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Vranceanu Gheorghe: more detail | |||
1. Cantecul Legionarilor Cazuti / Plange Printre Ramuri Luna TREI SCAUNE Lascar Gheorghe; vranceanu gheorghe; Caranica Enache; TURDA Cucerzan Constantin; Nichita Augustin; http://the_69th_vampire.tripod.com/Cantecul_Legionarilor_Cazutzi.html | |
2. Vranceanu Gheorghe Vranceanu. Born 30 June 1900 in Gheorghe Vranceanu was borninto a family of poor peasants. He attended primary school in http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Vranceanu.html | |
3. CE NU VOR DUSMANII SA STITI DIN TRECUTUL MISCARII LEGIONARE Dragomir Gheorghe; Cocora Alexandru; TREI SCAUNE Lascar Gheorghe; vranceanu gheorghe; Caranica Enache; TURDA Cucerzan http://www.miscarea-legionara.com/prezent.htm |
4. Lista Legionarilor Cazuti Constantin; Caragancev Ion; TIMIS TORONTAL Udrea Toader; Dragomir Gheorghe; CocoraAlexandru; TREI SCAUNE Lascar Gheorghe; vranceanu gheorghe; Caranica Enache http://www.geocities.com/alkimistul/ml/cazuti.html | |
5. Satellite Activities Centennial gheorghe vranceanu. AllConferences.net Science Math http://www.iec.es/3ecm/satel.htm | |
6. Vranceanu Biography of gheorghe vranceanu (19001979) gheorghe vranceanu. Born 30 June 1900 in Valea Hogii, Vaslui, Romania http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Vranceanu.html | |
7. References For Vranceanu References for gheorghe vranceanu. Articles Academician Professor gheorghe vranceanu(Romanian), Stud. Cerc. N Teodorescu, gheorghe vranceanu (French), Bull. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Vranceanu.html | |
8. References For Vranceanu References for the biography of gheorghe vranceanu References for gheorghe vranceanu. Articles Academician Professor gheorghe vranceanu (Romanian), Stud. Cerc. Mat. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Vranceanu.html | |
9. Gheorghe Vranceanu english romana. gheorghe vranceanu. Profesorul universitar academiciangheorghe vranceanu, este fiul taranului sarac Costache http://www.mathesis.ro/capital/ro/htm/pers/personalitati/vranceanu.htm | |
10. Gheorghe Vranceanu english romana. gheorghe vranceanu. The university professor academiciangheorghe vranceanu, was the son of a poor peasant, Costache http://www.mathesis.ro/capital/en/htm/pers/personalitati/vranceanu.htm | |
11. Powerpoint Isaac Jacob Schoenbog by Kayla Murphy, gheorghe vranceanu by SebastianPavel. Julia Robinson by Jennifer Purchase, Niels Bohr by Joey Perpick. http://kss.sd69.bc.ca/pages/courses/math/PMath10PP/Powerpoint.html | |
12. Vranceanu Portrait Portrait of gheorghe vranceanu gheorghe vranceanu. JOC/EFR August 2001 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/Vranceanu.html | |
13. Muzeul Literaturii Romane Titu Dumitrescu Geo Dumitrescu Adriana Fianu Gabriela vranceanu Firea Ioan FloraSerban Foarta Augustin Fratila Matei Gavril Ioan gheorghe, Mihaela Ghitescu http://www.mlr.ro/litromhtm/contemporana/poezie/firea.php | |
14. Biblioteca De Matematica Miron Nicolescu, Dan Barbilian, Grigore Moisil, George vranceanu, gheorghe Mihoc siau inscris numele in lucrari care ii http://www.bcub.ro/matem.htm | |
15. Colegiul National "Gheorghe Lazar" fiz. ,,vranceanuProcopiu . Copiright 1999-2001 Colegiul National GheorgheLazar Concept si design Ciprian Ciocan Contactati-ma la cips@directnet.ro. http://www.pcmagazine.ro/concurs/3591/prezentare/elevi.htm | |
16. ISTORICFacultatea De Matematica A Universitatii Din Bucuresti Si Personalitati ale domeniului precum Simion Stoilov, Dimitrie Pompeiu, Miron Nicolescu,Dan Barbilian, Grigore Moisil, George vranceanu, gheorghe Mihoc siau http://www.bcub.ro/matemstg.htm | |
17. Ziua Pe Internet Ieri, in cadrul sedintei Biroului Executiv al FR Box, intrunit de urgenta, sa decisdemiterea tehnicienilor gheorghe Simion si Valentin vranceanu din functiile http://www.ziua.ro/vineri/docs/2394.html |
18. Ziua Pe Internet olimpic Mircea Simon, recent numit de Biroul Federal al FRB in functia de antrenoral lotului tricolor, alaturi de Valentin vranceanu, gheorghe Simion si http://www.ziua.ro/archive/2003/01/29/docs/2225.html | |
19. Articole Aparute In GMB, Ordonate Dupa Autori - Litera N 107. Nicolescu, Floarea 100 de ani de la nasterea lui gheorghe vranceanu(impreuna cu Nicolescu, Liviu), in GMB 56 / 2000, pag. http://www.gazetamatematica.ro/ro/htm/arhive/autori/n.htm | |
20. Articles Published In MGB, Sorted By Authors - Letter N Nicolescu, Floarea 100 years from the birth of gheorghe vranceanu (withNicolescu, Liviu), in MGB 56 / 2000, p. 193. Nicolescu, Liviu http://www.gazetamatematica.ro/en/htm/arhive/autori/n.htm | |
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