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1. Sami. Alkuperäiskansat Pobloedd Brodorol Originaj Popoloj Indigenous Peoples sami Laitalan alkuperäiskansojen sivu of communication for exchanging information and ideas about the indigenous peoples of the world. subscribe natchat sami Laitala. Messages to the list (accepted when your subscription http://www.sci.fi/~pob41/kansoja0.htm | |
2. ExploreNorth - Northern Indigenous Peoples: The Sami Virtual samiland Links to a broad range of resources, including many personalpages about the sami. To the Main indigenous peoples Index. http://www.explorenorth.com/native-sami.html | |
3. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar Collection of links to indigenousstudies resources is categorized by region, including the Pacific, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. archive of the political struggles waged by indigenous peoples seek to achieve the full expression of self-determination. sami Nation. An Introduction to the sami People http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
4. Indigenous Links. Non native resource, we sami and the Inuit participate at these Conflicting interestsof animal welfare and indigenous peoples, High North Alliance webpage. http://www.itv.se/boreale/aelmetjh.htm | |
5. About The Centre For Sámi Studies Various documents about S¡mi issues at the University of Troms¸ (Norway) S¡mi research and education. indigenous peoples' Research Network. Research documentation. S¡mi Library Resources (in Norwegian). Publications from the University Museum. Download area for research papers and computer tools for writing sami. http://www.uit.no/ssweb/sdg/idxsdgen.htm | |
6. Researching Indigenous Peoples Rights Under International Law indigenous, first nations, aboriginal, human rights research, researching, international law indigenous populations the Celtic peoples of the British Isles, Brittany in France and Galicia in Spain; the Basque peoples of France, Portugal and Spain; The sami http://intelligent-internet.info/law/ipr2.html | |
7. Sami History. recognize the sami as an indigenous people and representatives from the sami nationparticipates in the United Nations global indigenous peoples' projects and http://www.itv.se/boreale/lies.htm | |
8. Sami Potatoes Land Rights Indigenous Peoples Wild Animals Social Sciences Michae sami Potatoes Land rights indigenous peoples Wild animals Social SciencesMichael P Robinson. sami Potatoes Land rights indigenous http://www.bookssource.co.uk/Michael-P-Robinson-Sami-Potatoes-1896209211.html | |
9. Research Related To The Sámi And Other Indigenous Peoples with indigenous peoples and minorities. Finland has also emphasised assimilation with regard to the sami population http://www.uit.no/ssweb/dutkan/indexen.htm | |
10. NATIVE-L (December 1995): Re: Siberian Indigenous Peoples If you want to know more about this, ask those, who attended this year'smeeting of the UNWorking group on indigenous peoples. Our sami teacher was http://bioc02.uthscsa.edu/natnet/archive/nl/9512/0131.html | |
11. ExploreNorth - Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples of the North. Northern indigenous peoples General. The Inuit.The sami. indigenous peoples of Alaska. indigenous peoples of Northern Canada. http://www.explorenorth.com/native.html | |
12. Gender, Race And Ethnicity In Media - Indigenous Peoples Earth and the traditional cultural lifeways of indigenous peoples. Producer Wolf Mountain Radio" English language news of the sami, indigenous people regions of extreme northern http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/GenderMedia/native.html |
13. Sami Links EthnoPolitics (Harald Eidheim ). State Practice and the United Nations Draft Declarationon the Rights of indigenous peoples (Douglas Sanders ). sami Iron Age http://www.yle.fi/samiradio/enlink.htm | |
14. Sami Linkkat Agenda in the Mrrketid Norwegian Policy, sami Politics and the Tromsr Conference(Terje Brantenberg). The United Nations and indigenous peoples from 1969 to http://www.yle.fi/samiradio/samlink.htm | |
15. Historical Synopsis Of The Sami of indigenous peoples collectively. This is demonstrated through our ongoing andcontinuous work at the United Nations and other international fora. (sami http://www.thearctic.is/articles/topics/samisynopsis/kafli_0700.htm | |
16. Minorities And Indigenous Peoples The sami people living in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia are one of the fewindigenous peoples in Europe. An indigenous people is often also a minority. http://www.ykliitto.fi/ourcomhr/26minor.html | |
17. Minorities And Indigenous Peoples Exercise Minorities and indigenous peoples. Exercise Discuss in groups what the implicationsof preserving the indigenous sami people and their culture and traditional http://www.ykliitto.fi/ourcomhr/26minorex.html | |
18. Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat · Programs & Projects Related To Indigenous Kno Rural Development in indigenous communities/Development GAISA Rural Developmentin indigenous communities indigenous peoples' Network (sami region); http://www.arcticpeoples.org/knowledge/programs-projects.htm | |
19. Indigenous Peoples' Secretariat · Links Inuit Circumpolar Conference. Aleut International Association. The Russian Associationof indigenous peoples of the North. sami Council. AMAP. PAME. CAFF. EPPR. SDWG. http://www.arcticpeoples.org/links/links.htm | |
20. Partnership For Change: The Sami People, The Indigenous People Of Norway processes that are related to resource management in the sami areas. Norway has ratifiedILO Convention No. 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples in independent http://www.grida.no/prog/norway/ungass/sami/englis5.htm | |
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