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Snell Willebrord: more detail |
61. Note-A-Rific: Snell's Law In the year 1600 a Dutch mathematician named willebrord snell was playing aroundwith numbers and figured out a formula that fit what everyone was measuring. http://studyphysics.iwarp.com/20/unit4/geometric/refraction/snell/note.htm | |
62. Expatica.com - News & Community For Expatriates In The Netherlands spiekbriefje. Name willebrord snell or snellius. Number 008. willebrord snellis most famous for his discovery of the law of refraction. What's that? http://www.expatica.com/main.asp?pad=34,70,&item_id=6095 |
63. Upphaf Endir Nafn Staður Titill Slóð 1512 1594 Mercator, sögulegu samhengi. 1618, snell, willebrord, Holland, Ljósbrotslögmálið,Lögmálið í ljósi sögu ljósbrotsfræða. 1618, 1648, http://www.visindavefur.hi.is/forsida_SA2.asp | |
64. ALTREC.COM - Flyfish: Fishing Snell's Window Named for willebrord van Roijen snell, who described its effects in1621, the window is a phenomenon of light refraction (bending). http://www.altrec.com/published/flyfish/skills/fishingsnellswindow/ | |
65. Oilfield Glossary: Term 'Snell's Law' seismic waves. It is named for willebrord Snel (1580 to 1626), a Dutchmathematician. snell's law can be written as snell's law http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Display.cfm?Term=Snell's law |
66. ScienceWeek Archive technique for observing refraction, and with this technique he discovered the correctlaw of refraction by 1602, 19 years before willebrord snell (1580 1626 http://scienceweek.com/2001/sw011012.htm | |
67. PRISMA - Práctica 1_3 - Refracción Y Reflexión - Programa De Nuevas Tecnolog Translate this page Entre los papeles hallados a la muerte del matemático holandés willebrord snelliusen 1626 se snell determinó experimentalmente la siguiente relación http://enebro.pntic.mec.es/~fmag0006/Prism103.html | |
68. Natur Des Lichts Translate this page snellius. snellius, willebrordus (willebrord snell van Roijen), geboren 1580in Leiden. snellius war ein niederländischer Mathematiker und Physiker. http://members.aol.com/mblicht1/snellius.htm | |
69. The Mathematics Of Rainbows told to explain rainbows. In 1621, the basic Law of Refraction wasproposed by the Dutch scientist willebrord snell. The Law of http://www.albemarle.cc.nc.us/~aaldridg/mat172/project2.html | |
70. Ray Optics, willebrord snell discovered the law of refraction which is now termedsnell's law. Let us look at a simple refraction, one where http://id.mind.net/~zona/mstm/physics/light/rayOptics/refraction/snellsLaw/snell | |
71. Snell's Law Of Refraction The law was devised by the Dutch physicist, willebrord snell. 2 1 1 2. back.PAGE TOOL BOX. Send to a friend, Send to a friend. Print now, Print now. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0030380.html | |
72. Les Nouvelles - Des Ondes « Mal Déviées » Font Avancer La Physique (09/04/ Translate this page Ces déviations, ou indices de réfraction, ont été les mêmes depuis quele mathématicien willebrord snell les a décrits au 17ième siècle http://www.cybersciences.com/Cyber/3.0/N2274.asp | |
73. Snell's Law snell's law,, Print this article, (willebrord snellius, 15801626,Dutch astronomist and mathematician), see refraction. HJS The http://www.amershamhealth.com/medcyclopaedia/Volume I/SNELLS LAW.asp | |
74. Daveread.com - Underwater Photography Composition Tools willebrord snell was a 16th and 17th-century mathmatician who discovered thephysical law that governs the refraction of light when it crosses from one http://www.daveread.com/uw-photo/comp101/tools.html | |
75. II. LA ÓPTICA INSTRUMENTAL Translate this page Es interesante saber que fue hasta después de que se construyeron los primerostelescopios, que willebrord snell (1591-1626), (Figura 2), en Leyden, Holanda http://lectura.ilce.edu.mx:3000/sites/ciencia/volumen2/ciencia3/084/htm/sec_5.ht |
76. Snellius Translate this page willebrord snell van Royen, dit Villebrordus snellius (nom latinisé,une mode de l'époque) fut astronome et géomètre. Il enseigna http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono2/Snellius.html | |
77. 32A - HO - Bending Light This relation was first discovered by willebrord snell (15911626) and is oftenreferred to as snells Law of Refraction. snells law is usually written http://physics.unl.edu/RPEG_CIP_PROJECT/second/32-Refraction Lenses/32A-HO-Bendi |
78. Snel Translate this page willebrord snell VAN ROYEN (LEIDA 1581/91 - 1626). Scienziato olandese,fu successore del padre alla cattedra di matematica dell'università http://www.liceorecanati.it/fisica/testi/snell.htm | |
79. La Réfraction : Quil Est Difficile Dexpliquer Un Phénomène Physique Translate this page petites. willebrord snell van Royen et René Descartes. snell est petites.willebrord snell van Royen et René Descartes. snell est http://perso.club-internet.fr/bdid/physique/2nde/partie1/adocrefraction.htm | |
80. Snel [Snellius Or Snel Van Royen], Willebrord Snel Snellius or Snel van Royen, willebrord. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and vie et les travaux de willebrord Snellius " Archives neerlandaises de sciences exactes http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/Files/snel.html | |
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