Lijst Van Wiskundigen - Wikipedia NL (Duitsland, 18491925) Donald Knuth? (USA, 1938 -) Kunihiko Kodaira? (Japan, 1915- 1997) andrey Nikolaevich kolmogorov? (Rusland, 1903-1987) Maxim Kontsevich?
Extractions: Hoofdpagina Recente wijzigingen Pagina bewerken Voorgeschiedenis Speciale pagina's Mijn gebruikersvoorkeuren instellen Mijn volglijst tonen Recent bijgewerkte pagina's tonen Afbeeldingen uploaden Lijst ge-uploade afbeeldingen tonen Geregistreerde gebruikers tonen Statistieken tonen Ga naar een willekeurig artikel Niet-gelinkte artikels tonen Niet-gelinkte afbeeldingen tonen Populaire artikels tonen Meest gewenste artikels tonen Korte artikels tonen Lange artikels tonen Nieuwe artikels tonen Taallinks Alle paginatitels tonen Geblokkeerde IP-adressen tonen Onderhoudspagina Boekhandels Printer-vriendelijke versie Overleg Aanmelden Help Onderstaande lijst bevat een aantal bekende wiskundigen alfabetisch gerangschikt. De sortering is op achternaam. Niels Henrik Abel (Noorwegen, Wilhelm Ackermann (Duitsland, Maria Gaetana Agnesi (Italie, Lars Valerian Ahlfors (Finland, Jean Le Rond d'Alembert (Frankrijk, Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (Perzie 780 Alexander Anderson (Schotland, 1582-1620) Andre Marie Ampere (Frankrijk
Kolmogorov kolmogorov Andrei Nikolaevich kolmogorov. April 25, 1903 October 20, 1987. kolmogorov Centennial
Biography-center - Letter K Kolff, Willem J.; kolmogorov,;
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 374 biographies
Contents Two paragraphs from the article Preamble to the Semiotic Messages by AndreyNikolaevich kolmogorov for the readers of New Literary Review 130.
Extractions: Preface (in Russian) 3 Preface (in English) 5 D. A. Pospelov . Development of computer science in Russia 7 A. A. Lyapunov . On the use of mathematical machines in solving logical problems 45 Discussion of the lecture by Professor A. A. Lyapunov On the use of mathematical machines in solving logical problems 52 S. L. Sobolev, A. A. Lyapunov, A. I. Kitov . Essential aspects of cybernetics 84 Discussion of the article Essential aspects of cybernetics by S. L. Sobolev, A. A. Lyapunov, and A. I. Kitov with the editorial board of the 2021 Anatolii V. SKOROKHOD Limit Theorems for Stochastic Processes .. 2352Andrey N. kolmogorov On Skorokhod Convergence ..
BiblioDb Translate this page Keynes, John Maynard. Keynes, John Neville. Knight, Frank H. kolmogorov, AndreyNikolayevich. Law, John. Leijonhufvud, Axel. Lintner, John. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon.
NATal ESt® :: Kolmogorov Translate this page kolmogorov (1903-1987). Andrei Nikolayevich kolmogorov. O mais influentematemático soviético do século XX nascido em Tambov, Rússia
Extractions: KOLMOGOROV (1903-1987) Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov. O mais influente matemático soviético do século XX nascido em Tambov, Rússia, iniciador da moderna teoria matemática da probabilidade, criou para ela uma base axiomática fundamentada na teoria dos conjuntos. Graduou-se em física e matemática na Universidade Estatal de Moscou (1925) e para lá foi nomeado professor (1931) e diretor do Instituto de Matemática (1933). Estudando problemas teóricos do cálculo de probabilidades, sua primeira publicação de importância foi um paper General Theory de Measure and Probability Theory (1929) e que resultou na formulação de um conjunto de princípios conhecido como a axiomática de Kolmogorov (1933), que provê o cálculo de probabilidades de uma base lógica formal. Nos anos 30 publicou mais dois papers em geometria: On Topological Group Formulation of Geometry e On Formulation de Projective Geometry e um outro sobre probabilidade
Kap 04 Sannsynlighetsregning Forelesning Powerpointslides Oppgaver Løsninger Simulering Formler AndreyNikolaevich kolmogorov Den aksiomatiske sannsynlighetsregningens far.
