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61. Grinnell College Libraries - Short Description; I.e. Template University of Iowa. This program allowed Grinnell College studentsto check out three books from the University of iowa libraries. http://www.lib.grinnell.edu/research/UIborrowing.html | |
62. Grinnell College Libraries - Other Library Catalogs Iowa State University Libraries. Libdex The Library Index. The Library of Congress.LibWeb. State of iowa libraries Online (SILO). Grinnell's Stewart Library. http://www.lib.grinnell.edu/catalog/othcat.html | |
63. Libraries Of Iowa iowa libraries on the Web. LIBRARY RESOURCES FROM YOUR HOME COMPUTER.Look at websites of many iowa libraries. Learn what http://www.maquoketapubliclibrary.com/iowa libraries.htm | |
64. Woodbury County Iowa Libraries Correctionville 532 Driftwood St. 51016 ( 712 ) 372 4203 Sioux City( main Aalf ) 529 Pierce St. ( 712 ) 255 - 2933 Morningside http://www.geocities.com/woodburycoiowa/library.html | |
65. UPL Other Libraries Other iowa libraries on the Web iowa libraries on the Web (http//server.silo.lib.ia.us/cgibin/admindb_cgi/web_lib.CGI)The State Library's Web Directory. http://www.urbandalelibrary.org/libs.htm | |
66. Traveling Culture: Circuit Chautauqua In The Twentieth Century (American Memory, These talent brochures are a part of the Records of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau,held by the University of iowa libraries. University of iowa libraries http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award98/iauhtml/tccchome.html | |
67. Traveling Culture: Restrictions The following statement is made by the University of iowa libraries, which is thesource of this online collection and the owner of the original materials http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award98/iauhtml/copyres.html | |
68. University Of Iowa Policy For Electronic Resources Management UNIVERSITY OF iowa libraries. 3/9/90, POLICY FOR ELECTRONIC RESOURCESMANAGEMENT, 5044L/232. I. Role of the Library The University http://academic.uofs.edu/organization/codes/iowau.html | |
69. American Libraries Hot Jobs Online American Libraries Hot Jobs Online. This ad posted Jan. 28, 2003. INTERLIBRARY LOANAND DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN, The University of iowa libraries, Iowa City, Iowa. http://www.ala.org/education/latejobs/universityofiowa.html |
70. New Postings C RLNewsNet, please click here. Posted February 6, 2003. CHINESE STUDIESLIBRARIAN. The University of iowa libraries, Iowa City, Iowa. http://www.ala.org/acrl/new00ads/mar00010p.html |
71. Glossary/ui_lib_catalog This database reflectsthe holdings of the University of iowa libraries and the Law Library.......University of iowa libraries Catalog. http://explorer.lib.uiowa.edu/glossary/ui_lib_catalog.htm | |
72. African Studies TITLE Third/Iowa Books, Journals, Maps and Microforms about 138 DevelopingCountries Acquired by the University of iowa libraries, 19801986, Vol. http://explorer.lib.uiowa.edu/ch1/subjectsearch/p_african.html | |
73. O'Keefe Library-Best Information On The Net - Librarian's Resources Service; iowa libraries SILO (State of iowa libraries Online); LibDexLinks to library catalogs searchable with web browser. Lib http://library.sau.edu/bestinfo/Librarians/library.htm | |
74. Library -- Geisler Library: Other Libraries And Library Catalogs -- Central Coll College; St. Ambrose; Simpson College / Indianola Public Library; Stateof iowa libraries Online (SILO); University of Dubuque; University http://www.central.edu/library/catalogs.htm | |
75. CedarNet - Portal To The Cedar Valley catalog or individual library catalogs; Area Education Agency 7;University of Northern Iowa Rod Library. Selected iowa libraries http://www.cedarnet.org/library/ | |
76. Iowa Business Index: Libraries: WorldWeb Travel Guide For Iowa, United States iowa libraries Whether you're looking for a particular service or product, theselistings will help you find it. Cedar Rapids Public Library Little Gallery . http://www.iowa.worldweb.com/BusinessIndex/Libraries/ | |
77. KinderStart - Arts And Entertainment : Libraries : State Listings : Iowa CDs, newspapers and magazines Free library cards for area residents Reciprocal privilegesto patrons of participating Open Access iowa libraries Icon Add/View http://www.kinderstart.com/artsandentertainment/libraries/statelistings/iowa.htm | |
78. Drake University Library Services: Students At A Distance several sources you can check On the web iowa libraries Directorywhich lists libraries in Iowa communities. Libraries on the Web http://www.lib.drake.edu/assist/distance.html | |
79. Interlibrary Loan SILO, the State of iowa libraries Online Interlibrary Loan system,is available to all iowa libraries with Internet access. The http://www.sls.lib.ia.us/ill.htm | |
80. __Ramaker Quick Tips Ramaker Quick Tips Finding Books in iowa libraries This guide serves as anintroduction to the use of SILO the State of iowa libraries Online. http://www.nwciowa.edu/dept/library/silo.htm | |
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