Le Novità In Edicola Translate this page NdR lo stesso meteodo, del 1939, di Gioacchino Giovarosi, per la soluzione di equazioninumeriche, fu scoperto dal matematico cinese ch'in Chiu - Shao nel 1247 http://www.castfvg.it/edicola2.htm
CHIN CHIU SHAO (in MARION) Record 1 of 1. Libbrecht, Ulrich. Chinese mathematics in the thirteenth centurythe Shushu chiu-chang of Ch`in, chiu-shao. Cambridge, MIT Press 1973. http://lib.nwmissouri.edu/MARION?S=CHIN CHIU SHAO
Chinese Mathematics In The Thirteenth Century (in MARION) Chinese mathematics in the thirteenth century. Title Chinese mathematicsin the thirteenth century the Shushu chiu-chang of Ch`in, chiu-shao. http://lib.nwmissouri.edu/MARION/AAI-2154
Scientists: Math Georg; Cardano, Geronimo; Cartan, Élie Joseph; Cayley, Arthur; Ch'inChiushao; Chu Shih-chieh; Chuquet, Nicolas; Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm http://www.factmonster.com/spot/scibio5.html
Chinchilla Back to Fact Monster, this page was printed from Factmonster.com www.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0811902.html.encyclopediaEncyclopedia http://print.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0811902.html
Extractions: Pronunciation Key chinchilla , small burrowing rodent of South America. It lives in colonies at high altitudes (up to 15,000 ft/4,270 m) in the Andes of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. One of the costliest of all furs, its soft gray pelt has been valued since the days of the Inca. The wild chinchilla was nearly exterminated before protective laws were passed. At one time over 200,000 pelts were exported from Chile. Wild chinchilla coats have cost as much as $100,000. Chinchillas are now raised on farms in South America and the United States, and this has resulted in lower prices for the skins, which are still considered among the most valuable. Chinchillas are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Rodentia, family Chinchillidae.
¦³Ãö¯³¤E»à»P¡m¼Æ®Ñ¤E³¹¡nªº½×¤å¥Ø¿ý(1960-1990) The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.edp.ust.hk/math/history/10/10_4/10_4_3.htm
Liu Hui On The Volume Of A Pyramid - References Mathematics in the Thirteenth Century. The Shushu Chiu-chang of Ch'inChiu-shao Cambridge, Mass. (MIT Press) Mikami, Yoshio 1913 http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/Pyramid/Pyramid-Referenc.html
Extractions: Previous page First page Qian Baocong , ed. 1963 Suanjing shi shu [Ten mathematical classics] Beijing Qian Baocong Zhongguo shuxue shi [The history of mathematics in China] Beijing Jin shu [Official history of the Jin dynasty, 7th century A.D.], punct. ed. Beijing Jiuzhang suanshu [Arithmetic in nine chapters, 1st century A.D.] (ed. Qian 1963, 81-258) Dehn, M 1900 Ueber raumgleiche Polyeder Nachrichten von der Klasse Dehn, M 1902 Ueber den Rauminhalt Math. Ann. Erkes, Eduard 1958 Ho-shang- kung's commentary on Lao-tse Ascona Gauss, Carl Friedrich 1900 Werke Leipzig ~ Hilbert, David 1900 Mathematische Probleme (Vortrag, gehalten auf dem Internationalen Mathematikerkongress zu Paris, 1900) Gesammelten Abhandlungen Heshang Gong , ed. Daode jing [The Way and its Power] ( Sibu congkan ed.) Om Polyedres Rumfang (Foredrag holdt i Parentesen den 20/11 1936) Mat. Tidsskrift, A Aarg. 1939, 35-44 Juschkewitsch, A P 1964 Geschichte der Mathematik im Mittelalter translated from Russian by Viktor Ziegler Leipzig Karlgren, Bernhard 1975 Notes on Lao-tse Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiguities
Nuova Pagina 4 Translate this page Storia MatematicaCH'IN CHIU SHAO CHU SHIH CHIEH GIOVAROSI Stocchi Sandro. HistoryMathematicsCH'INCHIU SHAO CHU SHIH CHIEH GIOVAROSI Stocchi Sandro. SCUOLA. http://www.edeamicis.com/Web1/SCICULT.htm
Chinese And China Resources. China And Mathamatics China Includes information about Chung Ch'i, Yang Hui, Shen Kua, Ch'inChiu Shao, Zhang Heng, Hsien Chung Wang and Chu ShihChien. http://www.thegalleryofchina.com/chinesemath.html