Experten Artikel - Chaos Im Sonnensystem Translate this page zu tun haben. Etwa so muss man sich den russischen Mathematiker Andreykolmogorov vorstellen. 1954 präsentierte kolmogorov (Bild
Great Thinkers And Visionaries On The Net Make payments with PayPal its fast, secure and FREE! Get $5 to signup + $5 per referal! Sign up with PayPal to support this site
Extractions: to $1000 that you can use to buy books by these authors! Try the experimental new thinkers site here Great Thinkers and Visionaries This is a list of people whose ideas on how and where the world is - and should be - evolving, may be of interest to those who want to understand the frontier of human thought, at least according to my opinion. Originally I created it to give credit to people who influenced my ideas but as it often happens the project took a life of its own. Please enjoy these resources. It would be great if you could support this site or help me improve it . Now you can also take part in the discussions on the Visionaries mailing list or on the Delphi Thinkers Forum In this talk we look at the work of three of these giants Alonzo Church, AndreyKolmogorov and John von Neumann honoring the 100th anniversary of their births
Extractions: Theoriedag 2003 van de NVTI (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica) Vrijdag 7 maart 2003 Vergadercentrum Hoog Brabant Radboudkwartier 23 Hoog Catharijne Utrecht Het is ons een genoegen u uit te nodigen tot het bijwonen van de Theoriedag 2003 van de NVTI, de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Theoretische Informatica, die zich ten doel stelt de theoretische informatica te bevorderen en haar beoefening en toepassingen aan te moedigen. De Theoriedag 2003 zal gehouden worden op vrijdag 7 maart aanstaande, in Vergadercentrum Hoog Brabant te Utrecht, gelegen in winkelcenrum Hoog Catharijne, op enkele minuten loopafstand van CS Utrecht, en is een voortzetting van de reeks jaarlijkse bijeenkomsten van de NVTI die acht jaar geleden met de oprichtingsbijeenkomst begon. Evenals vorige jaren hebben wij een aantal prominente sprekers uit binnen- en buitenland bereid gevonden deze dag gestalte te geven met voordrachten over recente en belangrijke stromingen in de theoretische informatica. Naast een wetenschappelijke inhoud heeft de dag ook een informatief gedeelte, in de vorm van een algemene vergadering waarin de meest relevante informatie over de NVTI gegeven zal worden, alsmede presentaties van de onderzoekscholen. Programma (samenvattingen volgen beneden) - 9.30-10.00: Ontvangst met koffie 10.00-10.10: Opening 10.10-11.00: Lezing Prof.dr. L. Fortnow (Nec Laboratories America) Titel: Church, Kolmogorov and von Neumann: Their Legacy Lives in Complexity 11.00-11.30: Koffie 11.30-12.20: Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen (UL) Titel: Primes is in P 12.20-12.50: Presentatie Onderzoeksscholen (OZL, IPA, SIKS) 12.50-14.10: Lunch (Zie beneden voor registratie) 14.10-15.00: Lezing Prof.dr. M. Vardi (Rice University, USA) Titel: The Design of A Formal Property-Specification Language 15.00-15.20: Thee 15.20-16.10: Lezing Dr. M. de Rijke (UvA) Titel: Intelligent Information Access 16.10-16.40: Algemene ledenvergadering NVTI Lunchdeelname - Het is mogelijk aan een georganiseerde lunch deel te nemen; hiervoor is aanmelding verplicht. Dit kan per email of telefonisch bij Susanne van Dam (, 020-592 4189), tot een week voor de bijeenkomst (28 februari). De kosten kunnen ter plaatse voldaan worden; deze bedragen Euro 14. Wij wijzen erop dat in de onmiddellijke nabijheid van de vergaderzaal ook uitstekende lunchfaciliteiten gevonden kunnen worden, voor wie niet aan de georganiseerde lunch wenst deel te nemen. Lidmaatschap NVTI - Aan het lidmaatschap zijn geen kosten verbonden; u krijgt de aankondigingen van de NVTI per email of anderszins toegestuurd. Wilt u lid van de NVTI worden, dan kunt u zich aanmelden bij Susanne van Dam ( met vermelding van de relevante gegevens (naam, voorletters, affiliatie indien van toepassing, correspondentieadres, email, URL, telefoonnummer). Steun - De activiteiten van de NVTI worden mede mogelijk gemaakt door de ondersteuning (financieel en anderszins) van de volgende instellingen: NWO/EW, CWI, Onderzoeksscholen IPA, SIKS, OZSL, Elsevier Science B.V. Samenvattingen van de lezingen Prof.dr. L. Fortnow (Nec Laboratories, USA) - Church, Kolmogorov and von Neumann: Their Legacy Lives in Complexity In the year 1903, several of the greatest early computer scientists entered our world. In this talk we look at the work of three of these giants: Alonzo Church, Andrey Kolmogorov and John von Neumann honoring the 100th anniversary of their births. We will focus on how their research has and continues to play a major role in the development of computational complexity and our understanding of what we can compute. Alonzo Church developed the lambda-calculus, a computation model equivalent to the Turing machine. He co-developed