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41. FINDING AID NAME LIST George, 17521827Correspondence Tufts University tukey, john Wilder, 1915-CorrespondenceTulane, VH (Victor H.)Correspondence Tumulty, Joseph P. (Joseph http://memory.loc.gov/faid/faidname026.html | |
42. John Tukey Obituary From Peter Rauch Subject john tukey Obituary =20 john tukey New York Times Saturday,July 29, 2000 ©2000 San Francisco Chronicle =20 URL http//www.sfgate | |
43. John Tukey john tukey Age 85. statistician who won the National Medal of Sciencein 1973 and is credited with coining the terms software and bit. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0874246.html | |
44. Obituary: John W. Tukey Obituary john Wilder tukey. john Wilder tukey, one of the most influentialstatisticians of the last 50 years, died on July 26. He was 85. http://www.smb.org/newsletter/13.3/tukey.shtml | |
45. Physics Today July 2001 john Wilder tukey. john Wilder tukey, Donner Professor Emeritus ofScience at Princeton University and one of the most important http://www.physicstoday.com/pt/vol-54/iss-7/p80.html | |
46. New Page 1 IEEE History Center. john W. tukey 1915 2000. john john tukey and theformer Elizabeth Louise Rapp were married in July, 1950. Before http://www.ieee.org/organizations/history_center/legacies/tukey.html | |
47. FoRK Archive [Obit] John Wilder Tukey Obit john Wilder tukey. Excerpted From http//www.princeton.edu/pr/news/00/q3/0727tukey.htm.July 26, 2000. Statistician john W. tukey dies. http://www.xent.com/aug00/0171.html |
48. Www.rpi.edu/~yut/Math6890/Matlab/Sept07/tukey.diary tukey % john tukey Coinvented FFT % Here, we compute FFT of john tukey!% September 2, 2000 % By Thomas Yu % Prepared for Math 6890 http://www.rpi.edu/~yut/Math6890/Matlab/Sept07/tukey.diary | |
49. Citations: Introduction To These Volumes - Ross, Tukey (ResearchIndex) Ian C. Ross and john W. tukey. Introduction to these volumes. In Index to Statisticsand Probability. The R D Press, Los Altos, CA, 1975. 4 citations found. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/258146/0 | |
50. IP: Obit John Tukey, 85, Statistician Who Coined 2 Crucial Words (Softwa Subject IP Obit john tukey, 85, Statistician Who Coined 2 CrucialWords (Software amp; Bit) From Dave Farber farber@cis.upenn http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/200007/msg00077.ht | |
51. IDblog: Ode To John Tukey March 04, 2003 Ode to john tukey Peter brings us this link to Michael'sGallery of Data Visualization, which he dedicates to john W. tukey. http://www.idblog.org/archives/000130.html | |
52. John W. Tukey: His Life And Professional Contributions http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Display/euclid.aos/1043351246 |
53. John W. Tukey's Work On Time Series And Spectrum Analysis http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Display/euclid.aos/1043351248 |
54. Bibliography TORGERSON, Warren S., Methods of Scaling, New York (Wiley) 1958 pp 254259;tukey, john W. The Future of Data Analysis , Ann. Math. http://www.unige.ch/ses/sococ/eda/man/biblio.htm | |
55. WiR-Bibliothek Edward R. Envisioning Information; ªTheª Visual Display of QuantitativeInformation. tukey, john W. Exploratory Data Analysis. http://www.tu-bs.de/institute/WiR/biblio/autorenindex/t.html | |
56. Sentences By John Tukey Sentences by john tukey. ~The purpose of asymptotic theory in statistics issimple to provide usable approximations before passage to the limit. http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~luyf/tukey.htm | |
57. Sentences By John Tukey http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~luyf/jimmy.htm |
58. John Tukey And "Troubled" Time Series Data David Brillinger. University of California, Berkeley. john tukey and Troubled Time Series Data. 900940, Monday, May 13, 2002 LSK 201, UBC. Watch lecture now. http://www.pims.math.ca/icors2002/videos/brillinger/ | |
59. [S] Obituary For John Tukey S obituary for john tukey. They were afraid that if he went to school, he'dget lazy, said Howard Wainer, a friend and former student of john tukey's. http://www.biostat.wustl.edu/mailinglists/s-news/200007/msg00234.html |
60. [S] John Tukey S john tukey. He left us with his mind intact; despite the physicalproblems that plagued him, in the end he was still john tukey. http://www.biostat.wustl.edu/mailinglists/s-news/200007/msg00193.html |
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