Math Jokes georg frobenius, exhausted and delirious after proving the uniqueness of the Quaternions,reflects on the philosophy, life, and works of his mentor SIR WILLIAM
Extractions: From: Bill Dubuque Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 06:17:08 -0400 Subject: Max Zima: greatest mathematizian of all time The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted as well (Sci.math). Ilias Kastanas wrote: :Martijn Dekker wrote: :>"N.R.Bruin" Zima is especially critical of Matica's program founded as it is upon specious products of intuitionistically questionable bracketed functional abstractions which lead quite quickly to disarray. Further, Matica has been subject to harsh criticism from the math community for failure to reveal clear proofs of his basic algorithms, e.g. for his Rich Algorithm [3] an integral part of his program. One of Zima's students has mocked these questionable incentives by writing under the pseudonym Rich Fate Man: In particular, Rich Fate Man has pioneered the implementation of a successful Mock Matica program:
Mathematical Family Tree - L.W. Marcoux was published in Crelle's Journal (1854) Bruns, Heinrich ; Bugaev,Nicolay 1860; frobenius, georg 1870; Fuchs, Immanuel 1858;
Extractions: Prediction theory and group representations Alveras, Alexander [1995] Andersen, Neils [1979] Aotani, Masayasu [1996] Baker, Richard [1987] Bleecker, Cecelia [1976] Davidson, Kenneth R. [1976] Dinh, Hung [1989] Fall, Thomas [1977] Fowler, Neal [1993] Kraus, Jon [1977] Laca, Marcelo [1989] Lamoureux, Michael [1988] Larson, David [1976] Loebl, Richard [1973] O'Donovan, Donal [1973] Pai, Chikaung [1988] Pitts, David [1986] SeLegue, Dylan [1997] Semwogerere, Frederick [1994] Shaio, Jack [1985]
Georg Metz Falch Marianne Florman Asger Fredslund Niels FridNielsen Mette frobenius MogensFrohn Bent Mejding Niels Birger Wamberg Jan-Erik Messmann georg Metz Claus Georg.htm
Persoeiro: Frobenius Translate this page Ferdinand georg frobenius. Naceu o 26 de outubro de 1849 en Chalottenburg, Berlín,Prusia (hoxe Alemaña) e morreu o 3 de agosto de 1917 tamén en Berlín.
Extractions: N aceu o 26 de outubro de 1849 en Chalottenburg, Berlín, Prusia (hoxe Alemaña) e morreu o 3 de agosto de 1917 tamén en Berlín. Despois de realiza-los seus estudios medios no Joachimsthal Gymnasium, ingresou na Universidade de Göttingen, deixándoa, despois dun semestre, para regresar a Berlín. Na Universidade de Berlín realizou estudios de matemáticas baixo a dirección de Kronecker, Kummer e Weierstrass, doutorándose no ano 1870. Despois dun breve período como profesor de matemáticas de ensino secundario, Frobenius obtén unha praza de profesor universitario en Zürich. Alí casou e estableceu unha familia durante os dezasete anos que permaneceu nesta cidade. No ano 1891 desprázase a Berlín para ocupa-la cátedra vacante trala morte de Kronecker. Aínda que esto foi acollido con agrado por moitos dos seus colegas en Berlín (sobre todo polos importantes traballos de Frobenius na teoría de representación de grupos) houbo quen viu algúns aspectos negativos pola súa personalidade "ocasionalmente colérica, dada a enfados e a invectivas".