independently with Alan Turing what we now call the Church-Turing thesis that states that every computable is computable by a Turing machine (or the lambda-calculus). John von Neumann's work in quantum mechanics, game theory, automata theory and his development of early computers have played major roles in the development of algorithms and complexity. We will spend most of the seminar discussing the influence of Andrey Kolmogorov, whose work on algorithmic randomness has had a more direct impact on computational complexity and certainly my own research. We will give an overview of Kolmogorov complexity and several examples of computational restricted versions of this measure have helped us better understand the nature of efficient computation. Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen (UL) Primes is in P In August 2002, the Indian computer scientists Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena proved that primality of an integer can be tested by means of a deterministic algorithm that runs in polynomial time. For several decades, this had been an outstanding problem. We discuss the importance of the result in theory and practice, and give an impression of the mathematics that goes into it. Prof.dr. M. Vardi (Rice University, USA) The Design of A Formal Property-Specification Language In recent years, the need for formal specification languages is growing rapidly as the functional validation environment in semiconductor design is changing to include more and more validation engines based on formal verification technologies. In particular, the usage of Formal Equivalence Verification and Formal Property Verification is growing, new symbolic simulation engines are introduced and hybrid environments of scalar and symbolic simulators are developed. To facilitate the use of these new-generation validation engines - properties, checkers and reference models need to be developed in a formal language. In this talk we describe the design of the ForSpec Temporal Logic (FTL), the new temporal logic of ForSpec, Intel's new formal property-specification language, which is today part of Synopsis OpenVera hardware verification language ( The key features of FTL are: it is a linear temporal logic, based on Pnueli's LTL, it enables the user to define temporal connectives over time windows, it enables the user to define regular events, which are regular sequences of Boolean events, and then relate such events via special connectives, and it contains constructs that enable the user to model multiple clock and reset signals, which is useful in the verification of globally asynchronous and locally synchronous hardware designs. The focus of the talk is on design rationale, rather than a detailed language description. Dr. M. de Rijke (UvA) - Intelligent Information Access Search is one of the core topics in theoretical computer science, and online search has become a day-to-day activity for many of us. Finding keywords in a text file is easy. Using keyword search, current retrieval systems allow users to find documents that are relevant to their information needs, but most leave it to the user to extract the useful information from those documents. This leaves the (often unwilling) user with a relatively large amount of text to consume. People have questions and they need answers, not documents. There is a need for tools that reduce the amount of text one might have to read to obtain the desired information. In this talk I review ongoing research initiatives (such as novelty detection, question answering, and XML retrieval) aimed at moving beyond traditional document retrieval, and I will try to identify theoretical issues that arise from these initiatives.
Seb's Open Research Seb's Open Research Pointers and thoughts on the evolution of knowledgesharing and scholarly communication, collected by Sébastien Paquet.
Extractions: Intro Stories and Articles blog ecosystem data Seb's Home ... email me Communities: Research Blogs K-Logs KMPings Meatball ... Edge People: with a weblog Jill Walker Jim McGee Peter Suber Lilia Efimova ... VeerChand Bothra without a weblog Andrew Odlyzko Steve Lawrence Simon B. Shum Stevan Harnad ... Tommaso Toffoli offline Brian Eno Jean Leloup Daniel Boucher Laurence J. Peter Plume Latraverse dead Thomas Kuhn Edsger Dijkstra Hermann Hesse Abraham Maslow ... Bertrand Russell Kurt Cobain Socrates Resources: Google Search Organizational Development (OD) and Intranets Quote: "What is this knowledge management focus really about? At the heart of the knowledge question lies a very different logic about how value is created in the new economy. In the industrial economy if people thought about knowledge at all they operated from the old equation: knowledge = power, so hoard it. Today companies are embracing a new equation for success: knowledge = power, so share and it multiplies. This new logic represents a radical rethinking of basic business and economic models."
