EconPapers: Cyclic Games: An Introduction And Examples selten, reinhard, and Myrna Holtz Wooders (please search email here http// registered in the RePEc Author Service
Extractions: Authors registered in the RePEc Author Service: Myrna Wooders ) and Reinhard Selten Abstract: We introduce a model of a cyclic game. Designed to take advatange of the recurring nature of certain economic and social situations, a cyclic game differs from an extensive form game in that a cyclic game does not necessarily have an end. The same situations, although with different players may be repeated infintely often. This feature makes a cyclic game essentially finite, although it may have an infinite number of players and may be unending. We provide an example showing that, even though a cyclic game has, in a sense, perfect information, it may not have an equilibrium in pure strategies. We also provide an existence of equilibrium theorem and illustrate the application of our model to an oligopolistic industry. Keywords: Cyclic Games (search for similar items in EconPapers)
SELTEN, REINHARD Home Authors selten, reinhard. Information about selten, reinhard. Thisinformation was supplied by selten, reinhard in registering through HoPEc.
University Of Bonn, Germany -- Discussion Paper Serie B 105) 8. Duopoly strategies programmed by experienced players by selten,reinhard Mitzkewitz,Michael Uhlich,Gerald (RePEcbonbonsfb106) 9.- Simultaneous
Reinhard Selten Translate this page und Fotografen wollen den Mann sehen, den die Schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaftenplötzlich ins Rampenlicht gerückt hat Professor Dr. reinhard selten.
Extractions: Der Nobelpreis kommt nach Ittenbach Der Tageszeitung "Die Welt" sagte Selten dazu: "Mit den Pflanzen hat es noch eine andere Bewandtnis. Die Spieltheorie hat auch in der Biologie Anwendung gefunden. Ich arbeite seit Jahren mit einem Botaniker zusammen, beschäftige mich mit der Flora, aber auch mit der Fauna. Ich habe auch etwas zur biologischen Spieltheorie beigetragen. Sie beruht darauf, dass die Evolution also die natürliche Selektion, die Verhaltensweisen in der Interaktion von Tieren und Pflanzen zu einem Optimum bringt, bei Tieren beispielsweise die Art und Weise, wie sie um Territorien kämpfen."
Untitled Co., 1997$68.00519.54 N97168622 SanzSerna, JM Numerical Hamiltonian ProblemsC H., 19941680.19519.4 N91157561 selten, reinhard (ed.) Game equilibrium
Extractions: Alvin E. Roth Two of the most important developments in Economics in the latter half of the twentieth century are surely the extraordinary progress in game theory and in experimental economics. Reinhard Selten is one of the pioneers in both of these endeavors, and he has been a leader in each of them throughout his career. This makes him unique: no one else in the world has made such important or such sustained contributions to both fields. This is all the more noteworthy because game theory and experimental economics have been intertwined since their beginnings. Indeed, Professor Selten cites the 1953 experimental paper by Kalish, Milnor, Nash, and Nering as one of the inspirations for his own first paper, his 1959 paper with Sauermann on an oligopoly experiment. But while several other pioneers of game theory were at least briefly involved in early experiments, only Selten was instrumental in developing both kinds of research to the point where, first game theory and more recently experimental economics too, have become part of the mainstream of economic research. The historical connection between game theory and experimental economics is a natural one, because game theory brought to economics a kind of theory that lent itself to experimental investigation, and in some cases demanded it. The reason is that game theory seeks to provide precise models of both individual behavior and of economic environments. This concern with the "rules of the game," the institutions and mechanisms by which transactions are made, together with precise assumptions about the behavior of individuals given the information available to them, gave rise to theories that could be tested in the laboratory.
Addendum. John F. Nash, John C. Harsanyi, Reinhard Selten - CDDWeb Translate this page John F. Nash, John C. Harsanyi, reinhard selten, 1994. John F. Nash. Estadounidense,nació en 1928. reinhard selten. Alemán, nacido en 1930.
Bernd Irlenbusch in European Economic Review (joint with Klaus Abbink, Paul PezanisChristou, BettinaRockenbach, Abdolkarim Sadrieh, and reinhard selten) Abstract pdf.
Participants selten, reinhard Department of Economics, University of Bonn Laboratorium für experimentelleWirtschaftsforschung, Adenauerallee 2442, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Extractions: Affiliation: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany The prize was awarded jointly to: JOHN C. HARSANYI JOHN F. NASH and REINHARD SELTEN for their pioneering analysis of equilibria in the theory of non-cooperative games. Autobiography: I was born in Breslau on October 10 th , 1930. At that time, Breslau, now called Wroclaw, belonged to Germany and only German was spoken there. After the second world war Breslau became Polish and the original German population was almost completely replaced by a Polish one. I have never visited Wroclaw after the war. Heavy fighting destroyed most of the town in which I grew up and most of the familiar places of my youth look different now. It was not easy for me to live as a half-Jewish boy under the Hitler regime. When I was 14 I had to leave high school and the opportunity to learn a trade was denied to me. The only career open to me was that of an unskilled worker. Fortunately it turned out that this did not matter much since after about half a year my mother, my brothers, my sister, and I left Breslau on one of the last trains before all outbound railway traffic stopped.