Extractions: your site Zhou Bi Suan Jing Chinese astronomy and mathematics in the first century A.D. was recorded in the zhou bi suan jing. Site contains an English translation and study. The book itself is also for sale Tsinghua University, Applied Mathematics Department Information about the department and courses, plus links. In Chinese and English History of Chinese Mathematics An outline of the history of Chinese mathematics, including a chronology of mathematicians and mathematical works The Chinese Academy of Sciences The official journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including subscription information and instructions for authors. A comprehensive academic journal of natural sciences covering mathematics, physics and astronomy. In English Development of Mathematics in Ancient China Shang numerals, Chinese mathematics texts, the discovery of zero. The art of calculation (suan chu) was both a practical and spiritual one, and covered a wide range of subjects from religion and astronomy to water control and administration Chinese Committees and Societies of Mathematics Includes the National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan; Academia Sinica, Institute of Mathematics, Beijing, People's Republic of China; Department of Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Extractions: office hours: Tuesdays 3-6 p.m. Class attendance is mandatory. Students may choose one of the following two options: (1) Before the first class of each week write a brief summary of the primary and required secondary readings assigned for that week (but not the supplementary readings), to be sent to me by email by 10 p.m. Monday evening. Students should complete reading notes for nine of the ten weeks. Notes on the primary sources should summarize the material, usually in one paragraph. Notes on the secondary readings should usually be two short paragraphs one summarizing the central argument and one offering critical analysis. The reading notes should total 2 to 3 pages per week. These will be graded and will serve as the basis for class discussions. Grading: reading assignments 70%; class participation 30%. (2) Students interested in a particular topic should complete a final paper of 10 pp. for undergraduates and 20 pp. for graduate students. Students should consult me as early as possible on possible topics. An outline and bibliography are due by February 13; a first draft must be turned in by February 27; and the final draft is due March 8. Grading: final paper 70%; class participation 30%.
Extractions: This is a preliminary draft of a paper to be presented at the conference " The Disunity of Chinese Science " at the University of Chicago, May 10-12. Versions of this paper have been presented at the following forums: Program in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Texas at Austin; Seminars and Colloquia on Late Imperial Chinese Culture and Science, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society; and the conference" Intersecting Areas and Disciplines: Cultural Studies of Chinese Science, Technology and Medicine " at the University of California, Berkeley. Please do not circulate beyond this conference or cite without the permission of the author. Quantifying Ritual: Political Cosmology, Courtly Music, and Precision Mathematics in Seventeenth-Century China Roger Hart Departments of History and Asian Studies , University of Texas, Austin rhart@mail.utexas.edu Imagine the geometry of four-dimensional space done with a view to learning about the living conditions of spirits. Does this mean that it is not mathematics? ... If someone believes in mathematical objects and their queer propertiescan't he nevertheless do mathematics? Orisn't he also doing mathematics?
Extractions: This paper is cited in the following contexts: A Chronology of Interpolation: From Ancient Astronomy to Modern.. - Meijering (Correct) ....apms to have used it for solving cubic uations. A generalization to polynomials of mbitra degrees was deribed flint by Qin Jifisho [ 11] 12] also written as Ch in Chiu shao [229] in his book Shxh Jizhng ( Mathematical Treatise in Nine Stions, 1247 AD) In the West, it was reovered by Homer in 1819 and it can be found under his name in many books on numerical analysis [31] 33] 34] 231] 233] Fifteen yems eralief, however, it had also been proposed by Ruffini [234] see also Cajori [235] And even emlier, around 1669, it was used by Newton [236] infinity, converges to .
