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81. DIMENSIONS OF THE FRACTALS One of perhaps the most famous fractals is koch's curve named after helge vonkoch, 1904. Find a dimension of the snowflake curve (of helge von koch). http://rc.fmf.uni-lj.si/matija/logarithm/worksheets/fractal.htm | |
82. KaiRo Science Corner - Physik - Fraktale helge von koch 1904 entdeckte,eröffnet gute Möglichkeiten zur Beschreibung der fraktalen Eigenschaften http://www.kairo.at/science/physics/fraktalenatur.html | |
83. 04 Fraktaler Exkurs Translate this page Teilen der koch-Schneeflocke, besonders schön demonstriert (1904 in die Mathematikeingeführt durch den schwedischen Mathematiker helge von koch). http://www.mythen-der-buchkultur.de/Texte/04_Geschichte/Fliesstext/Fraktaler_Exk | |
84. What (Koch's Snowflake) The koch Curve was studied by helge von koch in 1904. When considered in its snowflakeform (see below) the curve is infinitely long but surrounds finite area. http://www.ecu.edu/si/cd/interactivate/activities/koch/what.html | |
85. Koch Snowflakes magnified. A simple fractal is the koch snowflake, named after Swedishmathematician helge von koch (18701924). The construction http://www.simpson.edu/~math/labs/snow/snow.html | |
86. El Conjunto De Koch Translate this page Definidas por helge von koch en 1904, estas curvas se forman a partir de un segmento,por la sustitución de su tercio central por dos segmentos de longitud http://platea.pntic.mec.es/~mzapata/tutor_ma/fractal/koch1.htm | |
87. Methode Koch Methode koch. "ES KOMMT ÜBERHAUPT NICHT AUF DAS IM BERUF ERREICHTE AN, SONDERN AUSSCHLIESSLICH AUF DAS DURCH WERNER koch (23.4.1927 28.4.1993). helge Breloer. Meppener Straße http://www.methodekoch.de/ | |
88. Von Koch Translate this page Questa curva limite è stata essenzialmente proposta dal matematico tedesco Helgevon koch nel 1904 ed ha un'altra interessante proprietà non ammette http://digilander.libero.it/lucianobattaia/matematica/a_fiocchineve/pg1.htm | |
89. Problem Set 1 Among the most famous line systems are the von koch snowflake, first described byHelge von koch in 1904, the Peano curve, the Hilbert curve, and the Cantor set http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~brd/Teaching/AI/Homeworks/ps1.html | |
90. Johanneum Lüneburg Koch-Fraktal Translate this page Sie kann als Symbol für diese ganze Fraktalgattung gelten. Der MathematikerHelge von koch hat sie zu Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts vorgestellt. http://rzserv2.fh-lueneburg.de/u1/gym03/homepage/faecher/mathe/chaos/linde/koch. | |
91. CS312 FA00 Problem Set 1 Among the most famous fractals are the von koch snowflake, first described by Helgevon koch in 1904, the Peano curve, the Hilbert curve, and the Cantor set. http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Courses/cs312/2000fa/homework/ps1/ps1.html | |
92. área Fractal - Koch & Sierpinski koch y Sierpinski. En 1.904 NielsHelge von koch (1870-1924) define la curva que lleva su nombre. Se forma (fig. http://www.arrakis.es/~sysifus/kochsier.html | |
93. Historical Notes: History Of Fractals Later came geometrical figures example (c) on page 191 was introduced by Helgevon koch in 1906, the example on page 187 by Waclaw Sierpinski in 1916 http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/notes/934a | |
94. Fractals Part 1 Translate this page Les mathématiciens du début du XXe siècle (Georg Cantor, Felix Hausdorff ou Helgevon koch), qui s'interrogeaient sur la notion de dérivabilité, avaient http://olivier.sc.free.fr/logosc/fractalo/fract000.html | |
95. Version Professeur -- Page VINET Translate this page pour obtenir des explications plus complètes. Introduction. HelgeVon koch mathématicien suédois, 1870-1924. Il est le premier, en http://www.aromath.net/Page.php?IDP=292&IDD=0 |
96. Philosophy And Computers --- Links - Fractals It has also java applets, which draw Sierpinski Triangle and koch Snowflake. koch'sSnowflake Web page with a java applet, which draws koch's Snowflake. http://www.ic.sunysb.edu/Class/phi365/fractals.html | |
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