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1. Steiner Jakob Steiner. Jakob Steiner did not learn to read and write until he was 14 andonly went to school at the age of 18, against the wishes of his parents. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Steiner.html | |
2. Poster Of Steiner Jakob Steiner. lived from 1796 to 1863. Steiner was one of the greatestcontributors to projective geometry. Find out more at http http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Posters2/Steiner.html | |
3. Comanducci Arte Italia - Catalogo Artitsti Translate this page V. STEINER Ermann, o Hermann STEINER Herwig STEINER Ignaz V. STEINER Johann STEINERJ. STEINER J. Georg zurn Geist STEINER JL steiner jakob STEINER Johann http://www.comanducci.it/elenco/elencoS82.htm | |
4. Famous People Translate this page Melvin Schwarzschild Karl Schwinger Julian Siegbahn Kai Siegbahn Karl Sitter WillemSnell Willebrord Stark Johannes Steinberger Jack steiner jakob Stern Otto http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/list_pqrs.html | |
5. Steiner Translate this page steiner jakob suisse, 1796-1863 Autodidacte, Steiner réussit à suivredes études supérieures à Berlin et à Heidelberg. Professeur http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Steiner.html | |
6. JAKOB STEINER Jakob Steiner (17961863) geometer. Jakob Steiner, Gesammelte Werke,2 volumes, Prussian Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 1881-1882. http://faculty.evansville.edu/ck6/bstud/steiner.html | |
7. Bedeutende Mathematiker Translate this page Markow Andrei (1856 - 1922, Petrograd), steiner jakob (1796 - 1863, Bern). SteinerJakob (1796 - 1863, Bern), Noether Emmy (1882 - 1935, USA). http://www.mathematik.ch/mathematiker/ | |
8. Dict Système Ternaire De Steiner Translate this page Dictionnaire de mathématiques récréatives. steiner jakob 1796-1863.° Système ternaire de Steiner. Arrangement d'un certain http://www.recreomath.qc.ca/dict_steiner_syteme_ternaire.htm | |
9. Files '38: Sr... Translate this page 358.736 / A 259.433 F. Steiner Isidor, 1892, Wien 2 17905, ÖVAG ÖVAG, 10.032.33510.032.719. steiner jakob recte Josef, 1890, Wien 20 12610, Phönix, 105 133 61. http://www.vvo.at/docs/entschaedigungsfonds/v38_dsr.htm | |
10. Steiner Translate this page steiner jakob (1796 - 1863, Bern), zurück. http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/steiner.html | |
11. Mathematiker Mit Ss Translate this page Simpson Thomas (1710 - 1761, Market-Bosworth). steiner jakob (1796 - 1863, Bern).Stifel Michael (1487 - 1567, Esslingen. Stirling James (1696 - 1770, Leadhills). http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/s.html | |
12. Rangliste Mannschaften Translate this page 91 +1.04,9 930'930 38,788 1 Bucher Philipp 31 806.22 15.41 3 ErniBenno 26 657.59 16.04 2 steiner jakob 34 856.29 15.46 28. http://services.datasport.com/1999/xstunden/schoetz/Rang005.HTM | |
13. Liste Translate this page ChristophSchwarz Hermann Amandus Schwarz Hermann Amandus Shannon Claude Elwood SnelliusWillebrord Staudt Karl Georg Christian von steiner jakob Stevin Simon http://www.minic.ac.at/ut/mathe/Liste.html | |
14. STEINER, JAKOB issue a measure of municipal reform (Nov http://69.1911encyclopedia.org/S/ST/STEINER_JAKOB.htm | |
15. Stainer Steiner, Jakob Relief, 19. Jh. Stainer (steiner), jakob, * 1617 Absam (Ti.), Okt. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.s/s763433.htm | |
16. Anecdotario Matemático más tarde rigurosamente desarrollada por el suizo jakob steiner, de que todas las construcciones realizables con regla http://www-etsi2.ugr.es/profesores/jmaroza/anecdotario/anecdotario-r.htm | |
17. Steiner Was one of the greatest contributors to projective geometry. http://turnbull.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Steiner.html | |
18. Steiner Biography of jakob steiner (17961863) jakob steiner. Born 18 March 1796 in Utzenstorf, Switzerland http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Steiner.html | |
19. Steiner, Jakob. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. steiner, jakob. (yä´kôp sht ´n r) (KEY) , 17961863, Swiss mathematician.He was largely selftaught and was professor of geometry at the Univ. http://www.bartleby.com/65/st/SteinerJ.html | |
20. Stalino To Stephen, Saint, Christian Martyr. Alphabetic Index To Entries. The Co Steinbeck, John. Steinberger, Jack. steinbok. Steinem, Gloria. steiner, jakob.steiner, Rudolf. Steinitz, Wilhelm. Steinmetz, Charles Proteus. stele. Stella,Frank. http://www.bartleby.com/65/index225.html | |
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