UvT: selten, reinhard, Abdolkarim Sadrieh, and Klaus Abbink (1999) Money Does Not InduceRisk Neutral Behavior, but Binary Lotteries Do even Worse in Theory and
Extractions: CentER About CentER Graduate School People ... Intranet Abbink, Klaus, Bernd Irlenbusch, Paul Pezanis-Christou, Bettina Rockenbach, Abdolkarim Sadrieh, and Reinhard Selten: "An Experimental Test of Design Alternatives for the British 3G / UMTS Auction" European Economic Review , forthcoming. (pdf file) Abbink, Klaus, Ron Darziv, Zohar Gilula, Harel Goren, Bernd Irlenbusch, Arnon Keren, Bettina Rockenbach, Abdolkarim Sadrieh, Reinhard Selten, and Shmuel Zamir: "The Fisherman's Problem: Exploring the tension between cooperative and non-cooperative concepts in a simple game" Journal of Economic Psychology , forthcoming. (pdf file) Abbink, Klaus, Bernd Irlenbusch, Bettina Rockenbach, Abdolkarim Sadrieh, and Reinhard Selten (2002): "The behavioural approach to the strategic analysis of spectrum auctions: The case of the German DCS-1800 auction" ifo Studien Reinhard Selten, Klaus Abbink, Joachim Buchta, and Abdolkarim Sadrieh (2001): "How to Play 3x3-Games - A Strategy Method Experiment" Games and Economic Behavior , forthcoming.
Consejo General De Colegios De Economistas De España - Premios Translate this page selten, reinhard (1930- ), economista alemán, premio Nobel de Ciencias Económicasen 1994 (compartido con John C. Harsanyi y John F. Nash) por sus análisis
1994: John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash, And Reinhard Selten 1994 John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash, and reinhard selten. Nobel PrizeWinners 1994. John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash, reinhard selten.
SFB 303 - Discussion Papers B105. B-106 selten, reinhard, Michael Mitzkewitz, and Gerald R. Uhlich (1988) DuopolyStrategies Programmed by Experienced Players, SFB 303, Universität Bonn
Extractions: B-100 Christopeit, Norbert, and Kurt Helmes (1988): On Stochastic 'Bang-Bang' Control for Linear Diffusions with Point Process Observations, B-101 Ostmann, Axel (1988): Theorie und Anwendung einfacher Spiele, B-102 Stock, Detlev (1988): Empirical Tests of the Overreaction Hypothesis for the German Stock Market, B-103 B-104 Krelle, Wilhelm (1988): Latent Variables in Econometric Models, B-105 Uhlich, Gerald R. (1988): An Area Theory for Experimental Two-Person Characteristic Function Games, B-106 Selten, Reinhard, Michael Mitzkewitz, and Gerald R. Uhlich (1988): Duopoly Strategies Programmed by Experienced Players, B-107 Mitzkewitz, Michael (1988): Equilibrium Properties of Experimentally Based Duopoly Strategies, B-108 Kottmann, Thomas (1989): Simultaneous Equations Linear Models with Forecast Feedback, B-109 B-110 B-111 B-112 Krelle, Wilhelm (1988): Dynamische Markttheorie und Makrotheorie, B-113 B-114 Sandmann, Klaus (1989): The Pricing of Options with an Uncertain Interest Rate: A Discrete Approach, B-115 Werner, Hans Joachim (1988): More on Generalizations of the Reverse Order Law
SFB 303 - Discussion Papers B216. B-217 selten, reinhard (1992) Wirtschaftliche und kulturelleEvolution , SFB 303, Universität Bonn, Discussion Paper No. B-217.
Extractions: B-200 Valery Vasil'ev, Shlomo Weber und Hans Wiesmeth (1991): The Equivalence of Core and Lindahl Equilibria in an Economy with Semi-Public Goods, B-201 Klein, Martin, and Manfred J. M. Neumann (1991): Converting EMS to EMU: Why not at Par with Sterling?, B-202 B-203 B-204 Kuon, Bettina (1991): Typical Trading Behavior in the German Election Markets 1990 , B-205 Christopeit, Norbert, and Kurt Helmes (1991): On Minimax Estimation in Linear Regression Models with Ellipsoidal Constraints, B-206 Christopeit, Norbert, and Marek Musiela (1991): On the Existence of Arbitrage-free Measures in Contingent Claim Valuation , B-207 Kuon, Bettina (1992): A Measure of Typical Behavior , B-208 Reinhard Selten and Eyal Winter (1992): An Axiomatic Approach to Consumers' Welfare , B-209 Hofmann, N., E. Platen and M. Schweizer (1992): Option Pricing under Incompleteness and Stochastic Volatility, B-210 Jehiel, P., and B. Moldovanu (1991): Delay and other Effects of Externalities on Negotiation , B-211 B-212 Sandmann, K., and S. Rady (1995): The Direct Approach to Debt Option Pricing
PRICEFARMER.COM: Farm-Fresh Price Comparisons Of Books reinhard selten. 4 Titles Sorted by Title Alphabetically. 1. Bounded RationalityThe Adaptive Toolbox (Hardcover) by Gerd Gigerenzer; reinhard selten March 2001, Reinhard
Reinhard Selten 1930 reinhard selten 1930. Podpis do obrazu/grafiki.
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