Nonlinear Filtering And Target Tracking Two great mathematicians, American, Norbert Wiener and Russian, AndreyKolmogorov, first approached the problem during World War II.
Extractions: Nonlinear Filtering and Target Tracking Each time an outfielder tracks and catches a fly ball, he intuitively solves a problem of target tracking. That problem has stymied engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists for years. Two great mathematicians, American, Norbert Wiener and Russian, Andrey Kolmogorov, first approached the problem during World War II. Rather than catching fly balls, Kolmogorov and Wiener were trying, in the days before computers, to develop mathematical algorithms that would help to track enemy aircraft by radar and automatically guide an anti-aircraft gun to shoot it down. The research started by Kolmogorov and Wiener has developed into a thriving area of applied mathematics known as Filtering Theory. Filtering, estimation of a signal or an image from noisy data, is the basic component of the data assimilation in target tracking. Research in nonlinear filtering performed in CAMS placed USC among the world leaders in this important field. Recently, a group of CAMS scientists, S. Lototsky, R. Mikulevicius and B. Rozovskii, have found a complete solution of "The Last Wiener Problem", development of a Wiener type optimal nonlinear filter. This theoretical breakthrough led the CAMS group to invention of a new algorithm (S ) for tracking objects with possibly nonlinear dynamics. Optimal nonlinear tracking filters are much more efficient than the standard extended Kalman filter in many practically important situations (e.g. infrared search and track, radar warning receiver, noise jammed radar, etc.)
WWW Resources: Statistics Pearson Karl Fisher Ronald Aylmer Cochran William Gemmell Wilks Samuel Stanley KolmogorovAndrey Nikolaevich Smirnov Vladimir Ivanovich Gosset William Sealey
Extractions: Online Journals We want to express our thanks to the professor John C. Pezzullo. If you want to consult more information on statistics, please refer to his webpage: The department of Mathematics from the University of York proposes a exhaustive list of over 200 famous statisticians from the 17th century Bernoulli and the 18th century Reverend Bayes and Arbuthnot to the recent ones such as Fisher, Galton and Gosset. Pearson Karl Tukey John Wilder This page contains links to free software packages that you can download and install on your computer for stand-alone (offline, non-Internet) computing. They are listed below, under the following general headings: General Packages : support a wide variety of statistical analyses Subset Packages : deal with a specific area of analysis, or a limited set of tests
Sciscape ·s»D [Mar 07, 2001]: ºë½T´ú¶q¯¿¬y²É¤l¹B°Êªº·s¤èª The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
The End Of Materialist Science The essential idea is due, ecumenically, to the great Russian mathematician AndreyKolmogorov and to Gregory Chaitin, an American student at City College in
Extractions: December 2, 1996, Pg. 146 Simply the thing you are shall make you live. OLD SPANISH PROVERB FOR THE MOMENT, WE ARE ALL waiting for the gate of time to open. The heroic era of scientific exploration appears at an end, the large aching questions settled. An official ideology is everywhere in evidence and everywhere resisted. From the place where space and time are curved to the arena of the elementary particles, there is nothing but matter in one of its modes. Physicists are now pursuing the grand unified theory that will in one limpid gesture amalgamate the world's four far-flung forces. For all of its ambitiousness, it is hardly an inspiring view. And few have been inspired by it. "The more the universe seems comprehensible," Steven Weinberg has written sourly, "the more it seems pointless." Yet even as the system is said to be finished, with only the details to be put in place, a delicate system of subversion is at work, the very technology made possible by the sciences themselves undermining the foundations of the edifice, compromising its principles, altering its shape and the way it feels, conveying the immemorial message that the land is more fragrant than it seemed at sea. Entombed in one century certain questions sometimes arise at the threshold of another, their vitality strangely intact, rather like one of the Haitian undead, hair floating and silvered eyes flashing. Complexity, the Reverend William Paley observed in the eighteenth century, is a property of things, one as notable as their shape or mass. But complexity, he went on to observe, is also a property that requires an explanation.