WIEM: Frobenius Georg Ferdinand frobenius georg Ferdinand (18491917), matematyk niemiecki. Profesor politechniki w Zurychu (1875-1892) i uniwersytetu w Berlinie (od 1892 http://www.encyklopedia.pl/wiem/00e1ec.html
Extractions: poka¿ powi±zane Frobenius Georg Ferdinand (1849-1917), matematyk niemiecki. Profesor politechniki w Zurychu (1875-1892) i uniwersytetu w Berlinie (od 1892). Autor prac z zakresu teorii grup i ich reprezentacji (wspó³praca z I. Schurem) oraz teorii liczb. zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra
Poster Of Frobenius Georg Frobenius. lived from 1849 to 1917. Frobenius combined resultsfrom the theory of algebraic equations, geometry, and number http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Posters2/Frobenius.html
Famous People Translate this page Jean Fourier Joseph Fowler William Franck James Frank Ilja Fraunhofer Joseph vonFresnel Augustin Fridman Alexandr Friedman Jerome frobenius georg Fubini Guido. http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/list_def.html
Frobenius Translate this page frobenius georg Ferdinand allemand, 1849-1917 Après des études en la célèbreuniversité de Göttingen, Frobenius enseigna à Berlin et à Zürich. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono2/Frobenius.html
EurobiografÃas Translate this page Georg Brandes Georg Cantor Georg Ernst Stahl Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann GeorgFriedrich Handel Georg Friedrich Händel Georg frobenius georg Herwegh http://bios.euroritmo.com/Default.aspx?lista=Ge
Georg Frobenius Translate this page Georg Frobenius. Georg Frobenius (1849-1917) Georg Frobenius Matemáticoalemán Nació el 26 de octubre de 1849 en Berlín. Cursó http://bios.euroritmo.com/default.aspx?personaje=Georg Frobenius
Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica. frobenius, georg. Encyclopædia Britannica Article http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=36134
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius - Anagrams Rearranging the letters of 'Ferdinand georg frobenius' (Mathematician) gives http://www.anagramgenius.com/archive/ferdin2.html
Extractions: League table of top contributors Find anagram aliases of ferdinand georg frobenius (or any other text)! Find gold service anagrams of ferdinand georg frobenius (or any other text)! Anagram Genius Archive Main Index Anagram Gems Mailing List Anagram Genius Archive Germany Index www.anagramgenius.com home page
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius Ferdinand georg frobenius Ferdinand georg frobenius was the first person after Gauss who made an extensive contribution to representation theory. Use the links that follow to discover http://axe.acadiau.ca/~030199d/histmath/frbns.html
Frobenius Ferdinand georg frobenius. georg frobenius's father was Christian Ferdinand frobenius,a Protestant parson, and his mother was Christine Elizabeth Friedrich. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Frobenius.html
Extractions: Georg Frobenius Back at the University of Berlin he attended lectures by Kronecker Kummer and Weierstrass . He continued to study there for his doctorate, attending the seminars of Kummer and Weierstrass , and he received his doctorate (awarded with distinction) in 1870 supervised by Weierstrass . In 1874, after having taught at secondary school level first at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium then at the Sophienrealschule, he was appointed to the University of Berlin as an extraordinary professor of mathematics. For the description of Frobenius's career so far, the attentive reader may have noticed that no mention has been made of him receiving an habilitation before being appointed to a teaching position. This is not an omission, rather it is surprising given the strictness of the German system that this was allowed. Details of this appointment are given in [3] but we should say that it must ultimately have been made possible due to strong support from Weierstrass who was extremely influential and considered Frobenius one of his most gifted students.
