Dog Owner's Guide: Autoimmune Diseases These include, but are not limited to, warfarin poisoning, various clotting disorders(hemophilia, Von Willebrand's disease), bladder or prostate infection or
Extractions: [Dog Owner's Guide: Autoimmune diseases (] Live in the Cincinnati area? Looking for a private trainer or training club? A boarding kennel? How about an all breed club? Visit our Dog Owner's Guide Mall Home Topics Index ... Advertise The term "Autoimmune disease" is currently making the rounds among dog breeders and exhibitors and in the veterinary community. Diseases caused by a defective immune system are of particular concern among many purebred fanciers. (Some people use the abbreviation AID for (A)uto (I)mmune (D)isease. Due to possible confusion with AIDS, (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), a completely different disease, I have not used this acronym.) The immune system is a marvelous defense network of white blood cells, antibodies, and other substances used to fight off infections and reject foreign proteins. It is a police force patrolling the body, designed to recognize "self" cells from "non-self" cells by markers found on the surface of every cell in the body. It is this ability that causes the body to reject skin grafts, blood transfusions, and organ transplants. Like anything else, the immune system can fail, either by not doing its job or by doing it too well.
Autoimmune Diseases Links Miscarriage; Neurological disorders; Numbers to Call; Osteoporosis;Other Cancers; Pelvic Pain/ Inflammatory Disease; Auto Immune Diseases.
Numbers To Call/Health Hotlines Auto Immune Diseases Fibromyalgia Network, 1800-853-2929. National Organizationfor Rare disorders, 1-800-999-6673. National Psoriasis Foundation, 1-800-248-0886.
Extractions: Search: entire Remedyfind site in Allergies in Anxiety Disorders in Arthritis: Osteoarthritis in Arthritis: Rheumatoid in Asthma in Bipolar Disorder in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Crohn's Disease in Depression in Epilepsy in Fibromyalgia in Gastrointestinal Disorders in Headaches in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Lupus in Multiple Sclerosis in Sleep Disorders in Weight Loss HOME ABOUT HELP CONTACT Sunday, March 30, 2003 Home > Arthritis: Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid Video Library Arthritis: Rheumatoid Newsletter (We value your privacy: your email address will ONLY be used for the purpose of sending you this newsletter, and you'll be free to unsubscribe at any time.) View previous editions of the Arthritis: Rheumatoid Newsletter. Arthritis: Rheumatoid Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an auto-immune disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of function in the joints. The disease often affects the wrist joints and the finger joints closest to the hand, although it can also affect other parts of the body. There are two basic types of remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: treatments aimed at the underlying auto-immune disease; and treatments to relieve pain and inflammation. Treatments aimed at the underlying auto-immune disease include the DMARD medications (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs) such as Arava (Leflunomide), as well as a new class of RA drugs known as biologic response modifiers such as Enbrel (Etanercept) and Remicade (Infliximab). Rheumatoid Arthritis pain and inflammation relief remedies include prescription drug information for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), corticosteroids, and alternative Rheumatoid Arthritis treatments like chiropractic and acupuncture.
Auto Immune Diseases Auto immune diseases. The term MCTD is used to describe overlapping groups of connectivetissue disorders that cannot be diagnosed in more precise terms.
Extractions: Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin disease in which the absence of melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) causes a decreased pigmentation in the skin. Vitiligo is 10 to 15 times more common in patients with other autoimmune diseases, such as Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus, pernicious anemia, discoid lupus, and abnormal thyroid function. This disorder has only recently been identified as an autoimmune disease because organ-specific antibodies have now been detected in patients with vitiligo. The autoimmune reaction leads to destruction of pigment cells (melanocytes). Pigment cells are what give color or tint to the skin. Vitiligo has a tendency to run in families and may follow unusual trauma, especially to the head. The disease may also be referred to as leukoderma. Wegener's granulomatosis is an autoimmune vascular disease that usually affects middle-aged men. The initial manifestations generally involve the upper and lower respiratory tract, with a chronic, progressive inflammation. The inflammation may form lumps or granulomas in the tissues or in the skin. It may progress into generalized inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis) and kidneys (glomerulonephritis). A limited form of the disease that does not involve the kidneys may occur.
