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Vandermonde Alexandre: more detail |
61. Cuprinsul GMB 2 / 1999 63. Istoria matematicii. Theophile alexandre Charles August vandermonde(17351796), pag. 66 (PDF). Demonstratii fara cuvinte. Markham http://www.gazetamatematica.ro/ro/htm/arhive/cuprins/1999/gmb_1999_2.htm | |
62. GMB Issue 2 / 1999 p. 63. History of the Mathematics. Theophile alexandre Charles August vandermonde(17351796), p. 66. Proofs without words. Markham, Elizabeth http://www.gazetamatematica.ro/en/htm/arhive/cuprins/1999/gmb_1999_2.htm | |
63. Galois Translate this page alexandre vandermonde poursuit les travaux de Lagrange et conjecture que les puissances(n-1)/2 ième des résolvantes de Lagrange sont des nombres rationnels. http://www.univ-tln.fr/~langevin/NOTES/GALOIS/Galois.html | |
64. A História Da Matemática Translate this page A História da matemática. Abraham de Moivre. Albert Einstein. alexandre ThéophileVandermonde. André Marie Ampère. Andrei Andreyevich Markov. Apolônio de Perga. http://www.brasil.terravista.pt/magoito/1866/Historia/histmat.html | |
65. Math Forum: Teacher2Teacher - Q&A #3733 please post it ! His name is connected with those of vandermonde (AlexandreTheophile)17351796 (Paris). In Combinatorics ,Special http://mathforum.org/t2t/discuss/message.taco?thread=3733&n=4 |
66. Publications Of Alexandre Varchenko Publications of alexandre Varchenko. 86101. Multidimensional VandermondeDeterminant, Uspekhi Matematicheskykh Nauk 434 (1988), p. 190. http://www.math.unc.edu/Faculty/av/papers.html | |
67. UNC Math Varchenko Betafunction of Euler, vandermonde determinant, Legendre equation and criticalvalues of linear functions of configuration of hyperplanes, I,Izvestiya http://www.math.unc.edu/Faculty/av/ | |
68. The Science Bookstore - Chronology AD, Cartheuser, FA Died 12/12/1796, 1796 AD, vandermonde, AlexandreDied 1/1/1796, 1796 AD, Carnot, Nicolas Born 6/1/1796, 1796 AD, http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=11 |
69. Célébrations Nationales 2002 - Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac : La Loi De Dilatation Translate this page problème. En 1786, Gaspard Monge, alexandre-Théophile Vandermondeet Cl.-L. Berthollet font des mesures de dilatation de gaz. http://www.culture.fr/culture/actualites/celebrations2002/gaylussac.htm | |
70. Math 211 Further Reading (Term 2) Jean Louis Lagrange 17361813 (St. Andrew's U.). alexandre-TheophileVandermonde 1735-1796 (St. Andrew's U.). 4.3, The Least Square Method. http://www.mast.queensu.ca/~math211/m211read.htm | |
71. Links Translate this page Albert Einstein, Gaspard Monge, Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass. AlexandreThéophile vandermonde, Georg Ferdinand Ludwing Phiilip Cantor, Kurt Hensel. http://www.lobato.pro.br/matematica/matematicos.htm | |
72. C18-L's Selected Readings, No. 61 Sullivan, CR The first chair of political economy in France alexandre Vandermondeand the Principles of Sir James Steuart at the École Normale in the Year http://www.personal.psu.edu/special/C18/sr/sr61.htm |
73. C18-L's Selected Readings, No. 74 Sullivan, CR The first chair of political economy in France alexandre Vandermondeand the Principles of Sir James Steuart at the Ecolenormale of the Year III http://www.personal.psu.edu/special/C18/sr/sr74.htm |
74. FFT.nb scribe/reference/appnotes/md000503.htm. Information about AlexandreThéophile vandermonde. Converted by Mathematica May 10, 2000. http://faculty.uml.edu/klevasseur/courses/92.322/lectures/FFT/FFT.html | |
75. Kapitel 4 Translate this page Funktion atoi in einen int-Wert umgewandelt. det_test.c. 3 AlexandreTheophile vandermonde, französischer Mathematiker, 1735-1796. http://www.math.tu-cottbus.de/~kd/lehre/ea/html/kap4.html | |
76. TLW's 1730s (1730-1739) Timeline American patriot Paul Revere (d. 1818) on Jan. 1. French scientistmathematicianAlexandre-Theophile vandermonde (d. 1796) on Feb. 28. http://www.tlwinslow.com/timeline/time173x.html | |
77. Numéro 55, 25 Septembre 1998 Translate this page Sullivan, CR, «The First Chair of Political Economy in France alexandre Vandermondeand the Principles of Sir James Steuart at the École Normale in the http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/xviiie_siecle/1998/biblio55.html | |
78. CompList Translate this page Tillet Mathieu, 15. Trudaine de Montigny Jean Charles Philibert, 14. VandermondeAlexandre Théophile, 3. Vaucanson Jacques de, 4. Vicq D'Azyr Félix, 1. http://moro.imss.fi.it/lavoisier/Lavoisier_digitallibrary_catalogueGb.asp?Pag=3& |
79. 1735 http://www.viandante.it/sito24/XVIII secolo/1735.htm |
80. Centre D'Histoire De La Pensée Economique http://panoramix.univ-paris1.fr/CHPE/institutions.html | |
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