Mathematiker In Berlin (17.-20. Jahrhundert) Translate this page Eisenstein Gotthold Friedrich Max 1823-1852, frobenius Ferdinand georg 1849-1917,Feigl georg 1890-1945, frobenius Ferdinand georg 1849-1917, Fuchs Immanuel
Extractions: Name des Hrsg. / Autors Vorname Geb. / Gest. A Abbot Edwin A. Abel Niels Henrik Ahrens Wilhelm Apollonius 3./2. Jh. v. Chr. Archimedes v. Chr. Aristoteles v. Chr. Artin Emil B Bachmann Paul Bardey Ernst Bianchi Luigi Bieberbach Ludwig Blaschke Wilhelm TAzM-Bd.08 Bliss Gilbert Ames Blumenthal Otto Bocher Maxime Boltzmann Ludwig Bolyai Janos (Johann) TAzM-Bd.04 Bolyai Wolfgang Bolza Oskar Bonola Roberto WH-Bd.IV Boole George Borel Emile Born Max Börnstein R. Bortkewitsch L. von Boutroux Pierre WH-Bd.XXVIII Brill Alexander von Bruhns Carl Christian Bruns Heinrich Burkhardt Heinrich C Cantor Georg TAzM-Bd.02 Cantor Moritz Caratheodory Constantin TAzM-Bd.18 Cartan Elie Joseph Carvallo R. Castelnuovo Guido Cesaro Ernesto Chittenden Brace Christoffel Elvin B. Clebsch Alfred Crantz Paul Curtze Maximiliam Czuber Emanuel WH-Bd.XXIV D Dalwigk F. v.
TAzM_Titelliste Translate this page 1910 (Teubner-Verlag 1910). frobenius, georg Gedächtnisrede auf Leopold Kronecker.1893. Hilbert, David Zum Gedächtnis an Karl Weierstraß. 1897.
Drukkersregister F Translate this page Zie ook Froben frobenius, Ambrosius. Zie Froben, Ambrosius frobenius, Aurelius.Zie Froben, Aurelius frobenius, georg Ludwig. dc Hamburg. (1603-1638).
Cauchy-Frobenius Lemma -- From MathWorld Math. 101, 273299, 1887. Reprinted in Ferdinand georg frobenius GesammelteAbhandlungen, Band II. Berlin Springer-Verlag, pp. 304-330, 1968.
Extractions: Let J be a finite group and the image R J ) be a representation which is a homeomorphism of J into a permutation group S X ), where S X ) is the group of all permutations of a set X . Define the orbits of R J ) as the equivalence classes under , which is true if there is some permutation p in R J ) such that . Define the fixed points of p as the elements x of X for which . Then the average number of fixed points of permutations in R J ) is equal to the number of orbits of R J The lemma was apparently known by Cauchy (1845) in obscure form and Frobenius (1887) prior to Burnside's (1900) rediscovery. It is sometimes also called Burnside's lemma , the , or even "the lemma that is not Burnside's !" Whatever its name, the lemma was subsequently extended and refined by Pólya (1937) for applications in combinatorial counting problems. In this form, it is known as
Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW Translate this page GmbH 12.865.671 Frize, Bernard 12.784.660 Frizeau, Gabriel 11.133.657 Frizzoni,Johann Baptista 11.257.420 frobenius, Ferdinand georg 816.391 frobenius, Leo
Extractions: 91054 Erlangen Telefon: EMail: Klinische Tätigkeit: Oberarzt, Hygienebeauftragter Forschungsschwerpunkte: Lehre: Beauftragter für den klinischen Studentenunterricht (PJ, Blockpraktikum, Famulaturen) Aktuelle Projekte: Stichwort "Röntgen-Wertheim": Zur Bedeutung Erlangens für die Entwicklung der Gynäkologischen Radiologie Hermann Wintz und die Frauenklinik im Nationalsozialismus Über Gebärhaus, Röntgen-Wertheim und Retortenbaby. Zur Geschichte der Universitäts-Frauenklinik Erlangen
À¯¸íÇÑ ¼öÇÐÀÚ 1840.4.25) ? Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob (1848.11.8~1925.7.26) frobenius, georg Ferdinand (1849.10.26~1917.8.3) ? Pluker
Markoff Numbers (references) The original journal may be hard to locate; a copy of the paper appears as chapter96 in Band III of Ferdinand georg frobenius Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Springer
