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1. Graph Theory White Pages Paul Turan www.graphtheory.com graph theory white pages Turán, P. paul Turán. 19101976. http// www- history. http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~sanders/graphtheory/people/Turan.P.html |
2. References For Turan Theory 86 (3) (1996), 253254. P Bundschuh, Review of paul turan's collected papers,Jahresberichte der Deutschen Mathematiker vereinigung 94 (1992), B3-5. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Turan.html | |
3. Paul Turán Some personal reminiscences of the mathematical work of paul Turán by paul Erdös This is reproduced, with permission, from Acta Arithmetica 37 (1980) 38 Last updated at 9th April 2002 http://www.numbertheory.org/obituaries/AA/turan/turan_erdos | |
4. Paul Turán The numbertheoretic work of paul Turán By G. Halász This is reproduced, from Acta Arithmetica 37 (1980) 9-19 Last updated at 9th April 2002 http://www.numbertheory.org/obituaries/AA/turan/turan_halasz | |
5. Turan The reference below, written by paul Erdös, describes Turán's work on graph theory. ishttp//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/References/turan.html. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Turan.html | |
6. Turan Biography of paul Turán (19101976) paul Turán. Born 28 Aug 1910 in Budapest, Hungary http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Turan.html | |
7. Index For The Letter T Tucker, John; Tukey, John; Turakainen, P. turan, paul; Turing, Alan; Turner, Jon;Tuttle, Mark; Tyagi, Akhilesh; Tygar, Doug; Tyszkiewicz, Jerzy; Tzeng, WenGuey. http://sigact.acm.org/genealogy/index-T.html | |
8. AAS Database - Full View Of Document Title, Studies in pure mathematics to the memory of paul turan / editedby paul Erdos. Imprint, Basel BirkhauserVerlag, 1983. Pages, 773 p. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/ATA/AAS/AAS/FULL/1099418 | |
9. AAS Database - Browse - List 4, Turaev, Vladimir, 1954 See Turaev, VG(Vladimir G.),1954-. 4, turan, P.(paul), 1910-1976. 4, turan, paul, 1910-1976 See turan, P.(paul),1910-1976. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/ATA/AAS/AAS/SCAN-F/2148134 | |
10. Citations: Alfr'ed R'enyi: Selected Papers - Turan (ResearchIndex) paul turan (ed.), Alfr'ed R'enyi Selected papers, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest,1976, 3 volumes. 2 citations found. Retrieving documents http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/566177/0 | |
11. Research On Turan's Problems (ResearchIndex) of determining the limit lim n t r( n, k) n r for 2 r k. For this problem,Erdos o ered $1000 in honor of paul turan,( see 2 and 7). Since 1941, the http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/484766.html | |
12. Famous Erdos Coauthors Straight; Henda Swart; Laszlo Szekely; Prasad Tetali; Carsten Thomassen;Craig Tovey; William T. Trotter; paul turan (19101976); William Tutte; http://www.oakland.edu/~grossman/famouscoauths.html | |
13. Paper On Paul Erdös thirteen years old. Coincidentally, paul turan, who would become oneof Erdös's most important collaborators, solved the same problem. http://soucc.southern.cc.oh.us/home/jdavidso/Math/ErdosPaper.html | |
14. Online NewsHour: Off-beat Winners March 27, 2000 paul SOLMAN One last question. No surprises last night? Ken turan, I read your piecein yesterday's LA Times, you had every one of the winners picked except I http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june00/oscar_3-27.html | |
15. Paul Erdös (1913-96) One of them I like best is the following. paul and his best friendpaul turan once went to visit the mathematician Sidon. Sidon http://www.math.technion.ac.il/newmath/erdos/ | |
16. Librairie Eyrolles, Paul Erdos And His Mathematics I+II : Le Livre De Collectif paul; P. turan, Pal Erdos is fifty;VT S6s, Turbulent years Erdos in his correspondence with turan; V http://www.calindex.com/livre-sciences-techniques-culture-scientifique-personnal | |
17. "Kyai Aneminal: Cold Abduction" By Paul J. Smith I half hoped to meet turan again someday, but I wasn't sure just what I stuff KyaiAneminal Cold Abduction and the characters within ©19971999 paul J. Smith http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/2292/KyaiCold.htm | |
18. Paul Rudd - Clueless classmate (Justin Walker), and Cher's square but cute exstepbrother (paul Rudd inthis hip, sassy comedy that's wickedly funny (Kenneth turan, Los Angeles http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/4290/clueless.htm | |
19. Paul Erdös - Wikipedia Translate this page Als er im Dezember 1948 nach 10jähriger Pause seine Mutter und Freunde (paul turan,Vera Sos, Miklos Simonovits, ) in Ungarn besuchte, gelang es ihm erst http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Erdös |
20. TJHSST Vs. SOUTH LAKES RESULTS, 12/20/02 Event 11 Men 100 Fly. 56.11YF Kayagil, turan SR 1 103.23YF Duncan, paul JR 2 106.44YFAviles, Matt SR 3 107.03YF Maher, Nolan FR 4. Event 12 Women 100 Fly. http://home.att.net/~tjswimndive/colonials/southlakes_0203.htm | |
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