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61. Moslem Schisms And Sects (al-Fark Bain Al-firak) (in MARION) and sects (alFark bain al-firak) being the history of the various philosophic systemsdeveloped in Islam, by Abu-Mansur `Abd-al-Kahir ibn tahir al-Baghdadi (d http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/ABM-8915 | |
62. Arabian Album: Egyptian Arabians | Wendy Wood | Fotki.com - Photo Sharing And P 481. SAR ibn MONIET 19731994 grey stallion (*ibn Moniet El Nefous x Sariella,by Alcibiades). 484. SAYYID SAHHAAR 1999 grey gelding. SCA tahir SAYTARA, 485. http://public.fotki.com/hypoint/arabians/arabian_album_egypt/page11.html | |
63. WILAYA DE DJELFA Translate this page CAP. 12. ibn BADIS. 436 du 28.06.1998. Couture P à P. 9è AF. CAP. 100. Cité DEKARAtahir JIJEL. 19. Ecole ibn BADIS Cité Ouled Souici. Rue des Martyrs El-tahir JIJEL. http://www.mfep.gov.dz/fichier national EAFP 2 .htm | |
64. Lib_t1 tahir verses. tahir/Arberry. The Poems of a Persian Sufi Baba tahir. CambridgeUni. Press. see references in Andalus Sufis. ibn Arabi/Austin. Sufis of Andalusia. http://www.zahuri.dircon.co.uk/lib_t1.htm | |
65. Muslim Rulers 1063). Andalusian Arab family. Abu Bakr ibn tahir (10381063); Abuabd al-Rahman al-tahir (1063-1078. Annexed by Seville (1078-1091) http://www.balagan.org.uk/war/0711/rulers_muslim.htm | |
66. Untitled A treatise on the principles of Shi'ites theology. London Royal Asiatic Society,1928. (41 BP194.I213); ibn tahir alBaghdadi, 'Abd al-Qahir, d. 1037 Moslem http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~library/school.htm | |
67. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 4. AbuMansur 'abd-al-Kahir ibn-tahir al-Baghdadi, Al-Farq Bain Al-Firaq , Translatedinto English by Kate Chambers Seelye, Published by AMS Press, New York http://www.alislam.org/library/links/73-11.html | |
68. Imam Ibn Majah - Arsip Profil / Tokoh Islam - 11/05/2001 Ulama pertama yang memandang Sunan ibn Majah sebagai kitab keenam adalah alHafizAbul-Fardl Muhammad bin tahir al-Maqdisi (wafat pada 507 H) dalam kitabnya http://www.alislam.or.id/profil/arsip/00000006.html | |
69. Sobaka: Dossier: Tahir Yuldashev tahir Yuldashev is often characterized as the political leader or spokesman ofIMU who fought in Tajikistan's five year civil war, including ibnul-Khattab http://www.diacritica.com/sobaka/dossier/yuldashev.html | |
70. Alibris - Find Your Favorite Authors And Books At Alibris. ibn Sulayman. ibn Sultan. ibn Suud. ibn Tabataba. ibn Taghribirdi. ibn tahir.ibn tahir Al Baghdadi. ibn Tanaf. ibn Tarhuni. ibn Tawus. ibn Taymiyah. ibn Taymiyh. http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0151.html |
71. Encyclopædia Britannica Abu Mansur ibn tahir AlBaghdadi University of St.Andrews, Scotland Brief introductionto the life and works of this tenth century mathematician and theologian http://www.britannica.com/search?query=farabi, al-&ct=igv&fuzzy=N&show=10&start= |
72. [Tariqas] A Reading Of Ibn Arabi alKalam), Jajalu-d-Din as-Suyuti (Karasatu-t-Tanwir), Sulayman ibn = 'Abdi-l al-Hind),Qadi Habib al-Haqq Permuli = (Tanqid wa Tardid), tahir Muhammad (Zahirat http://stderr.org/pipermail/tariqas/1997-January/000778.html | |
73. Arabic Numerals Abu Mansur ibn tahir alBaghdadi (980-1037 AD) gave an interesting discussion of abundant numbers, deficient numbers, perfect numbers and equivalent http://www.arabicnumerals.cwc.net/ | |
74. Honolulu Academy Of Arts Composed of more than 60 different luster tiles, it is signed by the wellknownpotter, Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Abi tahir, and dated 663 AH (1265 AD) in the http://www.honoluluacademy.org/shangri/housegroundsL07.htm | |
75. In Defense Of Sidi Muhiddin Ibn Arabi alKalam), Jajalu-d-Din as-Suyuti (Karasatu-t-Tanwir), Sulayman ibn Abdi-l al-Hind),Qadi Habib al-Haqq Permuli (Tanqid wa Tardid), tahir Muhammad (Zahirat al http://digilander.libero.it/islamic/ibnarabi.html | |
76. TAHIR Translate this page tahir *Feb. 1997. Imperial Imdal, Ansata Imperial, Ansata ibn Sudan. Ansata Delilah.Dalia, Morafic. Romanaa II. Tiffaha, Jamilll, Madkour I. Hanan. Taghreed, Shaarawi. http://de.geocities.com/s0130469/Gemein/Tahir.HTM | |
77. Miftahul Jannah (The Key To Paradise) of the great alImam al-Habib 'Umar ibn Ahmad ibn Sumeit. The first to schoolthe author was his own mother, as-Sayyidah Safiyyah binti tahir al-Haddad. http://www.iqra.net/Our-Shaykh/jannah.htm | |
78. Deviated Beliefs more famous for falsehood than the Raafidite Shi`ites. ibn Taymeeyah, Minhaaj InReply to Mirza tahir Ahmad Whenever Qadianis are disappointed over something http://www.alinaam.org.za/library/dbeliefs.htm | |
79. The Qarmatians In Bahrain Reproaching Abu tahir, alMahdi had written a letter to him committed today. It mustbe pointed out that the letter of al-Mahdi as cited by ibn Khallikan (1st http://ismaili.net/histoire/history05/history510.html | |
80. Ismaili Mission In Syria friendship with the chief of Damascus, Zahiruddin Atabeg Tughtigin and his vizirAbu Ali tahir bin Sa ibn Qalanisi (d. 555/1160) writes in Tarikhi Dimashq (tr http://ismaili.net/histoire/history06/history605.html | |
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