Extractions: Markoff numbers (references) Selected articles regarding the Markoff numbers: A. Baragar On the Unicity Conjecture for Markoff Numbers , Canad. Math. Bull. Vol. (1), 1996 pp. 3-9. See J. O. Button, The Uniqueness of the Prime Markoff Numbers , J. London Math. Soc. (2) (1998) pp. 9-17. J. W. S. Cassels An Introduction to Diophantine Approximation , Chapter II, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1957. H. Cohn, Growth Types of Fibonacci and Markoff , Fibonacci Quarterly (2) v. (1979), pp. 178-183. This interesting paper includes a method of calculating Markoff numbers using matrix multiplication that differs from the method I have described. J. H. Conway and R. K. Guy, The Book of Numbers , pp. 187-189, Springer-Verlag (Copernicus), New York, 1996. F. G. Frobenius Ferdinand Georg Frobenius Gesammelte Abhandlungen , Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1968. A. A. Markoff , Math. Ann. (1880), pp. 379-399. G. Rosenberger The Uniqueness of the Markoff Numbers , Mathematics of Computation, Volume 30, Number 134, April 1976, pp. 361-365. This paper claimed to prove the unicity conjecture, but was flawed as pointed out by R. Bumby in
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Georg Walach southern Austria. from georg Agricola, De Re Metallica libri XII, frobenius,Basel 1556. Most recent publications Walach, G. Erkundungs
Extractions: from: Georg Agricola, De Re Metallica libri XII, Frobenius, Basel 1556 Walach, G. Walach, G., Walach, G.K. Winter, P. : Geophysical prospecting for brickmaking materials (dt./engl.). - ZI-Annual 2000, 26-33 Cech, B., Walach, G.: Interdisciplinary research on a miners' smithy of the 16 th century in Gastein, Salzburg, Austria, methods and results. - In: Iron in the Alps. Deposits, mines and metallurgy from antiquity to the XVI century. Proceedings of the conference in Bienno 1998. 114-123. Bienno, Italy 2000
Onodera Takeshi Bemerkungen Zu Einem Satz Von Morita über Frobenius- Erweiterun Translate this page Titel Bemerkungen zu einem Satz von Morita über frobenius- Erweiterungen AutorOnodera Takeshi. Nabokov Vladimir Vladimir Nab Klein georg Libidissi .
Frobenius'un Biyografisi Bir Alman matematikçisi olan georg Ferdinand frobenius, 1849 yilinda Berlin'dedogdu. Cebir üstüne yaptigi arastirmalariyla taninir.
Extractions: Bir Alman matematikçisi olan Georg Ferdinand Frobenius, 1849 yýlýnda Berlin'de doðdu. Cebir üstüne yaptýðý araþtýrmalarýyla tanýnýr. Modern cebirin geliþmesini saðlayan kuramlarla, klasik cebirin üzerinde çalýþtý. Klasik cebirin gruplar kuramý ve fonksiyonlar kuramý ile olan baðýntýsýný ortaya koydu. 1917 yýlýnda Berlin'de Charlottenburg'da öldü.
Leo Frobenius Leo frobenius was born the son of a Prussian officer in 1873 great German Africa explorersHeinrich Barth, Gerhard Rohlfs, Gustav Nachtigal, georg Schweinfurth
Extractions: Leo Frobenius was born the son of a Prussian officer in 1873. Thanks to his father's occupation he moved around a lot and failed to get a "proper" school leaving certificate. Already at an early age he was impressed by the great German Africa explorers: Heinrich Barth, Gerhard Rohlfs, Gustav Nachtigal, Georg Schweinfurth. They were his true teachers, and the most prominent ethnographic museums of that time, in Bremen, Basel and Leipzig, were "his universities" where, as a volunteer, he could get engrossed in the collections. When his, for that time unorthodox, dissertation concerning African secret societies was rejected by a German faculty, he resolutely turned away from the university. From then on he went his own way. It is true that as an older man he was given the title of honorary professor by the University of Frankfurt, but he never gave public lectures. His first scholarly work - he had just turned 25 years of age - about the "Origin of African Cultures" (1898) already demonstrated his great scholarly qualities, his brilliant ability to grasp and put into order the apparently incoherent phenomena of African cultures. In the same year - having to fend for himself on his own - with only minimal funds he founded an African research institute, which at that time consisted simply of one room, a for that time remarkable library and his archive that was ever growing over the years to come.
