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61. The U Of MT -- Mansfield Library LangFing French Pt. 58 techniques poetiques RID wln86113580 ITEM fre01722 516.56 zygmund,antoni, 1900- Z99i Integrales singulieres. Berlin RID http://www.lib.umt.edu/guide/lang/fren58h.htm | |
62. December 2001 23 Georgii Pfeiffer, 24 Charles Hermite, 25 antoni zygmund, 26 JohnConway, 27 Johannes Kepler, 28 John von Neumann, 29 Thomas Stieltjes. http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/December2001.html | |
63. B. Kit Typescript. the 1970s, 9, 1, 26. antoni zygmund. His life and his contributionto the development of mathematics in the 20th century (Germ. antoni zygmund. http://www.president.gov.by/gosarchives/ezaml/eKit_t1.htm |
64. DePaul University Faculty Publications Database Gatto, A. Eduardo On weighted fractional integrals. In Conference on Harmonic Analysisin Honor of antoni zygmund. California Wadsworth, Inc, 1992. http://apps.lib.depaul.edu/facpub/display_author.asp?Gatto, A. Eduardo |
65. MATH 501:01 Fall 1999 Archive Page DIRECTORY. Textbook(s) Required Richard L. Wheeden and antoni zygmund, Measureand Integral An Introduction to Real Analysis, ISBN 08247-6499-4. http://www.math.rutgers.edu/courses/501/501-f99/ | |
66. La Bibliotheque Translate this page site contient l'histoire des mathématiques divisée en 26 catégories avec desbiographies de plus de 1000 mathématiciens, de Niels Abel à antoni zygmund. http://www.sciencepresse.qc.ca/cyber-express/510c.html | |
67. Index To Scientists And Engineers Biographical File (Library Of Congress) ZARISKI, OSCAR BIB. ZENER, CLARENCE P, BIB. ZIMM, BRUNO HASHBROUCK BIB.ZINDER, NORTON D. P, BIB. ZWORYKIN, VK BIB. zygmund, antoni P, BIB. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/sci-eng-nz.html | |
68. Guide To The Records Of The Emergency Committee In Aid Of Displaced Foreign Scho Translate this page Zilsel, Edgar, 1939-1944. Zimmer, Heinrich, 1940-1942. Zondek, Bernhard, 1938-1943.zygmund, antoni, 1935-1941. NEXT Return to Emergency Committee Records. http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/spe/rbk/faids/Emergency/grantees.html | |
69. "The Wirszup Factor," University Of Chicago Magazine, October-December 1996 A gifted student, Wirszup pursued a career in mathematics and studied at the Universityof Wilno under antoni zygmund, an internationally famous math scholar http://magazine.uchicago.edu/9612/9612Wirszup3.html | |
70. Discurso Del Dr un curioso paso de baile académico), y antoni zygmund, matemático polaco http://cacho.mate.unlp.edu.ar/~uma/hitos/calderon.htm |
71. Untitled Translate this page Su capacidad única fue detectada por el Profesor antoni zygmund, de la Universidadde Chicago, durante su primera visita a la Universidad de Buenos Aires en http://cacho.mate.unlp.edu.ar/~uma/98/julio/sadosky.htm |
72. Revista EXACTA Mente - Nro 11 - Semblanza Translate this page Su capacidad única fue detectada por el profesor antoni zygmund, de laUniversidad de Chicago, durante su primera visita a la UBA en 1948. http://www.fcen.uba.ar/publicac/revexact/exacta11/semblanz.htm | |
73. Anthony Anton Flettner (18851961) German inventor. antoni zygmund (1900-1992)Polish mathematician. Antony Hewish (1925-) British astrophysicist. http://www.geocities.com/edgarbook/names/a/anthony.html | |
74. Academic Achievement Certain function spaces connected with almost everywhere convergence of Fourier series,Conference on Harmonic analysis in honor of antoni zygmund, Edited by W http://www.math.wustl.edu/~guido/html/AcademicIn.html | |
75. Mathematicians During The Third Reich And World War II Went to USA. zygmund, antoni Drafted to Polish army 1939; In 1940 escaped withhis wife and son from german controlled Poland to USA; Chicago until 1980. http://wwwzenger.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/persons/huckle/mathwar.html | |
76. Untitled (with JP Kahane and EM Stein), The scientific achievements of antoni zygmund,Proceedings of the Chicago Conference in honor of A. zygmund, to appear. http://www.math.princeton.edu/~koolaid/CharlieBib.html | |
77. December 26 - Today In Science History Click Here DECEMBER 26 BIRTHS. antoni zygmund. (source), Born 26 Dec1900; 30 May 1992. Polish-born mathematician who exerted a major http://www.todayinsci.com/12/12_26.htm | |
78. May 30 - Today In Science History In 1973 the Bic ® Lighter was introduced in the US, followed byBic ® Shavers, first introduced in 1976. antoni zygmund. (source http://www.todayinsci.com/5/5_30.htm | |
79. Josefina (Lolina) Alvarez (with M. Milman), Calderónzygmund operators on Poisson like operators . ColloquiumMathematicum, 60-61 (1990), 361-378. Volume in honor of antoni zygmund. http://www.math.nmsu.edu/~jalvarez/vita.html | |
80. Home - Science And Health - Mathematics Alfred Tarski Stanislaw Marcin Ulam Tadeusz Wazewski Kazimierz ZarankiewiczStanislaw Zaremba Bogdan Ziemian antoni zygmund Kazimierz Zórawski Henryk http://wings.buffalo.edu/info-poland/web/sci_health/math/index.shtml | |
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