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61. Industrial Ecology Links through information dissemination, chemical research, and conferences Monsanto presentsindustrial ecology as the links to agencies, organizations, and cities http://www.indigodev.com/Links.html | |
62. Wetlands Research Centre Peatland ecology research Group http//www.fsaa.ulaval.ca/gretperg/. Back to thetop. Non-Governmental organizations Ducks Unlimited Canada http//www.ducks.ca; http://www.fes.uwaterloo.ca/research/wetlands/Links.html | |
63. EPA -- Product Stewardship -- Organizations for suppliers, distributors, retailers, consumers, and government organizations. EPApromotes the use of industrial ecology in research, education, policy http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/reduce/epr/about/org.html | |
64. Journals Category. Funding organizations; Community Conservation; Species Protection. research. GeneralZoology. Acta Zoologica sinica. Behavioral ecology and Sociobiology. http://www.africanwildliferesources.org/journals.htm | |
65. Groups & Organizations :: Summary Graduate Students. Groups organizations. Talking Bisons Toastmasters. Children'sPrograms. HLHP research Institute. Science. Delta Marsh. ecology Program. http://myuminfo.umanitoba.ca/index.asp?sec=645&eve=2 |
66. Organizations: By Microbes.info Resources organizations. the exchange of scientific information on microbial ecology. sponsoringpublications, promoting education and research, and promoting http://www.microbes.info/resources/Organizations/ | |
67. AgBiotechNet - Directory See the full list of organizations See the full list of organisations. Max PlanckInstitute of Chemical ecology, research Institute, Germany, More Details. http://www.agbiotechnet.com/Directory/typeindex.asp?org=5 |
68. International Society For Ecology And Culture - Links Foundation for Science, Technology and ecology Since 1982 It conducts research oneconomic, social and farmers' movement that coordinates organizations of small http://www.isec.org.uk/links.html | |
69. About - Conservation take a closer look this list of organizations. of the life sciences ecology, biology,genetics news, conservation information, and research concerning wildlife http://animals.about.com/cs/conservation/ | |
70. World Agricultural Forum - Agricultural Resources NonGovernmental and Multilateral organizations Alphabetical ACDI Population CouncilThe research Foundation for Science, Technology and ecology The Women's http://www.worldagforum.org/non_governmental.html | |
71. Links research Groups organizations Association of Ecosystem research Centers Centerfor Field research Cliff ecology research Group Community of Science http://www.eri.nau.edu/new/links.htm | |
72. Marine Ecology Links OEUVRE Workshop. Population ecology Reference List. REEFNET Reef research. MarineRelated organizations and Institutions. Search Engines for Marine Laboratories. http://www.ots.duke.edu/tropibiojnl/TROPIWEB/enlaces/marec.htm | |
73. Presentations KM Processes in NonProfit organizations conference sponsored The ecology of KnowledgeA Field of Theory and Practice, Key to research Technology http://www.co-i-l.com/coil/presentations/index.shtml | |
74. Biwako Prize For Ecology : Nomination Of Candidates For The 2002 Biwako Prize Fo organizations or research bodies under your jurisdiction regarding the invitationof candidates to apply to become recipients of the Biwako Prize for ecology. http://www.ilec.or.jp/prize/e-osirase.html | |
75. Center For Demography And Ecology Study with affiliated faculty in sociology, economics, and history at the Center for Demography and ecology. Includes workingpaper abstracts. ecology (CDE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. CDE is a multi-disciplinary faculty research demographic research whose membership http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cde | |
76. Industrial Ecology: Some Directions For Research - Pre Publication Draft Industrial ecology Some Directions for research. May 1997 directions for research in the emerging field of industrial ecology. http://cybercampus.rockefeller.edu/ie_agenda | |
77. Coweeta LTER Home Page Part of the NSF LTER network; has been the site of ecological research since the 1930s. research to Category Science Biology...... to Field Trip LongTerm Ecological research (LTER) in the Southern Appalachiansand Walking Tour of Institute of ecology, University of Georgia, August 2003. http://sparc.ecology.uga.edu/ |
78. BiologyBrowser an interdisciplinary group of academic staff...... Home Subject ecology organizations Results 1 10 of at least 94 Applied ecologyResearch Group http://www.biologybrowser.org/bb/Subject/Ecology/Organizations/index.shtml | |
79. Conservation Ecology: Research To Integrate Productivity Enhancement, Environmen Conservation ecology 5(2) 32. Fig. 4. Proposed characteristics of organizationsundertaking INRM research (based on Ashby 2001). JPEG Image (34 K). http://www.consecol.org/vol5/iss2/art32/ | |
80. Careers In Ecology - High School youth organizations incorporate ecology into their wildlife refuges, governmentresearch labs, museums aquariums, conservation organizations, field stations http://www.esa.org/pao/highschool.htm | |
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