Extractions: Essential Fats (EFs), Secrets to Living Long and Well Home EFA Lab EFA Books Products ... Lipid abnormalities Lipid drugs Pregnancy Children Women ... Delay Aging Learn about our "biochemical surgery " that seeks to optimize cell membranes. Healthy cell membranes lead to healthy cells. Healthy cells lead to improved organ function, a strengthened immune system, and improved life expectancy. The treatments we present are novel and state-of-the-art. Because we talk to leading scientists around the world and attend scientific and medical conferences every year, we can present new research findings years before they reach scientific journals or become known by clinical doctors. Several years ago, we published new nutrition therapies for high blood pressure, brain function, and high cholesterol. These therapies are now being reported as "new." Dr. Siguel has a unique perspective on health and disease based on his clinical and laboratory experience as a leading researcher on essential fats, his pathology training in lab medicine, his PhD in statistics, and his critical reading of thousands of medical articles per year. Dr. Siguels work has been featured in the New York Times Time magazine, CNN, and many others. He has given lectures to Harvards Nutrition Department, the Canadian government, the American Oil Chemists Society, the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, and many more. See
Extractions: This formulation is the most power packed immune system booster in tablet form that we have ever employed in our clinic. It has a noteworthy track record of effectively increasing immune capacity in numerous cases of chronic viral, bacterial and fungal infection, normalizing deregulated immune function in auto immune disorders and increasing resistance in those easily prone to catching colds and flu. The literature shows that it may also prove useful in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and various types of dermatitis. This formulation can be used by anyone who wishes to keep their immune function in good condition regardless of their health. We now prescribe it routinely to all immuno-compromised patients in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome, HIV, lupus, chronic hepatitis and chronic unwellness. Also recommended for all cancer patients, persons receiving chemo-therapy and cancer survivors for ongoing immune support.
Cyber Warning Letter AIDS, Allergy Conditions, CFIDS Severe, Appendix Adenocarcinoma, Arthritis,Auto Immune disorders, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Bursitis, Cancer Breast
Extractions: Houston, Texas 77092 Ref. No. CL-02-HFS-810-30 Dear Mrs. Miller: This is to advise you that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed your web site at the Internet address: and has determined that the products "Bioumune OSF Plus," "Km by Matol Botanical International," "Bovine Colostrum," and "Olive Leaf Extract" being offered are promoted for conditions that cause the products to be drugs under section 201(g)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) [21 USC 321(g)(1)]. The therapeutic claims on your web site establish that the products are drugs because they are intended for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. The continued marketing of these products with these claims violates the Act and may subject you or the products to regulatory action without further notice. Examples of some of the claims observed on your web site include: Bioumune OSF Plus claim located at "products" link: "If You or anyone you know has the following health issues...check this out NOW! AIDS, Allergy Conditions, CFIDS Severe, Appendix Adenocarcinoma, Arthritis, Auto Immune Disorders, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Bursitis, Cancer Breast Bladder Cervical, etc., Carcinoma, Chronic Infection, Colds and Flu, Colitis, Colon Cancer, Diabetes, Ductal Carcinoma Fibromyalgia, Gout, Hepatitis C, Herpes Stomatitis Severe, High Cholesterol, Hypoglycemia, Leukemia Lymphocytic B-cell, Lung Cancer, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Lymphoma, Mononeucleosis [sic] Acute, Multiple Sclerosis, Myelodysplasia, Osteoporosis, Ovarian Cancer, Pneumonia, Prostate Cancer, Psoriasis, Schleroderma [sic], Sinus and Coughing, Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Staph, Thyroiditis, Tumors, Biomune OSF Express (used for Sinus, Sore Throat, Ears GREAT FOR CHILDREN, etc.)"
Research & Consultancy Services immune disease; parasite infections; pregnancy; antisense DNA. Inflammation Analysisof the sugar chains of inflammatory proteins; inflammatory disorders;
Extractions: Development of new synthetic and protein based drugs (specific capability of blocking the action of cytokines and modulating lymphocyte and macrophage activity); relationship between endocrine and immune systems; mechanisms for non-rejection of the foetus; molecules responsible for ovulation and the initiation of labour. Biochemical Analysis: Separation techniques (high performance liquid chromatography; gas liquid chromatography; capillary electrophores); LC/MS/MS; stability studies; impurity profiling. FT-IR spectroscopy; X-ray powder diffraction; mass spectrometry; chromatography and scanning calorimetry applied to the isolation, characterisation and determination of drug structures; mass spectrometry, chromatography and scanning calorimetry in studies of cancer and ophthalmics. Biomedicinal Chemistry:
UCH: Medical Specialties And Services Arthritis Rheumatology. Auto Immune Bulbous Diseases Center Dermatologytop. Balance disorders Otolaryngology. Birthmark Center Dermatology.
