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81. Materials Chemistry - Superconductors superconductors are also perfectly diamagnetic (ie they repel a magnetic field);this property was discovered in 1933 and named the Meissner effect. http://imr.chem.binghamton.edu/labs/super/superc.html | |
82. English Books > Technical > Superconductors & Superconductivity Books Technical superconductors Superconductivity Index of 58 Titles.AC Losses And Flux Pinning In High Temperature superconductors http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbtd900.shtml | |
83. Organic Superconductors Organic superconductors. The following compounds are all from thelaboratory of Prof. LK Montgomery. His laboratory has an active http://www.iumsc.indiana.edu/dataindices/organic_superconductors.html | |
84. APS News Online - Woodstock West: Celebrating The New MgB2 Superconductors email apsnews. email webmaster. Woodstock West Celebrating the New MgB2 superconductors.Jun Akimitsu makes a point as session cochair John Clarke looks on. http://www.aps.org/apsnews/0501/050101.html | |
85. Magneto-Optical Imaging Of Superconductors physical principles and applications of magnetooptical imaging for characterizationof superconductors. Basic Properties of superconductors. Meissner effect. http://www.fys.uio.no/super/mo/ | |
86. JC Davis Group, University Of California At Berkeley Conventional superconductors. These materials are called superconductors and theycan conduct electricity without any loss of energy into unwanted heating. http://www.ccmr.cornell.edu/~jcdavis/stm/background/SCbackground.htm |
87. QuickField Support Site: Features: Applications: Superconductors QuickField logo Applications. http://www.quickfield.com/app_super.htm | |
88. High Temperature Superconductors High Temperature superconductors. Our department has an experimentalresearch effort in the area of lowtemperature physics, with http://phys.kent.edu/pages/cep.htm | |
89. Flux Lines In Type II Superconductors next up previous contents Next Relation to surface growth Up Directed polymersPrevious Directed polymers. Flux lines in type II superconductors. http://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/lnotes/balents/node18.html | |
90. Superconductors The magnetic properties exhibited by superconductors are just as dramatic. Allelemental and alloy superconductors are swave BCS superconductors 4. http://www.phys.warwick.ac.uk/supermag/Research/Superconductors/body_superconduc | |
91. LOM Superconductors Structural and physical properties relations of high temperaturesuperconductors with a focus on mercury cuprates. Grant Agency http://www.fzu.cz/departments/mgsupcond/lom/supra.html | |
92. Structure And Arrangement Of Vortices In Superconductors Structure and Arrangement of Vortices in superconductors. 37 April2002, Prague. Scope. This workshop will focus on the structure http://www.fzu.cz/activities/workshops/vortex/ | |
93. NRL - High Temperature Superconducting Space Experiment positioning image, / NRL / Accomplishments / Materials / Hi Temp superconductors.High Temperature Superconducting Space Experiment. http://www.nrl.navy.mil/content.php?P=HTSUPERCOND |
94. The High Temperature Superconductors The High Temperature superconductors. Within the next six years a number ofadditional families of high temperature superconductors were discovered. http://cnls.lanl.gov/Highlights/1997-06/html/node4.html | |
95. Conventional Superconductors: From Discovery To Understanding Understanding High Temperature Previous Introduction. Conventionalsuperconductors From Discovery to Understanding. In his 1913 Nobel http://cnls.lanl.gov/Highlights/1997-06/html/node2.html | |
96. EBooks.com - Superconductors & Superconductivity Home Technology superconductors Superconductivity. You haveselected the Subject of superconductors Superconductivity. The http://www.ebooks.com/subjects/subjects.asp?SID=1218 |
97. Begell House, Inc. - The Physics Of Composite Superconductors The Physics of Composite superconductors AV Gurevich 1 RG Mints 2AL Rakhmanov 1 1 Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 2 http://www.begellhouse.com/properties/composite_super.html |
98. Superconductors superconductors Will They Reshape the Electric Grid? by Alan S. Brown.Fifteen years after their discovery, high-temperature superconductors http://www.nfpa.org/nec/NECDigest/ArticleArchives/AugSept2002/Superconductors/Su | |
99. Superconductors That Work At Room Temperature superconductors that work at room temperature. Tiny water. The tubeswould be the first superconductors to work at room temperature. http://www.globaltechnoscan.com/5thDec-11thDec01/superconductors.htm | |
100. SRI: PSD's Superconductors superconductors Ongoing research in superconductors at SRI has resulted in the design,construction, and testing of novel fluidizedbed CVD systems for high http://www.sri.com/psd/research/superconductors.html | |
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