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41. Nicolás Copérnico Translate this page GORO SHIMURA Y yutaka taniyama desarrollaron en los años cincuentauna idea que acabaría siendo útil en la demostración de Wiles. http://centros5.pntic.mec.es/cpr.de.aranjuez/foro/circo/FERMAT.htm | |
42. Ciencia Al Día - Artículo 1 Matemáticas Translate this page (10). Para esta época, Goro Shimura (1926-1958) y yutaka taniyama (1927- ) estudiaronlas simetrías de las formas modulares que cubren un espacio -por ejemplo http://www.ciencia.cl/CienciaAlDia/volumen2/numero1/articulos/articulo1.html | |
43. Home Singh Fermat, L'ultimo Giallo Della Matematica, Di Giulio teorema di Fermat). E yutaka taniyama doveva uccidersi nel 1959. http://www.rcs.it/rcslibri/rizzoli/_minisiti/singh/intro_r.htm | |
44. Home Singh Dispongo Di Una Meravigliosa Dimostrazione Di Questo Translate this page A un giovane matematico giapponese di questo secolo, yutaka taniyama, non bastòformulare un'acuta congettura che andava verso la soluzione del problema per http://www.rcs.it/rcslibri/rizzoli/_minisiti/singh/intro_f.htm |
45. ? - Discover, January 1989. Goro Shimura, yutaka taniyama and His Time VeryPersonal Recollections, Bull. London Math. Soc., 1989. B. Mazur http://www.workjoke.com/fermat11.htm | |
46. FLT -The Book The Japanese genius yutaka taniyama killed himself in despair, while the Germanindustrialist Paul Wolfskehl claimed Fermat had saved him from suicide. http://www.simonsingh.net/owtasite/235 |
47. AllReaders.com Fermat's Enigma -Fermat's Last Theorem Discussion In 1955 Goro Shimura and yutaka taniyama met at a mathematics symposium in Tokyo,and proposed The taniyamaShimura Conjecture All elliptical equations have a http://www.allreaders.com/Topics/Info_1707.asp | |
48. Math.albany.edu8010/g/Math/topics/fermat/bib-goss them. Shimura, G. yutaka taniyama and his time. Very personal recollections,{\it Bull. Lon. Math. Soc.} 21 (1989), 186196. taniyama's http://math.albany.edu:8010/g/Math/topics/fermat/bib-goss |
49. Ein Wahrhaft Wunderbarer Beweis ... [sciencegarden] Translate this page der sich nie entscheiden konnte, ob er nun Mathematiker oder aufständischer Republikanersein wollte yutaka taniyama und Goro Shimura japanische Mathematiker http://www.sciencegarden.de/fundstuecke/200204/bxuchtipp/buchtipp.php | |
50. Buchbesprechung: Simon Singh: Fermats Letzter Satz Translate this page Als 2 junge Japaner, yutaka taniyama und Goro Shimura, damals eine neue Theorie aufstellten,wurde diese von der westlichen Gelehrten-Republik nur belaechelt. http://www.univie.ac.at/cognition/jimmy/wiss/fermat.html | |
51. Math@Net - O Último Teorema De Fermat Translate this page Em 1954 dois jovens matemáticos japoneses, yutaka taniyama e Goro Shimura,iniciaram uma amizade porque Shimura ficara sabendo que o volume 24 do http://www.net-rosas.com.br/~cvidigal/math/fermat.htm | |
52. WIDE > Member List Ken Nakamura Masaya Nakamura Motonori Nakamura Osamu Nakamura yutaka Nakamura Masafumi TanakaYasuyuki Tanaka Takashi Taniguchi Hideki taniyama Kouichi Tashima http://www.wide.ad.jp/member/ | |
53. About WIDE Project : Member List Nakamura Masaya Nakamura Motonori Nakamura Osamu Nakamura yutaka Nakamura Masafumi TanakaYasuyuki Tanaka Takashi Taniguchi Hideki taniyama Kazuyuki Tasaka http://www.wide.ad.jp/about/member.html | |
54. PPT Slide The final chapter in the story began in 1955, yutaka taniyama askedsome questions about elliptic curves, ie curves of the form. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~arvindk/Formalmethods/icS222/tsld007.htm | |
55. Resenha - O Último Teorema De Fermat Translate this page Em 1955, yutaka taniyama e Goro Shimura, dois jovens matemáticos talentosos, desenvolveramuma conjectura que, sem perceberem, seria o grande passo para a http://www.ime.usp.br/~cesar/projects/lowtech/teoremadefermat/resenha.html | |
56. IMUS Translate this page Resumen. En 1955, yutaka taniyama conjeturó que toda curva elípticadefinida sobre el cuerpo de los números racionales es modular. http://www.matematicas.us.es/IMUS/Resumenes02/jqb 13-3-02.htm | |
57. Princeton - In The News The conjecture was originally posted by the late yutaka taniyama, a mathematicsgenius, and was developed into equations by Goro Shimura, a Princeton http://www.princeton.edu/pr/news/01/c/0214.htm | |
58. Theoreme Translate this page Ainsi, la solution du problème de Fermat n'existe pas. Andrew Wiles. Barry Mazur.Kenneth Ribet. Jean Pierre Serre. André Weil. Goro Shimura. yutaka taniyama. http://www.info82.com/beaumont/fermat/theoreme.htm | |
59. The Japanese Journal Of Pharmcology Takeda, Katsura Tsukamoto, Yuka Mizutani, Tsunemasa Suzuki and Kohtaro taniyama. Okazaki,Akira Nakatsuma, Yuichi Mimaki, Hiroaki Araki and yutaka Gomita. http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/tjps/kyoto/jjp/TOC99-79(2)/99-79(2).html | |
60. Lindsay Russell In 1984, Ken Ribet, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, connecteda conjecture produced by yutaka taniyama and Goro Shimura to Fermats http://community.middlebury.edu/~schar/Courses/fs023.F02/paper1/russell.htm | |
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