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Von Eotvos Roland: more detail |
1. Eotvos, Roland, Baron Von (1848-1919) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientif Alphabetical Index. About this site. Branch of Science , Physicistsv. Nationality , Hungarian v. eotvos, roland, Baron von (18481919), http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Eotvos.html | |
2. Eotvos Dokumentumok Einige Arbeiten von Loránd (roland) Eötvös (deutsch). About Loránd (roland) Eötvös (English) vonzása különböz anyagokra. roland Eötvös Über die Anziehung der http://www.kfki.hu/~tudtor/eotvos1 | |
3. Eotvos Eötvös, roland (Loran) Baron von, *1848 in Budapest, Schriftstellers und Staatsmanns József von Eötvös. Nach der Schulzeit er durch die von ihm konstruierte sehr empfindliche http://www.tu-bs.de/institute/geophysik/kertz/eotvos.html | |
4. Nat'l Academies Press, Physics Of The Earth - II The Figure Of The Earth (1931), REFERENCES The original and still the most fundamental papers on the Eolvos torsionbal ance are Baron eotvos' original papers 1. eotvos, roland von. http://www.nap.edu/books/ARC000033/html/167.html | |
5. Photo Credits From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Eisenstein, Ferdinand (18231852) MacTutor Enders, John Franklin (1897-1985)Asimov eotvos, roland, Baron von (1848-1919) MacTutor Epicurus of Samos (341 http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/photo-credits.html |
6. Roland Eotvos Nemet Lap Einige Arbeiten von 1848 1919 Eötvös home page Die Herstellung der elektronischen Version dieses Textes wurde vom "Nationaler Kulturfond Ungarns" unterstüzt. http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/tarsad/tudtan/eotvos/html/eotvos_n.html | |
8. WIEM: Eotvos Roland (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl E...... Fizyka, Wegry eotvos roland (18481919), widok strony znajdz podobne pokaz powiazane.Eötvös roland von (1848-1919), baron, syn Jozsefa Eötvös (pisarza i http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00fc48.html | |
9. Eotvos Dokumentumok Einige Arbeiten von Loránd (roland) Eötvös (deutsch). About Loránd (roland) Eötvös (English) vonzása különbözõ anyagokra. roland Eötvös Über die Anziehung der Erde http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/tarsad/tudtan/eotvos/html | |
10. He Studied The Shape Of The Earth He Was One Of Europe S Foremost roland, Baron von eotvos came from an aristocratic and intellectual family. http://www.norskfysikk.no/nfs/epsbiografer/EOTVOS.PDF |
11. Roland Eotvos Nemet Lap Translate this page Einige Arbeiten von Loránd Eötvös 1848 - 1919, http://www.kfki.hu/~tudtor/eotvos1/eotvos_n.html | |
12. Eotvos Dokumentumok munkáiból Levelek, versek, dokumentumok Eötvös Loránd életérõl és munkásságárólEinige Arbeiten von Loránd (roland) Eötvös (deutsch) About http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/tarsad/tudtan/eotvos/html/eotvos.html | |
13. Karolyi Zsigmond: Eotvos Lorandra Vonatkozo Irodalom 67. Meisser, O. Die Behandlung von dünnen Wolframtorsionsdrähten für die Renner,J. Schwerkraftsuntersuchungen in Ungarn seit roland Eötvös Tätigkeit. http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/tarsad/tudtan/eotvos/html/elrol.html | |
14. Fundamental Physics Of Space - Technical Details of gravity's force that it has been repeated over the centuries by such eminentscientists as Isaac Newton (~1680), Baron roland von eotvos (~19001922), and http://funphysics.jpl.nasa.gov/technical/grp/step.html | |
15. Geology.html Professor Baron roland von eotvos of the University of Budapest adapted torsion balancessuch that they could be used as geophysical prospecting instruments.In http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~spaceuk/geology.html | |
16. Timeline Of Gravitational Physics And Relativity - Acapedia - 1887 Albert Michelson and Edward Morley do not detect the ether drift; 1889 -roland von eotvos uses a torsion fiber balance to test the weak equivalence http://acapedia.org/aca/Timeline_of_gravitational_physics_and_relativity | |
17. Manik Talwani, Scholarly Interests, Rice University submitted). Presentations. From roland von eotvos to Lockheed MartinGravitygradiometry, University of Houston, Houston (February,2001). http://dacnet.rice.edu/Faculty/?FDSID=358 |
18. Manik Talwani, Earth Science Smit. From roland von eotvos to Lockheed MartinGravity gradiometry, University of Houston, Houston (February,2001). Gravity http://dacnet.rice.edu/SEnews/Faculty/Dept/?FDSID=358&curdept=Department of Eart |
19. Theory Of Relativity validity has been checked experimentally by Galileo, Newton, and Friedrich Bessel,and in the early 20th century by Baron roland von eotvos (after whom such http://pratt.edu/~arch543p/help/theory_of_relativity.html | |
20. ScopertaConquista Translate this page E. Niglutsch e B. Wagner con G. e B. Bernard. 20 lug. 1878 Croda Rossa di Sesto(2965m). roland von eotvos con Michel Innerkofler. ? ? 1878 CIMA UNDICI (3092m). http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/abcdolomiti/ScopertaConquista.htm | |
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