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1. Poster Of Steinitz Ernst Steinitz. lived from 1871 to 1928. Ernst Steinitz worked on thetheory of fields. Find out more at http//wwwhistory.mcs http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Posters2/Steinitz.html | |
2. Ernst Steinitz Ernst Steinitz(18711928) was born on June 13, 1871, in Laurahütte, Silesia, Germany. In 1890, he started his studies in mathematics at the University of Breslau (now Worclaw, Poland). In 1894, he received his Ph.D. http://www.math.ukans.edu/~engheta/bio/steinitz.html | |
3. Steinitz Ernst Steinitz. Born 13 June 1871 in Laurahütte Ernst Steinitz enteredthe University of Breslau in 1890. He went to Berlin to study http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Steinitz.html | |
4. Editions Jacques Gabay - Ernst STEINITZ Translate this page Ernst STEINITZ. Ernst STEINITZ. 1871 - 1928. Au catalogue des EditionsJacques Gabay MOLK ENCYCLOPEDIE DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Bio.asp?NP=STEINITZ Ernst |
5. Editions Jacques Gabay - Index Des Auteurs Translate this page SIERPINSKI Waclaw. SINGIER Gaston. SOLOVINE Maurice. SOMMERFELD Arnold. SOURIAUJean-Marie. STAUDE O. steinitz ernst. STUDY E. SYLOW Ludwig. SZ.-NAGY Béla. http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Auteurs.asp?Lettre=S |
6. Steinitz Translate this page steinitz ernst allemand, 1871-1928 Un des fondateurs, avec Hilbert et Henselde l'algèbre axiomatique moderne. Professeur à l'université de Kiel. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Steinitz.html | |
7. TATORT-FUNDUS Translate this page Beck Hans Häckermann Kriminalhauptmeister Gehrke Wolfgang Hartmann Frau Wex KarinHardt Herr Kress Günther Flesch Herr steinitz ernst Dietz Herr Taubmann http://www.tatort-fundus.de/800/T/tat128.html | |
8. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page Steiner (Jacob), Suisse (1796-1863). steinitz (ernst), Allemand (1871-1928).Stevin (Simon, dit aussi Simon de Bruges), Flamand (1548-1620). http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/maths/noms.htm | |
9. Steinitz Biography of ernst steinitz (18711928) ernst steinitz. Born 13 June 1871 in Laurahütte, Silesia, Germany (now Huta Laura, Poland) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Steinitz.html | |
10. References For Steinitz References for the biography of ernst steinitz References for ernst steinitz. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990). http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Steinitz.html | |
11. Steinitz Portrait Portrait of ernst steinitz ernst steinitz. JOC/EFR August 2001 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/Steinitz.html | |
12. Poster Of Steinitz died 75 years ago 29th September 1928 ernst steinitz worked on the theory of fields. Find out more at http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Posters/929b.html | |
13. Table Of Contents Translate this page . TITLE PAGE, 1. . . ADVERTISING, 2. . . ARTICLE, steinitz, ernst Zur Theorie derModuln, 1. . . ARTICLE, steinitz, ernst Stetigkeit und Differentialquotient, 58.. . | |
14. Le Romain Des Mots-croisés. **Mathématiciens Translate this page NÉ, A, BRESELENZ(1826-1866) STAUDT (KARL GEORG CHRISTIAN VON) NÉ, A, ROTHENBURG(1798-1867)steinitz (ernst) NÉ, A, LAURAHUTTE (1871-1928) WEIERSTRASS (KARL http://www.mots-croisiste.com/19.html | |
15. TKK-Mat: Matemaatikoita Aakkosjärjestyksessä 17961863. sveits. steinitz, ernst. 1871-1928. saks. http://www.math.hut.fi/teaching/l1/syksy1999/matemaatikot_aakk.html.fi | |
16. TKK-Mat: Matemaatikoita Aikajärjestyksessä 18711945. venäl. steinitz, ernst. 1871-1928. saks. Zermelo, ernst http://www.math.hut.fi/teaching/l1/syksy1999/matemaatikot_aika.html.fi | |
17. Holocaust Translate this page Steiniger, Otto, 1907, Steininger, Karl, 1888, Steininger, Lilly Ruth, 1914, Waldstein.steinitz, ernst, 1896, steinitz, Martha, 1904, Steinlauf, Max, 1894, Steinreich,Emil, 1892, http://www.hrad.cz/kpr/holocaust/seznam53.html | |
18. The Steinitz Papers Review By JD The Hungarian historian Walter Foldeak mentions how he came to possess two Steinitzletters. In the spring of 1944, a Hungarian, Jew ernst Bokor, who was a http://www.jeremysilman.com/book_reviews/jd_steinitz_papers.html | |
19. Oriented Matroids - References And Bibliography Soc.}, ADDRESS = {Providence, RI}, YEAR = {1991}, ISBN = {08218-6593-5}, } @book{steinitzvorlesungen1976, AUTHOR = {steinitz, ernst and Rademacher, Hans http://www.om.math.ethz.ch/?p=bib&tex= |
20. Ernst-Reuter-Plaketten, Teil E* Translate this page Ludwig Stein, Werner steinitz, Hans Stresemann, Gert Wolfgang Stuckenschmidt, Hans-HeinzStumm, Johannes Richard Reinhold Sünderhauf, ernst Syrigos, Aristide. http://www.luise-berlin.de/ehrung/Navi/E_reu0006.htm | |
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