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41. IUPAP Reports C9. Commission On Magnetism (1957) of his achievements in magnetism, and in particular for the identification of modelmagnetic systems and the experimental elucidation of their properties using http://www.iupap.org/reports/c9report.html | |
42. Explorer: Zona Land Matter/Measurement/Atoms; Natural Science/Physical Science/properties of Matter Waves;Natural Science/Physical Science/Electricitymagnetism/General Electricity http://unite.ukans.edu/explorer/explorer-db/html/886295393-81EDF7A2.html | |
43. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRONIC CORRELATIONS IN LOCAL-MOMENT SYSTEMS: RARE-EARTH ELEMEN Universität, Berlin) The interplay of magnetism and electronic correlations dominatesthe physical properties of many rareearth elements and their compounds. http://www.wspc.com.sg/books/physics/3851.html | |
44. Magnetism And Superconductivity of our research is the link between superconductivity and the other main thrust ofthe group, magnetism. We are particularly interested in properties of oxide http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/academic/physics/pandaweb/research/mag_sup.htm | |
45. Magnetism And Magnetotherapy, India, Alternative Medicine, Traditional Healing S The story of magnetism goes back a long way to many centuries before The ancient Egyptianswere also apparently familiar with the properties of magnetic forces http://www.indianvisit.com/ivnew/thecountry/culture/magnetismand.htm | |
46. Interface Magnetism In particular the magnetic properties of transition metals are well described bydensity functional theory. For surface and multilayer magnetism abinitio http://www.dl.ac.uk/TCSC/projects/TMR/tmr1.html | |
47. Interface Magnetism It is also clear that deeper insight in magnetism can be obtained by market products,the understanding of their magnetic and electronic properties will no http://www.dl.ac.uk/TCSC/projects/TMR/main.html | |
48. Bau-biologie - Basic Properties Of Electromagnetic Radiation - Static Electric A field strength or intensity of such a field, also referred to as air electricity,is given as volt per meter (V/m). Static Magnetic Fields magnetism is a http://baubiologie.us/learn/sample/chunk5.html | |
49. Proceedings Of 10th Czech And Slovak Conference On Magnetism, CSMAG'98, Kosice, Development of magnetism in UTX systems. Authors L. Havela, V. Sechovský page797. \fbox{\epsfig{file=psfile.ps}} Magnetic and transport properties of UGa 2. http://www.fu.sav.sk/aps/acta98/no6/contents.html | |
50. Researchers Achieve One Teraflop Performance With Supercomputer Simulation Of Ma code to provide a better microscopic understanding of metallic magnetism, whichhas on the microstructural scale to better understand the properties of real http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/one-teraflop.html | |
51. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Magnetic Properties Dynamical properties of Unconventional Magnetic Systems Arne T. Skjeltorp, DavidSherrington Frontiers in magnetism of Reduced Dimension Systems Victor G. Bar http://www.wkap.nl/home/topics/N/6/2/ | |
52. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Magnetism and Related Materials Materials Science, Fundamental properties, and Some ItinerantElectron magnetism Fluctuation Effects Dieter Wagner, Wolfgang Brauneck http://www.wkap.nl/home/topics/G/4/9/ | |
53. Nature Publishing Group This result demonstrates the advantages of crystal engineering in the design of materialswith specific bulk properties, particularly molecular magnetism 11 . http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nmat/journal/v1/n2/full/nmat740 |
54. Electricity/Magnetism 4B1 CONTENT TOPIC Electricity/magnetism. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The learnerwill 1.01 recall the properties of conductors of electricity. http://www.utm.edu/departments/ed/cece/fourth/4B1.shtml | |
55. Magnetism The GMR discussed above already presents an important problem where microstructureand magnetism combine to affect transport properties. http://cmp.ameslab.gov/cmp/hpcc/node13.html | |
56. Session P26 - Magnetic Nanostructures And Heterostructures VIII: Nanoscale Magne VIII Nanoscale magnetism II. MIXED session, Wednesday afternoon, March 23211A, MCC. P26.001 EARTH NANOPARTICLES WITH NOVEL MAGNETIC properties. http://www.eps.org/aps/meet/MAR00/baps/abs/S5850.html | |
57. Session BC - Condensed Matter I: Magnetism. The origin of the transport properties of rare earth monopnictides can be rathercomplicated due to the competition between several BC.006 magnetism in CePtSn. http://www.eps.org/aps/meet/4CF00/baps/abs/S140.html | |
58. Untitled Document Magnetic properties of Iron and Steel. If top paper clip is removed thechain collapses magnetism induced in iron is temporary (SOFT). http://www.le.ac.uk/education/centres/sci/selfstudy/mam7.htm | |
59. Untitled Document During the 16 th century Sir William Gilbert discovered that the properties of thelodestone could be Permanent magnets do not readily lose their magnetism. http://www.le.ac.uk/education/centres/sci/selfstudy/mam1.htm | |
60. BC Education - Grade 2-3 Physical Science (Magnetism) Context Students can demonstrate their knowledge of magnetism by interpretingobservations and making presentations on the properties of magnets. http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/sciencek7/23phymag.htm | |
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