Aktivitäten frobenius ein Lebenswerk in 30 afrikanischen Städten;. 1980 georg Schweinfurth Im Herzen von Afrika in Lüneburg, Köln, Leverkusen
Extractions: 1973: "Perspectives des études africaines contemporaines" und "Erstes Symposium Leo Frobenius" in Yaoundé (Kamerun); 1978: "Ethnogenesis and Migration in Eastern Africa" in Kisumu (Kenya); 1979: "State Formation in East Africa" in Nakuru (Kenya); 1980: "Zweites Symposium Leo Frobenius: Die Rolle der Traditionen für die Entwicklung Afrikas" in Dakar (Senegal); 1980: "Language and History in Eastern Africa" in Nyeri (Kenya); 1981: "New historical research in East Africa" in Naivasha (Kenya); 1984: Deutsch-französisches Symposium zum Thema "Neuere ethnologische Forschungen zur Geschichte Afrikas" in Frankfurt am Main; 1985: "Perspectives anthropologiques sur lhistoire africaine" in Paris; 1986: "European Sources for Sub-Saharan Africa before 1900: Use and Abuse" in Bad Homburg; 1992: Teilnahme am internationalen Symposium "Histoire des cultures et des langues dans lenvironnement de la Savanne Ouest-Africaine. (In memoriam Eike Haberland)" an der Universität Frankfurt am Main;
OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Benjamin Ferrari, Lodovico Friedrichs, Kurt Goodstein, Reuben Ferrel, William Frisi,Paolo Göpel, Adolph Ferro, Scipione del frobenius, georg Gordan, Paul
Extractions: Abel , Niels Akhiezer , Naum Anthemius of Tralles Abraham bar Hiyya al'Battani , Abu Allah Antiphon the Sophist Abraham, Max al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan Apollonius of Perga Abu Kamil Shuja al'Haitam , Abu Ali Appell , Paul Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani al'Kashi , Ghiyath Arago , Francois Ackermann , Wilhelm al'Khwarizmi , Abu Arbogast , Louis Adams , John Couch Albert of Saxony Arbuthnot , John Adelard of Bath Albert , Abraham Archimedes of Syracuse Adler , August Alberti , Leone Battista Archytas of Tarentum Adrain , Robert Albertus Magnus, Saint Argand , Jean Aepinus , Franz Alcuin of York Aristaeus the Elder Agnesi , Maria Alekandrov , Pavel Aristarchus of Samos Ahmed ibn Yusuf Alexander , James Aristotle Ahmes Arnauld , Antoine Aida Yasuaki Amsler , Jacob Aronhold , Siegfried Aiken , Howard Anaxagoras of Clazomenae Artin , Emil Airy , George Anderson , Oskar Aryabhata the Elder Aitken , Alexander Angeli , Stefano degli Atwood , George Ajima , Chokuyen Anstice , Robert Richard Avicenna , Abu Ali Babbage , Charles Betti , Enrico Bossut , Charles Bachet Beurling , Arne Bouguer , Pierre Bachmann , Paul Boulliau , Ismael Bacon , Roger Bhaskara Bouquet , Jean Backus , John Bianchi , Luigi Bour , Edmond Baer , Reinhold Bieberbach , Ludwig Bourgainville , Louis Baire Billy , Jacques de Boutroux , Pierre Baker , Henry Binet , Jacques Bowditch , Nathaniel Ball , W W Rouse Biot , Jean-Baptiste Bowen , Rufus Balmer , Johann Birkhoff , George Boyle , Robert Banach , Stefan Bjerknes, Carl
Dozenten Der Mathematik Der Humboldt-Universität Translate this page frobenius, georg Ferdinand ao.Prof. 27.3.1874, ausgesch. Michaelis1875 Zürich, wieder eingetreten 1892 als Prof. für Mathematik