. http://www.lib.byu.edu/~scimap/sites/July/physical.htm | |
52. New Books December 2001 QA279.5 .S56 1994. The collected papers of stephen smale, smale, stephen. QA3 .S625252000 Vol.1,2,3. Sciences mathématiques. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/math/newbooks/nbldec01.htm | |
53. Club-Internet Encyclopédie Translate this page Hales (stephen) Hawking (stephen William) Hawking (stephen Williams) Leacock (stephenButler) Saint-Laurent (Louis stephen) smale (stephen) Spender (stephen http://www.club-internet.fr/cgi-bin/h?Stephen |
54. Club-Internet : Encyclopédie Translate this page Paul Joseph) Fields (médaille) lauréats Grothendieck (Alexander) Milnor (JohnWillard) Schwartz (Laurent) Serre (Jean-Pierre) smale (stephen) Thom (René http://www.club-internet.fr/cgi-bin/ehmel/ehmel_navig.pl?fonction_id=F_40&foncti |
55. WEBCSBMI: Bacheca: Lista Videocassette smale, stephen The story of the higher dimensional Poincaré conjecture (whatactually happened on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro) Videoregistrazione http://www.csb-main.unige.it/Cataloghi/listavideo.html | |
56. Steve Smale$B65 ?. stephen smale(UC Berkeley). ?. 15001550 Mathematical foundation of learning First talk.will http://www.neurosci.aist.go.jp/math-neuro/seminar-7.html | |
57. Vertical File--Michigan Biography/Authors--S Lucy Adella Slocum, James Slosson, Preston William family (2 folders) Slote, AlfredH. Slovik, Edward Donald Slusser, Jean Paul smale, stephen Smiley, Joseph http://www.umich.edu/~bhl/bhl/mhchome/vf/vf-db-s.htm | |
58. Video Tape List V514.72 Sm16s, The story of the higher dimensional Poincare conjecture whatactually happened on the beaches of Rio, smale, stephen, AMS, 1989, CAT. http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/lib/html/video.html | |
59. Discount Linux CD's The Collected Papers of stephen smale, The Collected Papers of stephen smaleby stephen smale, Felipe Cucker, R. Wong Release Date June, 2000 List Price http://www.edmunds-enterprises.com/linux/product_list.php/searchtype/author/auth | |
60. Emlab.berkeley.edu/econ/econdept.txt Suzanne GSPP 38562 scotch@socs Shannon, Chris 511 Evans 3-7283 cshannon@econ Shapiro,Carl S545 SSB 2-5905 shapiro@haas (Haas) smale, stephen 817 Evans 2-4367 http://emlab.berkeley.edu/econ/econdept.txt |
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