Vaccination Liberation Index Rubella (see also MMR, Autism/MMR) Autism and MMR or Rubella Vaccine inMoms (18apr01) Auto Immune disorders Link page Auto Immune disorders
Ear Surgery Information Center-Meniere's Disease By Mark J. Levenson MD. A description of this disease and its symptoms, diagnosis, different tests Category Health Conditions and Diseases Meniere s Individuals with certain auto immune disorders such as Lupus and severe rheumatoidarthritis, or who suffer from thyroid disorders such as Grave's Disease and
Extractions: by Mark J. Levenson MD, FACS Meniere's Disease is a very disturbing illness, presenting patients with hearing loss, pressure in the ear, tinnitus, severe imbalance and vertigo. Vertigo is the most dramatic and distressing symptom of Meniere's; it is described as a sudden loss of normal balance or equilibrium. The room may suddenly begin to spin and rotate at high speed. Focusing is difficult, and if the vertigo continues, nausea and vomiting may occur. Vertigo is commonnly caused by acute labyrinthitis (a viral inflammation of the inner ear), benign positional vertigo (a condition due to abnormally floating crystals in the inner ear that stimulate the nerve endings of the inner ear), delayed symptom of head injury, or result of cervical spine problems. Hearing loss typically fluctuates with hearing being worse some days than others. The hearing loss in Meniere's may lead to severe permanent hearing loss and deafness in the affected ear. People with Meniere's Disease report that tinnitus may be variable and often worsen before an attack of vertigo. Tinnitus is often described as a motor-like whirring noise present only in the ear with the hearing loss.
R U Healthy - all gone up. Auto immune disorders which were completely unknown ten yearsago are now becoming quite common. It is especially important
Extractions: Thirty years ago it used to be if you ate "right" (an apple a day keeps the doctor away), you were assured of great energy and health and chances were good that you would live to an old age without fear of crippling chronic illnesses and premature aging. Today, it is far more complicated!! We live in a society of high stress, exposure to toxic chemicals, unhealthy life styles and low quality nutrition. My mission is to provide you with important personalized information that will help you deal with these negative health factors so you may maintain optimal health or return to great health. What you do today will effect your health and productivity of tomorrow. Good health is "money in the bank" and has proven to be one of the best investments a person will ever make. Nutrition based healthcare, unfortunately, is rarely covered in today's pharmaceutical based medical training. Since doctors' medical training teaches them to focus on drug-based approaches to healthcare, very few doctors include nutritional information in their instructions to patients. Most focus on the symptoms at hand rather than preventive medicine. We are what we eat and our ability to have and enjoy a long, healthy productive life is heavily influenced by lifestyle choices we make every day. Assisting clients to make healthy choices is what I am all about.
Extractions: Index of Articles on Insights To Healthy Living The natural healing arts have been with us for ages, and can often be very powerful - by engaging and supporting our body's Innate Wisdom. We need to pay attention to what helps us keep in balance, especially in these times of high stress living, immune system breakdown, and environmental pollution. If your body-mind-spirit responds to something you read - then listen! It may be trying to tell you something important! These links may lead away from this site. Be sure to bookmark this web page before you leave! Can your immune system be modulated to defend against: Allergies, Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, Sinusitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type 1 Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Crohn's Disease, Lupus, Psoriasis, or Eczema? In many cases, these can be Auto Immune Disorders. The Metabolic Oncolytic Regimen by Anthony G. Payne, N.M.D., Ph.D., M.D. (hon.)
Autoimmune Diseases And Their Environmental Triggers Autoimmune Disease (AD) refers to any of a number of disorders caused by animmune system defect that allows the body to attack its own tissues.
Uveitis In A Patient With Common Variable Immunodeficiency antibody responses. It is thought to be acquired, and autoimmunedisorders can complicate the clinical picture. Chronic uveitis
Topica Email List Directory List Name, Auto Immune Diseases Support Network (Health Options). PurposeNutrition's Role in Health More than a millennium ago, Hippocrates
A Guide To CIND These chronic syndromes are not considered to be inflammatory or autoimmunedisorders since no permanent damage is done to the body.
Extractions: Introduction The May 12 Event Contact Government Officials ... For More Information A Guide to CIND (C)opyright 1997-2000 RESCIND , Inc. DO YOU SUFFER FROM PERSISTENT Pain? Aching? FATIGUE? These are all symptoms of little-known conditions that go by the names of ME (myalgic encephalomyeletis, used in most of the world)/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome, used in the U.S.), FMS (fibromyalgia syndrome), MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome), and GWS (gulf war syndrome). These syndromes affect significant numbers of the population, predominantly women, and are seen in all age groups, including young children. These conditions are characterized by generalized pain or aching in the connective tissues, poor sleep quality, and numerous other symptoms. These conditions are referred to as syndromes because the symptoms occur in combination. People often liken the conditions to having a very bad case of the flu or having been run over by a truck. Many health-care professionals familiar with these syndrome suspect that they are related. For purposes of this page, we will refer to all of the above as chronic syndromes. Although fibromyalgia syndrome is the only one of these syndromes with a diagnostic test at this time, an alert, competent and supportive medical professional who is familiar with these syndromes can, along with taking a careful and comprehensive history, make an educated diagnosis. For fibromyalgia syndrome, your doctor can conduct a simple tender point exam. If 11 of the 18 specific tender points on the body hurt when pressed, and aching or pain has persisted for more than three months, the diagnosis is confirmed.