Frobenius Biography of georg frobenius (18491917) georg frobenius's father was Christian Ferdinand frobenius, a Protestant parson, and his mother was Christine Elizabeth http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Frobenius.html
Extractions: Georg Frobenius Back at the University of Berlin he attended lectures by Kronecker Kummer and Weierstrass . He continued to study there for his doctorate, attending the seminars of Kummer and Weierstrass , and he received his doctorate (awarded with distinction) in 1870 supervised by Weierstrass . In 1874, after having taught at secondary school level first at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium then at the Sophienrealschule, he was appointed to the University of Berlin as an extraordinary professor of mathematics. For the description of Frobenius's career so far, the attentive reader may have noticed that no mention has been made of him receiving an habilitation before being appointed to a teaching position. This is not an omission, rather it is surprising given the strictness of the German system that this was allowed. Details of this appointment are given in [3] but we should say that it must ultimately have been made possible due to strong support from Weierstrass who was extremely influential and considered Frobenius one of his most gifted students.
Photo Credits From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography p. 196 frobenius, georg (18491917) MacTutor Fuchs, Immanuel (1833-1902) MacTutorGabor, Dennis (1900-1979) Asimov 804f Galen of Pergamum (ca. 130-ca. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/photo-credits.html
Frobenius, Georg Ferdinand frobenius, georg Ferdinand (18491917). German mathematician who formulatedthe concept of the abstract group - the first abstract http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/F/Frobenius/1.ht
Extractions: Frobenius, Georg Ferdinand German mathematician who formulated the concept of the abstract group - the first abstract structure of 'new' mathematics. His research into the theory of groups and complex number systems would prove useful to the development of quantum mechanics. He also made contributions to the theory of elliptic functions and to the solution of differential equations.
Mathematicians William Fibonacci, Leonardo Fisher, Ronald Aylmer Forsyth, Andrew Russell, Fraenkel,Abraham Adolf Fredholm, Erik Iva frobenius, georg Ferdinand Fuchs, Immanuel http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/Categories/Scientists/Mathematic
Drukkersregister F frobenius, Aurelius. Zie Froben, Aurelius. frobenius, georg Ludwig. dc Hamburg. http://www.library.uu.nl/ubuhome/cbd/cc/drukkers/drukf.htm
Frobenius frobenius, georg. (18491917). Nemecký matematik, který se zabývalteorií reprezentací v teorii grup. Udelal také mnoho práce http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Frobenius_Georg.html
Extractions: Frobenius, Georg Nìmecký matematik, který se zabýval teorií reprezentací v teorii grup. Udìlal také mnoho práce v algebøe, kde je po nìm pojmenována Frobéniova vìta, která udává podmínky øeitelnosti soustavy lineárních rovnic. zabýval se také øeením rovnic v okolí singulárních bodù. Astrofyzika Galerie Sondy Úkazy ... Odkazy
Printers Index F frobenius, Aurelius. Zie Froben, Aurelius. frobenius, georg Ludwig. dc Hamburg. http://www.library.uu.nl/uulhome/cbd/cc/printers/printf.htm
Extractions: Utrecht University Library, p.o. box 16007, 3500 DA Utrecht, the Netherlands, Wittevrouwenstraat 7-11. telephone (+31 30) 253 65 00 This list gives the names of printers active before 1801, of whom publications are available at the Utrecht University Library. You may find these publications partly in our Online catalogue, and partly in the card index of printers in the Special Collections reading room. If you consult the Online catalogue, please use the Browse index, option: Old/Rare Books. Printer.
References For Frobenius References for the biography of georg frobenius References for georg frobenius. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990). http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Frobenius.html
Extractions: R Haubrich, Frobenius, Schur, and the Berlin algebraic tradition, in Mathematics in Berlin (Berlin, 1998), 83-96. T Hawkins, New light on Frobenius' creation of the theory of group characters, Arch. History Exact Sci. K Miyake, A note on the arithmetic background to Frobenius' theory of group characters, Exposition. Math. Linear Algebra and Appl. C L Siegel, Erinnerungen an Frobenius, in F G Frobenius, Gesammelte Abhandlungen (Berlin, 1968), iv-vi. N Stuloff, G F Frobenius, Neue Deutsche Biographie V F L Williams, History and variation on the theme of the Frobenius reciprocity theorem, The Mathematical Intelligencer Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index