Chinchilla Family Education Network Explore Our Sites http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0811902.html
Extractions: Pronunciation Key chinchilla , small burrowing rodent of South America. It lives in colonies at high altitudes (up to 15,000 ft/4,270 m) in the Andes of Bolivia, Chile, and Peru. One of the costliest of all furs, its soft gray pelt has been valued since the days of the Inca. The wild chinchilla was nearly exterminated before protective laws were passed. At one time over 200,000 pelts were exported from Chile. Wild chinchilla coats have cost as much as $100,000. Chinchillas are now raised on farms in South America and the United States, and this has resulted in lower prices for the skins, which are still considered among the most valuable. Chinchillas are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Rodentia, family Chinchillidae.
Texte Calculus to Analysis Write an essay on ONE of the following two subjects http://www.mathematik.uni-trier.de:8080/studierende/vordiplom2000/texte.html
Extractions: Storia della matematica: indiana Egiziana Origini Ellenica Araba ... Occidentale ASPETTO GEOGRAFICO: L'India è una repubblica federale dell'Asia centro-meridionale, la sua capitale è Nuova Delhi. La posizione astronomica, la notevole estensione e la complessità dei rilievi comportano la varietà di vegetazione e di possibilità culturali. LA STORIA DELLA MATEMATICA IN INDIA: Lo sviluppo della matematica in India è compreso fra il 1200 e il 200 a.C. In questo periodo, l'India fu invasa inizialmente da popolazioni ariane e in seguito dai persiani, Alessandro Magno, poi seguì il regno della dinastia Maurya e raggiunse il massimo splendore con Asoka. La geometria degli Indiani era mutuata da quella Greca, mentre l'algebra è stata influenzata da Alessandria e Babilonia. Dall'albero genealogico delle cifre di Karl Menninger si può estrapolare: LA MOLTIPLICAZIONE FULMINEA: I documenti più antichi che testimoniano la conoscenza di un sistema di numerazione risalgono al III - II secolo a.C. e ci presentano in buon livello di conoscenze raggiunto un astronomia e in matematica. Si presume che gli indiani siano stati fra i primi popoli ad usare solo nove simboli per scrivere tutti i numeri e successivamente ad utilizzare il sistema posizionale e un simbolo per lo zero, che fu diffusa dagli arabi in oriente e poi in occidente. La conoscenza delle nove cifre fu diffusa in Italia nel 1200 d.C.
SELECTED, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 1973. Chinese Mathematics in the Thirteenth Century. The Shushu chiu-chang of Ch'inChiu-shao (MIT East Asian Science Series, 1). Cambridge, MA MIT Press. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~nsivin/nakbib.html
Extractions: SELECTED, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HISTORY OF CHINESE SCIENCE AND MEDICINE SOURCES IN WESTERN LANGUAGES N. Sivin This annotated bibliography covers science and medicine in traditional and modern China. It is organized as follows: HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN IMPERIAL CHINA............................................................... Reference Works.................................................................................................................. General................................................................................................................................. Science and Society............................................................................................................... Science and Philosophy......................................................................................................... Science and Religion.............................................................................................................. The Early Encounter With Europe.......................................................................................... Mathematics and Divination.................................................................................................
ÖлùÍø-Êýѧ-¿Î³Ì×ÊÔ´-±³¾°ÖªÊ¶ The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.cbe21.com/subject/maths/article.php?article_id=2060
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Extractions: Need more? Full Britannica articles are available to subscribers and Free Trial participants. To view the complete article, register for 72 hours of free access . Keep reading to learn more about our premium service, or contact us at 1-800-323-1229, Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm US Central Time. For site license information on our educational subscription service, e-mail us Britannica.com subscribers, go to www.britannica.com to log in.