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21. GUTS Study Skills Online Brochure The purpose of the GUTS study skills program is to teach you more effectivemethods of learning information, regardless of the subject. http://guts.studentorg.wisc.edu/brfrntpg.htm | |
22. Evaluating The Learning And Teaching Of History Study Skills There is evidence that there is currently a particular need to teach study skillsat university level which improve grammar, spelling and punctuation. http://hca.ltsn.ac.uk/resources/TDG/reports/foyster.php | |
23. Emanuel School: Study Skills The aims of the study skills programme are to teach pupils how to think, how tolearn and how to learn efficiently by understanding and using the phenomenal http://www.emanuel.org.uk/curriculum/studyskills/ | |
24. Zaner-Bloser Study Skills and beyond. teach all the skills your students need to study smarterand take charge of their own learning Managing time; Organizing http://www.zaner-bloser.com/html/SSgen.html | |
25. Teaching Study Skills - TeachersAndFamilies Four Basic Principles to Enhance study skills. 2. Make homework a high priority.3. Use homework to teach organization skills and improve learning skills. http://www.teachersandfamilies.com/open/parent/homework1.cfm | |
26. Media Programmes On Study Skills This new video resource helps to teach the fundamentals at helping students developbasic research skills and an make more efficient use of study and resources http://www.filmo.com/studyway.htm | |
27. Study Skills For Psychology Students might be useful in writing an interactive CD ROM (and includes access to the code);and it also has some material which could be used to teach the Skinnerian http://www.psychology.ltsn.ac.uk/rev_behaviouranalysis.htm |
28. Teach In China Job board for posting job openings in China for ESL/EFL teachers. Also a database of schools in China.Category Arts Education Employment Asia China...... 08/10/2002, Looking for Professional teachers to teach in Shenyang China, ESL/EFL 08/02/2002,Lecturer in English as a Foreign Language and study skills (in China http://teach-in-china.com/ | |
29. NAESP - Hm Study Skills Program Guide contains suggestions to reinforce study/learning skills at home. It is a resourcefor schools to involve parents in a partnership to teach their children http://www.naesp.org/hmcmpn.htm | |
30. Study Skills Workshops Planned For High School, SRU Students As Part Of Black Hi dealing with personal growth and development and improving their study skills aspart Heastie will teach the use of mnemonics and other memory aids to enhance http://www.sru.edu/pages/4183.asp | |
31. Homework Helper: Study Skills other people in the group aren't there to teach you facts Homework Center Home Topics study skills Speaking Listening skills Writing skills Search http://www.infoplease.com/homework/studyskills4.html | |
32. Types Of ESL Programs These programs teach general academic and study skills, as well as vocabulary,grammar, reading and writing, and listening and speaking. http://www.princetonreview.com/college/research/articles/international/eslprogra | |
33. UCCP Study Skills Links Other Sites Found University of Toronto The Basics study skills Virginia TechU How to let the University of Illinois refresh your memory and teach you a http://www.uccp.org/students/study_skills.htm | |
34. Education World ® - Curriculum: Teaching Special Kids: On-Line Resources For Te and include lessons in reading, math, geography, current events, and study skills. UsingNewspapers is a functional activity designed to teach social studies http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr139.shtml | |
35. Education World® : Lesson Planning Center : Archives : Interdisciplinary More than that, this annual race can teach students a thing or two about fairnessin competition and Planes and Trains and Automobiles and study skills! http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/archives/inter.shtml | |
36. Songs That Teach Resources Mrs. M's study skills Page. Science, General Procedures, CRAFTS JUST FOR FUN PRACTICERESEARCH TEST TAKING skills. Health, Songs That teach. All rights reserved. http://www.songs-that-teach.com/testtakingskills/ | |
37. The English And Study Skills Course presentations students also develop the discussion skills necessary for their writtenwork and to teach them some be connected with their academic study but on http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/services/elt/pages/presesh.shtml | |
38. Study Skills - Resources study skills are listed both by the process of studying and by topic. How to study Education How can I teach, when I can't even learn? ; English - What http://www.howtostudy.org/resources.htm | |
39. Stanford Law School- The case study teaching method is adapted from the case method The method uses a narrativeof actual events to teach and hone the skills students need to http://lawschool.stanford.edu/casestudies/about.shtml | |
40. Athabasca University | Study Skills Development Math and Math Anxiety Reduction has books that teach and refresh math skills ordeal with exam anxiety; the Tobias book does both. study skills books cover http://www.athabascau.ca/html/services/advise/ssbib.htm | |
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