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61. References thue,1914 axel thue. Probleme über Veränderungen von Zeichenreihen nach gegebenenRegeln. Skrifter utgit av Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiana I, 10, 1915. http://www.dfki.de/~heckmann/diplom/Diplomarbeit/node66.html | |
62. Dinneen's Past Life and his was Marshall Hall (Yale University, 1936), and his was Oystein Ore (Universiteti Oslo, 1924), and his was Thor Skolem, and his was axel thue, and his http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~mjd/history.html |
63. Title Translate this page und gleichzeitig allgemeinste Form von Algorithmen. Sie wurden vondem norwegischen Mathematiker axel thue (1863-1922) entwickelt. http://www.nussbaumers.de/deduct/deduct.html | |
64. Dzung T. Hoang's Home Page My advisor is Jeff Vitter whose advisor is Donald Knuth. After that it'sMarshall Hall, Oystein Ore, Thor Skolem, axel thue and then Lie (?) http://www.cs.duke.edu/~dth/ | |
65. Campus Kjeller AS on both patents and trademarks. Haakon thue Lie. axel Moulin and Haakonthue Lie from Leogriff. The Norwegian Patent and Trademark http://www.campuskjeller.no/artikkel.asp?art=15 |
66. TeleSchach / Deutsche Schachjugend / Kader 2230 HES Franz Guttenthaler 86 BAY Thomas Hänsel 82 2190 THÜ axel Heinz 87 BAY Philipp Huber 82 2120 WÜR Fabian Jahnz http://www.deutsche-schachjugend.de/dsj-or07.html | |
67. Karl Thue Nathanielsen Karl thue Nathanielsen karl.thue.nathanielsen@skolekom.dk. Angutinik qinigassanngortippunga.Karl thue Nathanielsenimik ateqarpunga inuuvunga 24. http://www.ia.gl/qinersineq/qineqqusaartut/karl.htm |
68. 2.2 Semi-Thue-Systeme http://ist.unibw-muenchen.de/People/borghoff/slides/info1/tsld033.htm | |
69. I696: Rasmussen ( - ) Annechen ERIKSDATTER. Family 1 Lauritz Christophersen thue MARRIAGE FatherAxel JAKOBSEN Mother Anne Margrethe PEDERSEN Family 1 Margrethe SVENDSEN http://home6.inet.tele.dk/lsj/html/d0001/g0000009.html | |
70. Programmierungstools Für Atari ST-Computer Translate this page 52 KB). thue Eine Sprache, die ihren Namen vom norwegischen Mathematiker Axelthue hat. Inkl. Beispielprogramme und Anleitung. Programm thue 1.0. http://www.mypenguin.de/prg/progs.php3 | |
71. Programmierungstools Für Atari ST-Computer 52 KB). thue A language that has its name from the Norwegian mathematicianAxel thue. Includes sample programs and manual. Programm thue 1.0. http://www.mypenguin.de/prg/progs.php3?lang=en |
72. Nils A. Baas Norsk Matematikk S Tolte Tradisjoner . Nils A. Baas Norsk matematikk stolte Det Kongelige Norske 25. februar 2000 kl. i Festsalen, Katedralskolen, Norsk matematikk stolte tradisjoner Nils A. Baas Ar 2000 er av Den Internasjonale Matematikkunionen blitt erklært for Ver- http://www.math.ntnu.no/~baas/gunnerus.pdf |
73. American Scientist - Computing Science People count by tens and machines count by twos that pretty much sums up the way we do arithmetic on this planet. But there are countless other ways to count. Here I want to offer three cheers for base 3, the ternary system. http://www.amsci.org/Issues/Comsci01/Compsci2001-11.html | |
74. Sonstiges Translate this page Universität Karlsruhe (TH) - Fakultät für Informatik LehrstuhlProf. Dr. P. Deussen Informatik III im WS 2001/2002, http://iseran.ira.uka.de/lehre/info3-winter2001/sonstiges | |
75. Pronunciation Guide To Mathematicians The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://puzzle.jmath.net/math/mathcian/ | |
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