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21. John Tukey From FOLDOC tukey, john . john tukey. person The eminent statistician creditedwith coining the term bit in 1949. http//wwwgap.dcs.st http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Tukey, John |
22. No Match For Tukey, John tukey, john . john tukey. person The eminent statistician creditedwith coining the term bit in 1949. http//www.maths.uq.edu http://www.nightflight.com/foldoc-bin/foldoc.cgi?Tukey, John |
23. ELibrary.com - The Washington Post, 'Pioneering Statistician John W .eLibrary Is tukey % john tukey Coinvented FFT % Here, we compute FFT of john tukey! http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://ask.elibrary.com/getdoc.asp%3Fpu |
24. LinuxGuruz Foldoc Page Want to make a donation? $. LinuxGuruz Foldoc. tukey, john . john tukey. person The eminent statistician credited with coining the term bit in 1949. http://foldoc.linuxguruz.org/foldoc.php?Tukey, John |
25. LinuxGuruz Foldoc Page Was our site helpfull? Want to make a donation? $. LinuxGuruz Foldoc. john tukey. person The eminent statistician credited with coining the term bit in 1949. http://foldoc.linuxguruz.org/foldoc.php?John Tukey |
26. Memories Of John W. Tukey Memories of john W. tukey. john W industry. john tukey died on July26, 2000 but his influence and contributions will continue. He http://stat.bell-labs.com/who/tukey/ | |
27. Memories Of John Tukey john tukey A Memory from 1968. On entering the session, I was surprisedto see john tukey among the few individuals in the room. http://stat.bell-labs.com/who/tukey/tributes.html | |
28. Mathematik/Informatik-Bibliothek Heidelberg Monogr.200201 tukey, john Wilder Sammlung The collected works of john W. tukey ; 3 philosophy and principles of data analysis 1949 1964. - Repr. http://math.uni-heidelberg.de/bib/lit/mgr/200201.html |
29. 1.4.3. References For Chapter 1: Exploratory Data Analysis Mosteller, Frederick and tukey, john (1977), Data Analysis and Regression, AddisonWesley. tukey,john (1977), Exploratory Data Analysis, Addison-Wesley. http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section4/eda43.htm | |
30. Neuerwerbungslisten 02/2002 / Bibliothek Der Fakultät Für Translate this page Boehm1. tukey, john W. ¬The¬ collected works of john W. tukey. W tukeyStHB3. tukey, john W. ¬The¬ collected works of john W. tukey. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/nel_inst/00/MA/2002_02_23.html |
31. Sawitzki : Datenanalyse Translate this page tukey, john W. ¬The¬ collected works of john W. tukey. - Belmont,CA Wadsworth advanced books and software. - (The Wadsworth http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/kvv/ss2002/x-10.htm | |
32. Encyclopædia Britannica Now with a NEW 22nd volume! Visit Britannica Store, Encyclopædia Britannica,Year in Review 2001 tukey, john Wilder Encyclopædia Britannica Article. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=369810 |
33. Author-Index tukey, DavidW. tukey, john W. Tukiainen, M. Tukiainen, Markku; Tula, Giovanni; http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/A1730.html | |
34. John Tukey From Wainer, Howard hwainer@ets.org Subject john tukey Dear Friends and colleagues,john Wilder tukey died last night of an accumulation of physical http://www.ssc.ca/old/Discussion/DiscussionDocs/26July2000B.html |
35. John Tukey: Obituaries john W. tukey. A memorial service will be held in the fall. Fromhttp//www.earthsystems.org/list/ecologl/0664.html. john tukey. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pmcxt | |
36. Math Forum (Math Awareness Month 2000): John Tukey (People/Tukey) Math Makes Points john tukey. john W. tukey. john tukey is a pioneerin exploratory data analysis. Whenever we take samples http://mam2000.mathforum.com/master/people/tukey/ | |
37. John W. Tukey The digital magazine of InfoVis.net john Wilder tukey in memoriam. Juan C. Dürsteler,message nº 6. Last July, 25 john Wilder tukey died at the age of 85. http://www.infovis.net/E-zine/num_6.htm |
38. John W. Tukey Translate this page john Wilder tukey In memoriam. Juan C. Dürsteler, mensaje nº 6. Elpasado 25 de julio murió john Wilder tukey a los 85 años de edad. http://www.infovis.net/Revista/num_6.htm |
39. John Tukey john tukey. They were afraid that if he went to school, he'd get lazy, said Howard Wainer, a friend and former student of john tukey's. http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/NANET00-3/msg00094.html | |
40. American Statistical Association ASA CELEBRATES THE LIFE AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF john WILDER tukey. john tukey, knownfor coining the term bit, was a Bell Labs employee for forty years. http://www.amstat.org/pressroom/tukey.html | |
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