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1. Maritime Archaeology In Northwest Russia The main problems for maritime archaeology in Russia are The imperfect includingintensive economical and cultural processes in the baltic region since viking http://www.abc.se/~m10354/mar/rus-arch.htm | |
2. Archaeology And Ancient Latvia German version, Die Zivilisation der Göttin), which covers the archaeology andartifacts for this in Europe or anywhere on earth - is the baltic region. http://www.lexiline.com/lexiline/lexi50.htm | |
3. About Baltic Sea Region Studies The baltic Sea region Studies is a universitylevel programme which offers History, Art History, Cultural History, archaeology, Ethnology, Folklore, Communication, Political Science, http://www.utu.fi/hum/tdk/english/baltic/about.html | |
4. The Problems Of Urbanism In The Baltic Region AFRICAN AND COMPARATIVE archaeology. . http://www.arkeologi.uu.se/afr/projects/BOOK/Balticregion.htm | |
5. Schiffahrtsmuseum Rostock the first time an institute which concerned itself with maritime archaeology, especiallythe examining of boats and ships in the German baltic coastal region. http://www.abc.se/~m10354/mar/shipmus.htm | |
6. Traditional Technique In The Baltic Region The Swedish Institute has given support for our project about traditional techniques in the baltic region. In short the project has been aiming at four subjects, namely education, pedagogy, documentation and creating network. more close experiences of history and archaeology. The reconstructed openair museums http://www.forntidateknik.z.se/IFT/ttbslut.htm | |
7. The Problems Of Urbanism In The Baltic Region AFRICAN AND COMPARATIVE archaeology. . The Problems of Urbanism in the baltic region http://www.arkeologi.uu.se/afr/projects/BOOK/nosovframe.htm | |
8. Sheffield Archaeology - Dendrochronology Research Department of archaeology University of Sheffield. The general source of much of thistimber is known to be the Eastern baltic region but treering research has http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/A-C/ap/dendro/denrsch.html | |
9. European Archaeology reviewed and annotated resources for European archaeology Albania baltic region - Britain - Eastern Europe - France - General Resources - Germany - Iberian Peninsula - Ireland From the University of Wales - http//archaeology.lamp.ac.uk/ http://www.archaeolink.com/europe.htm | |
10. About Nordic-Baltic NorFA Network Nordicbaltic NorFA network About the network research and post-graduate studies in the baltic region. Special notice is taken projects regarding e.g. geology, hydrology, archaeology, physical geography, and human geography. http://www.natgeo.su.se/kvartar/norfa98/aim.html | |
11. Environmental And Cultural History Of The Baltic Region PACT 47 Scientific Methods in Underwater archaeology (1995). PACT 57 Environmentaland Cultural History of the Eastern baltic region (1999). http://arhipel.hiiumaa.ee/norfa/lund.html |
12. NorFA and establish joint projects regarding eg geology, hydrology, archaeology, physicalgeography publishing of the PACT volumes with refence to the baltic region. http://arhipel.hiiumaa.ee/norfa/ |
13. Institute Of History Of Material Culture Of Russian Academy Of interaction of tribes and peoples in East Europe and baltic region, archaeology and history of Ancient Russia (Dept. http://www.archeo.ru/index_eng.htm |
14. KUNSTKAMERA Studies , presenting a wide range of scholarly reports concerning archaeology (fromthe dwellers in the folk culture of the German baltic region; 4. Joint http://www.kunstkamera.ru/english/science/euroethn/vikings.htm | |
15. Urve Miller Viking Age town Birka Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Nordicbaltic region. Quaternarygeology-palaeoecology-environmental history-archaeology.Application of http://www.natgeo.su.se/kvartar/urve1.htm | |
16. Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation and historical aspects of the baltic Sea region. The new baltic Sea Centre is going nature and the environment, integrated coastal zone management, marine archaeology and geology. http://www.bsssc.com/pages/newsletter/2001/body_newsletter1_2001.html | |
17. Visbymeet archaeology between natural sciences (geology, zoology, genetics, medecine, physics medievalEuropeanisation process of the baltic Rim region (11001400 AD http://viking.hgo.se/bsaan/visbymeet99.html | |
18. Abstracts Lithuania Giedre Motuzaite, Department of archaeology, Vilnius University The appearance offortified The largest number of hillforts from all the baltic region is in http://viking.hgo.se/bsaan/Abstracts/lithuania_01.html | |
19. Andrejs VASKS Inside Latvian archaeology. Gotarc series A (Göteborg), 1999, vol. Environmentaland Cultural History of the Eastern baltic region. Pact 57, 1999, pp. http://www.lza.lv/scientists/VasksA.htm | |
20. Evalds Mugurevics Centuries. In From the baltic to the Black Sea Studies in Medieval archaeology. EarlyMaps of the baltic region.- In Old Maps of the baltics, Riga 1996, pp http://www.lza.lv/scientists/mugurevics.htm | |
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